Chapter 17

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Song-Not about angels-Birdy

Taylor's POV

Nash wheeled me all the way to Ava's room. Everyone else had gone to get food. Lucy and Cierra had come aswell, but got food with the rest of them.

Cam and I entered Ava's hospital room. It was identical to mine.

Cameron placed me by Ava's side.

Her eyes were shut and her arms were limp, by her side.

Cameron quietly left me and Ava alone.

I told one of Ava's hand and held it tightly.

Tears started rolling down my cheek. I ignored them and began to speak to my Ava.

'I-I'm sorry Ava. I'm sorry I hurt you. Your in this coma because....because of me. Because of my stupid mistake. Because I pushed you to do bad things. I ruined you Ava. You were perfect when I met you. I broke you. I broke you into a million pieces. And I'm not sure if I can fix you. I'm not even sure if you'll let me if I tried. I hope you can hear me in there Ava'.

I wiped the tears of my damp face.

'I'm so so sorry Ava. I didn't mean for you to get hurt this way. I didn't want to ever hurt you. I love you so much and I need you to know that. I need you to know that I made the biggest mistake of my life today. I was irresponsible and childish. I need the old you back. The old you who was responsible and funny and sweet. The old you who was scared of the dark. The old you who was awake. I want you here, with me, laughing and smiling. Ava....come back' I sobbed.

I was crying uncontrollably. Ava, I need you...

I heard a knock on the door behind us. I turned around to see Nash standing there sheepishly.

'Hey Taylor. How is she?' Nash asked softly.

'Nash, I did this to her. She's gone and it's all my fault. I made the biggest mistake of my life' I sobbed.

Nash wrapped his arms around me.

'She's not gone Taylor. She'll wake up, I promise you' Nash said.

We exited Ava's room to hear this.

'You idiot!' I heard a voice say.


'What did I do?' I asked.

'What do you mean, what did you do? You almost killed my best friend!' Lucy yelled at me.

'This is all your fault. You fucked up real bad Taylor!' she screamed.

Great, more tears.

Lucy was crying aswell. Her knuckles were white with rage.

'Are you even going to say something, you retard?!' Lucy shouted at me.

I clutched my hair with my hands. I can't so this anymore. My cries were uncontrollable.

'I'm sorry, okay! I-I mad a mistake!' I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was completely out of breath.

Just then a hand connected with my cheek. It started to burn. I looked up at Lucy angrily. She looked pretty pleased with herself. Bitch.

'A mistake? You-' Lucy began, but was cut off by Nash stepping in between us.

'Guys stop, you're making a scene!' Nash hissed.

'Besides, this isn't doing any good for Taylor' Nash said, pointing at me.

Suddenly, Cierra and Hazel appeared, and took a very angry Lucy away.

I sighed deeply, my eyes bloodshot.

'C'mon buddy' Nash said, wheeling me back into my room. I got back into my stiff hospital bed and drifted to sleep.

Zoe's POV

Isabelle, Cameron, Jack J and I sat around a round table, in the hospital cafeteria. Nobody was eating. Everyone was too stressed and worried.

Lucy, Cierra and Hazel had gone to check on Ava. They have been gone quite a while now.

I looked down at my plate of French fries, playing with my food. I looked around the table.

Isabelle was staring blankly ahead, Cam was on his phone, but you could see he was just staring at his home screen. Jack J was slowly eating his French fries in silence. You could've sworn we all just saw a ghost.

Just then the three girls came back.

I stood up off the chair.

'How's Ava?' I asked concerned.

The girls looked at eachother.

'Um, fine, I guess...' Cierra replied, looking uneasy.

What the hell happened back there?

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