Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of Carter, Nash and Cameron at the window, screaming at us to get up. I turned my head to see the annoyed expression on Isabelle's face and to see Cierra still fast asleep. I slapped Cierra's face gently, and she woke up, startled. She looked threw the window to look at the boys and burst into laughter, and soon Isabelle and I joined her.

Nash banged on the glass and yelled 'Get your fat ass' out of bed!'.

I groaned and shoved my face back in my pillow. I was exhausted. It was the second day of the summer holidays and I was back in sunny California again, reunited with my friends.

My friends and I all have summer homes along the beach, somewhere in Cali. We could easily run out of our doors and be in the freezing cold beach sea in 2 minutes. I love it here, but the drama here can sometimes be unbearable.

My friends can sometimes take things too seriously or start some drama between us very easily. I've kind if gotten used to it though. Having someone be mad at someone else, or even at me. I really hope that this summer will be different.

Cierra and Isabelle had slept over at my house and the boys always called for us so early everyone they do. I glanced around the room, searching for my iPhone. I spotted it and climbed over Cierra to grab it. It was 8:47.

'Guys, it's so early! Why did you have to wake us?' I whined.

'Hazel, it's because it's hilarious' Carter said, laughing.

I gave Carter an evil look and got up to open the door for them. They ran in jumping on top of all of us. The room quickly filled with the smell of their cologne. They always put in too much. You could smell them from a mile away.

Nash was in top of Isabelle, crying from laughter. I looked at Isabelle questionably. I really hoped they're wouldn't be any drama between her and Nash. They went out last summer and things went horribly wrong. Isabelle's older brother found out that she was going out with Nash, and I think it's safe to say, he's and over protective brother. Isabelle still wanted to go out with him and after being told that things were going to be alright, they didn't break up, even though she told her brother that they did.

Everyone thought things were fine, but when Nash was spotted making out with Aria by Carter, things went horribly wrong. Carter told Isabelle and she was heartbroken. Isabelle hated Aria because she got with nearly every guy and started so much drama. But I knew that deep down, Isabelle still wanted to be with him. ever since then, Nash and Izzie haven't exactly been to friendly with each other.

Isabelle looked uncomfortable with Nash on top of her, but she said nothing. a couple of seconds later, Nash was standing again.

'So, what do you guys wanna do today?' Cameron asked.

'Surfing maybe?' I said.

Everyone nodded and left my large living room to get ready to head down to the beach. I was looking forward to the first swim of the summer, and I think everyone else was aswell.

I was left alone to get ready. I got into my coral pink bikini and but white denim shorts and a loose baby blue top on over my bikini. I shuffled my feet into my blue flip-flops and grabbed my towel and rushed down stairs to get my surfboard from the rack from the basement.

I switched the basement light on and took my turquoise, grey and white surfboard from the rack. I left the messy basement and went out the door.

Carter, Cameron, Nash, Cierra, Isabelle and Ava were there. We waited for Zoe and Hannah to arrive and then we ran into the cold sea. Ava and I were screaming our heads off, waist high in the water. we began surfing with my long, blonde hair blowing in the wind. We surfed for about forty more minutes and swam back to the shore. We sat in the sunshine for a bit, just talking about how out lives were.

'When are Abi, Lucy, Aria, jack and jack coming?' Zoe asked.

'Tonight I think. That's what Abi told me anyway' Ava replied.

'Great, they'll be in time for the party later' Nash said.

I completely forgot about the party tonight. It was a campfire at the beach and everyone of our friends are going to be there. I hoped it would be fun. But if Cameron tries to twerk again, I swear to god...

Just then, Ava got a call from her mom. instantly everyone started yelling and screaming stuff like 'Pass the weed!' and 'He's only five Ava!'. she got really annoyed and walked off, leaving all of us laughing on the ground. She came back and said 'Kian's visiting for a week tomorrow'.

I saw the delighted looks on all the girls faces. Kian is absolutely gorgeous and all the girls loved him, including me 😉😉.

She giggled at our reactions, and the boys ones, because jealousy was written all over they're faces.

Feeling pretty happy with ourselves, we left to get some food.


Thanks for reading the first part of the story. Here's a couple of quick things you should know.

*everyone in the story is either 16 or 17.

*if I make one of the magcon boys mean or make them unlikable, it's just for the story, this is fiction

*the kian in the story is the kian from o2l btw

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