36⚜️Scott McCall (Requested)

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Requested by @Maary_Morrin

 (Part Two to Imagine Number 35)

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(Part Two to Imagine Number 35)

It has been a while now since Scott had told Mary about the supernatural and he had to admit it felt great. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and that their relationship had never been better. Scott was happy to now finally not have to hide or lie about this part of his life anymore. Mary was also happy because she felt like Scott telling her this was a huge milestone in their relationship. She knew he wouldn't just tell someone this unless he really did love them so she was over the moon with joy. You could say the couple is definitely on a high swing but according to gravity everything that goes up must come down.

Theo Raeken had come to town with one sole purpose to take Scott McCall's Pack but once he got there he decided he wanted one more thing, he wanted to take his girl as well. So a plan was set in action once he finally got Scott to trust him all Theo had to do was hope he takes the bait.

Theo had set up his plan by sending a lot of time with Mary, who he actually was generally interested in, the whole taking her from Scott thing was just a bonus. Just like Scott, Theo had convinced Mary that he was a good guy, someone that could be trusted so the two of them have been hanging out. Mary had been tutoring him in math and sometimes the two would just hang out. Theo knew that Scott McCall was not the jealous type so him hanging out with his girlfriend was not something that would create a rift between him and Scott or Mary and Scott.  So to make things go badly between the couple he knew he needed something more elaborate to make it happen.

Theo was smart and knew just the right buttons to push to make someone snap so instead of just making it seem like Mary was cheating on him, he made it look like Mary was planning on leaving him.

It was a big day for Scott as it was the first lacrosse game of his senior year so as he jogged towards the sidelines, he looked up to the crowd with a proud smile. Immediately, Scott's brown eyes search for Mary's and instead of his eyes are locking with Mary's eyes like he wanted he saw her focused on Theo. Normally Scott didn't use his hearing to listen in on other's conversation but he did this one time.

"So how is it you know being human and dating someone supernatural? You know due to everything that comes with being with them. Do you ever wish you weren't, you know, with someone supernatural?" asks Theo curiously making Mary sigh and pause to think about her answer that pause causing Scott's stomach to drop

Now that Mary did know about the supernatural Scott had this thought in the back of his head that she might leave him because of it.

"Being with someone supernatural is quite challenging, and I wouldn't...prefer to be with someone supernatural but I love Scott. I wouldn't imagine being without him." answers Mary honestly

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