Chapter 49

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Song-Hold on, were going home-Pia Mia Cover

Cameron's POV

Eventually, everyone went home, after saying they would see me in the morning. They're all drunk and I'm leaving at 9am, I really don't think I'll see them.

So just in case, everyone slurred their goodbyes to me. It wasn't even a real or proper goodbye but it's what I got.

I trudged home, gradually becoming more sober. When I walked in my front door, there were boxes and suitcases everywhere and the house was silent because my parents were probably asleep.

Stepping over the boxes, I walked upstairs and got ready for bed, dreading tomorrow morning.


This is it. My last day of the summer.

I got out of bed and got dressed, doing everything slowly so I waste time.

I carried all my suitcases downstairs and dropped them next to everything else. It was 8:30am so we were leaving in half an hour.

I can't believe the summer went so quickly, it seems like only yesterday we were waking up Isabelle, Cierra and Hazel for the first day.

I said a very brief hello to my parents, not wanting to speak to them.

I know it's childish, but you could say that I'm giving them some sort of the silence treatment. I was upset! It's not like I was going to give them a hug and a kiss for ruining my summer. I'm a teenager, it's okay for me to be mad at my parents. But I guess I'm going to have to speak to them again someday, but not now.

'Cameron, can you but some stuff into the car?' my mom said plainly, nodding at pile of bags and boxes in the living room.

I didn't reply, but grabbed two boxes stacked on top of each other and strolled outside into the warm sunshine.

I walked down my porch steps and to my parents car, putting the heavy boxes into the trunk of the car.

After the closed the trunk, a female voice called my name.

'Cam!' Hazel yelled running towards me and wrapping her arms around me.

'Hazel, what are you doing here?!' I asked, surprised but smiling.

'I wanted to say goodbye' she smiled, staring into my eyes.

'Thank you' I whispered into her hair, holding her close to my body, breathing in her perfume.

'Cameron, can you come-..oh' my mom said, standing in the front doorway, looking at us awkwardly.

'Hi Hazel' my mom said, clearly embarrassed. Hazel smiled.

'I'll..ill just leave you two' my mom said going back inside.

'Oh god' I said, face-palming.

Hazel laughed but then frowned.

'I'm going to miss you' she said sadly.

'I'm going to miss you more' I said, feeling emotional.

'Do you really have to go?' Hazel asked, her eyes filling up with glossy tears.

I nodded, unable to speak. I was afraid I was going to cry. I can't believe this is the end.

'Cameron, we're going!' My mom yelled from the house.

Hazel wiped a tear from her eye.

'I love you Cam' she whispered.

'I love you too, Hazel' I softly said back.

My parents came out with the rest of our stuff and put them in the car. My mom ushered me into the back seat.

Hazel stood there, occasionally wiping a tear with her sleeve.

I shut the car door, staring at her through the car window.

'Ill miss you' she mouthed.

'I'll miss you too' I mouthed back.

I locked eyes with her until the car began to start, making Hazel tear up even more.

The car began to move and Hazel became farther and farther away as we moved. The last thing I saw was her sitting down on the pavement with her head in her hands.

I leaned back into my seat. It's done. Summer. It's over.

I can't believe it went so quickly and now I'm here, driving away from my second home.

The beach running away into the distance and the sound of the waves getting faint.

I wiped away a sad tear and thought of the summer that I had. It was really eventful, I guess is a way to describe it.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair and looked out the window, palm trees and cars going past my window.

God, I'm going to miss Hazel. I'm going to miss everyone. I hate having to do this every year. Y'know, leave California. But every other year, everyone goes at the same time. This year I'm leaving on my own. I have no one to relate to. Im leaving and there's nothing I can do about it, I guess.

Hazels POV

I watched his car drive away into the distance, and once it was out of sight, I let the sobbing begin.

I wanted to be strong for Cam. I couldn't cry in front of him, but now that he's gone, I couldn't control the tears anymore.

My sleeve was being used to wipe away my tears as I thought of Cam. I can't believe he's gone. And all because we made a stupid mistake and got arrested.

I couldn't do this to myself. Make myself upset. I can't spend my last days crying over something I can't control. He's already gone and I can't do anything about it.

I'm going to miss him so much. Not just in California, but when everyone goes back to school. What am I supposed to do without him? Is it even going to work out?

I can't say those things. Of course it's going to work out. Its me and Cam. We can do anything if we really try. We'll call and FaceTime and text and meet up with each other as much as we possibly can. I'm not letting us break up because were too lazy to make a commitment.

I couldn't stay here anymore. Sitting on the pavement in front of Cameron's house, occasionally tearing up and thinking of him. I have to take my mind off him.

It was 9:30am by the time I got back to mine.

Weirdly enough, Aaron was awake. What the hell, it's before noon, why is he up?

Once he saw my tear-stained face, he jumped up and ran over to me.

'Are you okay?' he asked, hugging me.

I couldn't say anything. I guess I couldn't stop thinking of Cameron. It's too hard.

'Cam..' I sobbed, letting tears fall down my cheek, nuzzling into Aaron's shoulder.

'I know...' Aaron said, cradling me. God, he was such a good brother. He took care of me.

'C'mon' Aaron said, his arm around my shoulder, escorting me out of the house.

'What? Where are we going?' I asked, trying to stop myself from crying again.

'We're getting fro-yo' Aaron smiled.

Oh my god, yaaaaasssssssss.

'Thank you Aaron' I replied, hugging him.


Sorry guys this chapter is so short and that I haven't updated in ages. I've been busy with school and dance so I hardly got time to write. Anyway, there's only around two chapters left and then...

I'm going to write a sequel!

I'll say when I put up the sequel. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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