Chapter 46

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Song-Never have I ever-Megan Nicole

Cameron's POV

'So, where are we going?' Hazel said, her hand clasping mine.

'I'm not telling you' I said in a sing-song voice, winking at her.

She sighed. 'Rude' she said, trying to be serious, but laughed.

Just then, we approached Santa Monica pier, one of my favourite places.

'Seriously Cam?!' Hazel said, jumping up and down like a little kid. 'I love this place!' she squealed.

I chuckled and we began to walk around the pier.

'What do you want to do first?' I asked me, smiling.

She thought about it for awhile.

'Do you want to play some games?' She asked me. He nodded so we found the first game to play.

It was one of those games where you had to shoot three targets then you get a prize. Hazel had spotted a baby blue gigantic bear and was determined to get it.

'Can I go first?' she asked, batting her eyelashes, covering her big eyes.

'Yeah, of course. Here' I said, handing her the gun and the money.

She took the gun but not the dollar bill I had in my hand.

'No thanks, it's fine. I have my own' she said, fumbling around in her pocket.

I didn't even try to persuade her because I knew she wouldn't take it, so I handed it to the man running the stall.

'Its already paid for, Hazel' I stated, causing Hazel to stop searching her pocket. She looked up at me and smiled, pecking me cheek.

'Thank you Cam' she quietly said.

Pointing the plastic gun at the targets, Hazel began to shoot, her tongue poking out of her mouth in determination.

'C'mon...' she mutter quietly, shooting.

She sighed and dropped the gun on the table. She had only gotten one of the targets.

I handed the man more money. 'Try again, you can do it' I encouraged her.

She smirked up at me. 'I'll just think of that blue bear'.

Three tries later, she still hadn't won. Handing the man another green dollar bill, I then wrapped my arms around Hazels, guiding the gun for her, my chin resting on her shoulder.

'Shoot' I whispered, aiming the gun for her. She hit the target.

'YAAASSSSSSSS!!' she screamed, grinning up at me.

We shot all three of the targets and the man handed Hazel the huge baby blue bear.

'Thank you so so much Cameron' she said, hugging the bear tightly, squinting her eyes.

'No problem Hazel' I said. She looked so adorable with her bear.

She stepped close to me and looked me in the eyes. She leaned in the kiss me. I puckered up, shutting my eyes then got a fluffy surprise. I opened my eyes to see the bear's lips touching mine, it's beady eyes staring at me.

Hazel was laughing hysterically. 'Oh crap!' she screamed, running away from me, the bear still in her arms.

I ran after her, laughing. I caught up with her and wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around.

'Cam, stop, I'm getting dizzy!' she squealed. I gently rested her down, her vans touching the floor.

She grabbed my hand and started running around the pier. We played loads more games and got matching henna tattoos. We both got a palm tree on our wrists.

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