Chapter 7

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Nash's POV

'Bye Izzie' I said, kissing her cheek. She waved goodbye and left through my front door. Her golden brown hair was being blown by the sea breeze and I swear I fell in love with her all over again. That whole year without her, not even a text was heart breaking. I'm never letting her go again, not so long as I love her.

I walked back inside and strolled down to the basement. Hayes was there playing Xbox. Down in the basement we have a flat screen TV, an L shaped sofa, a foosball table, our surfboards, and other random stuff like old bikes and tools and lawnmowers.

'YAAAAAASSSSSSS!' screamed Hayes, pressing the controls on the controller more aggressively than he should.

'Gimme the other controller. Imma kick your ass' I said smirking.

Isabelle's POV

I walked home and I couldn't stop smiling. I'm back with Nash. I really do love him. But I can't get what Carter said out of my mind. Why would he even bring that up again. It's none of his business.

I have a feeling that Carter is just stirring shit to make drama. Last year, he told Hannah that Hazel called her a bitch and a slut, which she didn't at all. He tells people that someone said something's about them, which they didnt, and then he stands back and watches them bitch fight.

Well, I know that Nash made out with Aria, because he wouldn't make up something that bad.

Hazels POV

Sarah is gone back to Michigan for a week and a half for some family thing and Matt's family got a surprise trip to Hawaii....lucky bitch.

Cameron had gone home about an hour ago. I'm just doing my makeup because Ava said that Kian had finally arrived. He came around two days late. Too bad I'm not single anymore. Oh well, Cameron's all I need. I grabbed my phone, money and keys and walked down to the beach. I was wearing a lilac and turquoise bikini with a loose white top and lilac with white lace shorts. I had my white, turquoise and blue vans in my hand and struggling to hold my beach bag and my surfboard aswell.

I walked down to the beach to see Ava and Kian sitting on the same beach towel, Zoe and Johnson cuddling on their own towel and Taylor sitting behind Ava. Cierra was next to Zoe and Jack.

I walked over to them quickly. Taylor rushed over to me to help me with my stuff.

'Thanks' I breathed out. He nodded at me, half smiling.

I positioned myself next to Taylor and asked 'Where is Nizzie?'.

'Nizzie?' Cierra asked.

'Nash and Izzie' I said matter-of-factly. They all nodded going 'Ohhhhhh'

'They're babysitting Skylnn' Ava said.

'Hey Kian' I said, smiling at him.

'Hey Blondie' Kian said, coming over to me and ruffling my hair. Kian was taller than me, so because I was sitting down, he was literally towering above me. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged me back, lifting me up slightly.

We sat back down, but instead of going back to Ava, he sat next to me. Taylor moved next to Ava and they started flirtashiousing (I know it's flirting but I made up a word, judge me). Theyre really cute together. I'm not even sure if they are going out, but anyway.

We talked for ages until Kian said 'I wanna go swimming'

We all did too, so we stripped off and ran in the freezing cold water. Kian dunked me about 5 times and I got him back.....once.

Ava and Taylor were being all cute in the sea and Zoe was on Jacks back and he was trying to dunk her. Cierra and I were splashing eachother, screaming and yelling stuff like 'STAAAAHHHPPP!' and 'NASTY ASS DRAGON, DONT TOUCH MEH!'. I was pretty cold, so Cierra and I went back to our towels. I got a text from Izzie. It read.

'I need my Hazel! Please come to Starbucks with me. Ask Zoe aswell'.

I called out to Zoe saying were going to Starbucks. Everyone else stayed in the water except Cierra, she went home.

I texted back Izzie and me and Zoe went back to mine to get ready. We were ready in 10 minutes and we met up with Izzie in Starbucks, which was only 5 minutes away.

'Hey Isabelle' Zoe and I said in unison.

She waved at us and ushered us to join her. She hadn't gotten a drink yet, she waited for us.

We went up to the counter and took in the smell of coffee. I got a candy floss frappé and Izzie got a caramel frappé and Zoe got a cool lime refresher. We sat outside because it was really warm and sunny today.

'I'm too fab for you' I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air, attempting to be fabulous. The girls all laughed. I actually forgot what we were talking about, but whatever it was, it was hilarious.

'You crossed the line' Zoe said.

'What line?!' I said, Inbetween loud laughs.

'I dunno' she said, shrugging and shaking her head.

We drank our drinks and while the girls were talking about this new movie coming out, I was texting Kian. (k=Kian h=Hazel)

K- Hey blondie, where did you go?
H- Me, Izzie and Zoe went to get Starbucks. Why, did u miss me? ;)
K- Definatley. I'm having withdrawal symtoms! lol
H-How was swimming anyway? Are u guys still at the beach?
K-Nah, I'm in Ava's now, watching OITNB.
H-Omg, I love that show.
K-You should come over later and watch it with me :)
H-Ya, sure. Ill text u latr.

(End of conversation)

'Hazel, c'mon, we're going' said Isabelle.

We left the Starbucks and walked over to the pier. At the pier there was Aria and Jack Gillinsky making out. Wow, what a surprise....not.

Isabelle looked slightly uncomfortable.

Isabelle's POV
God, it's that annoying bitch Aria again. Why would Jack even take her back. She gets with every guy. I'm not going to let her get Nash again though. He's too good for her.

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