Chapter 25

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Song-Fire and Gold-Bea Miller

Ava's POV

I breathed in the familiar smell that I had almost forgotten. Being back to my summer home was great. I had also missed the smell of the beach and the sea breeze.

To be honest, I was nervous. I didn't know if things were going to be the same. I know I was only in a coma for two days, but listening to the tears and the apologies made it seem like a year.

I think the experience has brought Taylor and I closer together though. It forced us to speak to each other about how much we loved each other and how much we cared.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the car accident. I mean, it's changed me. I think it's changed me for the better though. Made me learn from my mistakes.

I strolled into my bedroom, not noticing any difference. Except for one thing.

I walked over to my dressing table and noticed the picture of Kian and I had been moved. Kian was in here, looking at pictures of us. That brought tears to my eyes and I let them roll down my face. I was so used to the feeling of crying by now, mostly tears of joy.

I sat down on my un-made bed and basically thought about how my life was going to change from this small enough experience.

Carter's POV

Everything was perfect. I had Lucy with me. I've changed, I've definitely changed. I was mean and a liar, but I'm different now. I don't want to be that person anymore. That guy that started drama because he wanted to make his life more interesting, even though he didn't need to. The guy who was mean and hurtful. The guy that got in other peoples business. I'm not going to be that guy. I didn't need to start drama, I guess I thought my life was boring. But it's not and I feel good because I've changed. I feel happier.

I wanted to make it up to all the people that kinda hated me, so I tried, but not all of them believe me. That's okay, I guess, I didn't expect them to be my best friend after all the shit I've started.

I got up off my towel that I had lay on the sand and grabbed my navy and blue surfboard, still smiling. I couldn't help it. I felt like a new person, a new Carter.

The water splashing around my ankles was cold as I got ready to jump on my surfboard and surf. I dive in with my surfboard and caught some waves. It felt great having the sea breeze blow past your ears. I haven't surfed in a while and I kind of forget how much I loved it. 40 minutes later, I returned to shore, board in my hand.

Strolling over to my towel I noticed two people walking down to the beach, hand and hand, playfully slapping each other.

Aria and Jack G.

I don't even know why, but the thought of them together seriously wanted to make me projectile vomit. And it wasn't just me that hated them together.

God, Aria used to be cool, but now I guess she's a slut. And everybody just hates Jack G because he's with Aria. We've only known him two years, but getting with Aria? No...bruh..just don't do that.

I think the guys hate Jack G because most of them have either had a crush on, made out or dated Aria, you know, when she wasn't a slut and people actually liked her presence, and jealousy is the reason. Or else she's just slut...

I ignored them. Why the heck was I stalking them anyway. None of my business.

I shook my hair, making water splash all over, and grabbed my things and left, going back to my summer home.

Endless Summer-A Magcon Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now