Chapter 38

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Song-Walking on cars-Catch me if you can

Hannah's POV

Why did I have to be different. why couldn't I be normal, like everyone else. I'm different, confused, strange. Why me?

I can't help feeling like this. I was honest and this is what I get. I tried to tell people how I feel and that backfired, leaving me here, feeling like shit.

My nose had stopped bleeding, but every part of my body hurt. I inspected my cuts and bruises, then rose up, quickly followed by Lucy.

I beckoned for Lucy to leave with me and she did, leaving those bitches Abi and Aria in the House.

I never want to go back there. I'm already having involuntary memories of it.

I didn't feel quietly about pouncing on Gillinsky one bit though. He deserved it. How could he be such a prick. I thought he was my friend.

Lucy and I walked back to hers and when we arrived, we raced up to her bathroom, which was in her bedroom.

She cleaned up my face properly and gave me some fresh clothes. She left the bathroom for me to change.

I changed into Lucy's clothes and returned to her bedroom. She smiled at me and we sat on the sofa in her bedroom.

I hope she doesn't think it's weird for me being gay, or feel uncomfortable around me.

'It's okay. I don't care' Lucy said, reading my mind.

I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back into the sofa.

'Want to watch a movie?' Lucy asked.

'Yeah sure. What movie?' I questioned.

'I dunno. Let's check Netflix' Lucy said, opening her laptop.

We scrolled through all the movies until we found one. By the time it was midnight, we had already watched three movies.

Isabelle's POV

'What? Nash, no, I want to be with you' I cried. Nash looked down, shaking his head.

'I-I can't hurt you Isabelle..' he mumbled. I tilted his head up, forcing him to look at me.

'You're not going to hurt me, Nash..' I said softly. He jerked his head away, tears rolling out of his bright blue eyes.

'That's what I said last time. I can't lie to you again. I can't hurt you again!' he sobbed, messing up his hair.

'Nash, you've made mistakes. We all have. I'm not leaving you. I'm here with you, for you' I said.

I tried to take his hands, but he moved away from me.

'I love you Nash. Leaving you would be torture' I sobbed.

'I-I love you too. But I'm going to hurt you. I'll break you into a million pieces and I can't do that to you' Nash said, choking on his words.

'I'm not going to stop being with you because you're afraid of messing up' I explained.

'You're not perfect, and I'm not perfect. You have flaws. So does everyone. If you make a mistake, I'll forgive you in an instant. Don't ever doubt me on that' I said, the tears rolling down my face and dropping on the floor.

Suddenly, Nash crashed his lips onto mine. He then pulled away.

'I can't do this' Nash said, running away from me and everyone else. Running away from his problems.

I rushed after him. This wasn't going to end like this.

'Nash!' I yelled, running after him.

Hazel's POV

Jack J, Aaron, Cierra and I sat on Aaron's bed in his bedroom.

'Your turn' I said to Jack. He looked at down, trying to think of a question to ask.

'Um, Cierra. Would you rather go out with Nash or Taylor?' he asked her.

'What?! They all have girlfriends!' Cierra said. Jack laughed, amused.

'Doesn't matter' Jack said, laughing.

Cierra sighed. 'Probably Nash, because I've known him longer' she said.

'Shitty answer, but continue' Jack said.

'Uh okay. Aaron? Zoe or Lucy?' Cierra asked Aaron. Aaron blushed and replied quietly with 'Zoe'.

Jacks fist clenched together, but he managed to keep his cool.

'Okay, my go!' Aaron said, changing the subject.

'Hazel. Taylor or Carter?' Aaron asked me.

'Ohhh, that's a hard one!' I said, trying to think.

After 2 minutes Cierra said 'C'mon before we actually don't care anymore'.

I stayed silent, unable to make my decision.

'The shits are flying away! They're not given anymore!' Cierra said, fluttering her hands around. I laughed.

'I can't choose. Anyway, I have a boyfriend' I explained.

'Irrelevant!' Cierra said.

'Pussy' Aaron said, smirking at me.

'What did you call me?!' I asked, trying to wrestle Aaron. Unfortunately, Aaron was way stronger than me, so he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

'Let me down!' I screamed, laughing a little. Everyone else was laughing aswell.

'Hmmm. How about no?' Aaron said, chucking. He twirled around the room, making me feel extremely dizzy. Finally, he put me down on his desk chair.

'You okay?' he asked, kind of seriously, holding my arms. I nodded, still giggling a bit.

'Anyway, who's older?' Cierra said, pointing to Aaron and I.

'Me. By five months' Aaron said, raising his hand up.

'So are you guys officially brother and sister?' Jack asked.

'Not officially, because my dad and Hazels mom aren't married yet, but technically we are' Aaron said, winking at me.

'You guys act like it. But not the annoying brother and sister, but the over protective and playful older brother and the adorable little sister' Cierra said, trying to look full of wisdom.

Aaron looked down at me and ruffled my hair. I fixed my hair and Jack and Aaron laughed at me doing so.

'Hey, hair is serious work!' Cierra said, taking my side. I chucked and flopped down on the bed next to Jack.

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