39⚜️Isaac Lahey (Requested)

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Requested by @Maary_Morrin

It was the full moon, not a good night for the city of Beacon Hills

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It was the full moon, not a good night for the city of Beacon Hills. It was the night that newly turned Betas ran rapidly around the town as do some not so new Betas as well, rarely an Alpha will join. The full moon was the hardest night out of the month for every werewolf. Control was the hardest on the full moon for every werewolf except for the Super Moon of course. The full moon is one of the reasons why every werewolf needs something called an anchor. Something to keep them from losing their humanity, but finding an anchor can be hard and sometimes you find it only seconds before you lose control.

Mary Hale sits across from Isaac Lahey in the office room of her older brother's loft. Mary was left, by her brother, in charge of Isaac for the whole night since tonight is the full moon and it's only Isaac's second full moon as a werewolf. The office wasn't the ideal place to be keeping a could turn insane Beta, but out of all the rooms in the loft, it was the best due to it having no windows.

Mary was trying to keep Isaac's focus off the full moon in an attempt to hopefully at least stall a bit before Isaac got all predatory on her so the two werewolves are currently playing a game of 20 questions.

Mary and Isaac were not friends before Isaac was turned. Mary and Isaac had been partners in science one year back in seventh grade where they got along quite well but having to deal with supernatural kept the brunette quite busy so the two never really hung out besides-slash-after that. Mary was a typical Hale so in typical Hale fashion she only trusted and befriended a small group of people. Now though that Isaac has joined the Pack where Isaac and Mary got to talking more and more, Isaac was starting to become apart of that small group. The second Derek had reintroduced the now definitely more attractive than middle school Isaac to Mary, she definitely felt like kicking herself for not hanging out with him more all those years ago. Nevertheless, they had quickly become friends due to now having a lot more time to spend together now that they are both supernatural creatures. So of course, they had only really started to get to know each other for a short period of time so there was still a lot to find out about each other which is why 20 questions is the perfect game to play.

"Okay, well, let's start with an easy one. What's your favorite color?" Mary asks a chained up Isaac to start off the game

Even though Isaac hadn't started to show any signs of being affected by the full moon yet, it was always better to be cautious as the night was still young.

"Easy, Blue. My turn...what's your favorite food?" responds Isaac who even though he was quite stressed about the full moon as he looked at Mary, he had a quite big smile placed on his face

When Isaac got turned by Derek Hale, he had totally spaced on the fact that Mary is his little sister but after the reintroduction, Isaac was even more excited about being a werewolf. Mary has been the girl that Isaac has held a crush on for years ever since the day the two of them were partners in science class back in middle school. The blue-eyed boy and the brown-eyed girl were still friendly in the hallways together during after that class where Isaac got more attention he had ever gotten from a girl. Though Isaac was always too scared to ask out or even ask Mary to hang out just as friends now though that he has been hanging out with Mary lately, he couldn't be any happier. Isaac felt like he finally had a chance to maybe finally be bold and ask Mary out.....but then he knew Derek would kill him.

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