Chapter 18

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Song-Stay High-Tove Lo (Habits Remix)

Carter's POV

I sat on my sofa in silence, watching Netflix. I wasn't even paying attention. I scrolled through my Twitter feed, skimming over people's tweets.

Then a notification appeared on my phone screen. It was a text from Jack J.

Jack- 'Carter, Taylor and Ava are in the hospital. I'll explain when u get there'

Why are they in the hospital. I started to get worried.

I grabbed my shoes and put them on my feet, hopping out of the door.

I grabbed my blue and lime green penny board from my front porch and skated down to the hospital. It was a 20 minute penny board ride, but I needed to see what had happened to them.

On the way, after I had texted Jack that I was on the way, Jack texted me to say that he, and everyone else, were in the cafeteria.

I arrived through the automatic doors of the hospital, revealing doctors, nurses, patients and anxious friends and family bustling around the waiting area.

I found my way to the hospital's cafeteria and spotted Jack J and the others.

I walked over to them anxiously. I could see one or two of the people that used to like me giving me dirty looks. I shook it off and sat down in the empty seat next to Jack.

He smiled at me and I half-smiled back.

'What are you doing here?' Isabelle asked harshly.

'Jack told me that Taylor and Ava were here' I said quietly, looking down at my fingers.

I knew they didn't want me here. I was certain of it, but I wasn't going to just ignore the fact that Taylor and Ava were in the hospital, for an reason I didn't know. I wasn't asking for them to forgive me, or like me again. But I thought they'd be a bit more kind considering their friends are in the hospital.

Isabelle snorted and looked at Jack. He nodded.

'We can't just leave him out. He's their friend too' Jack whispered to Isabelle.

'They're not his friend' Isabelle said, folding her arms.

For the rest of the conversation, I blocked out their voices, only to remember that I didn't even know what was wrong with Taylor and Ava.

'Uh guys?' I spoke up. Only Jack payed attention to me.

'What happened to Taylor and Ava?' I said.

'Um, they..they were in a car accident. Taylor's pretty banged up, but he'll be fine. Ava's in a...Ava's in a coma' Jack replied.

A coma? Well shit. What's going to happen to her?

'They said she'll wake up in a couple of days, but they're not certain...' Zoe spoke.

I nodded my head, still not believing it. I can't believe I only was notified now. This happened almost 9 hours ago.

Lucy's POV

I can't believe Jack invited Carter here. After Carter's party a while ago, he's been acting really mean to me. Everyone else is pretty mad at him too, but for their own reasons that I don't know.

I finally got sick of Carter being here. He shouldn't be here. I stood up and said what needed to be said.

'Carter, I think you should go. There's no point in you being here. We can't do anything more for them. You're just making things worse by being here' I said, as calmly as I could.

Carter looked really hurt. I'm sorry, but I couldn't be in the same room as him.

'Lucy, I just want to be here for-' he began, but I cut him off. Why couldn't he just get the point and leave.

'Just leave Carter. Can't you see that no one wants you here?!' I said, getting louder and angrier.

There were tears swelling up in his eyes. To be honest, I had no sympathy. He had been a dick to me and I have no reason to forgive him all of a sudden.

'Get the fuck out Carter! Just leave! You're not doing any good for anyone here!' I yelled. I was pissed off now.

Carter started to get mad. Really mad. You could tell he was sick of this shit.

'No Lucy, I'm not going to leave! I'm here for my friends!' he screamed at me, banging his fists down on the table.

I looked at him disgusted. 'Nobody is your friend Carter, don't you get it?!' I yelled at him.

Other people on the cafeteria started to stare at us and all our other friends were glaring up at us.

'You know what, Lucy? I'm sick of all your shit. You're a clingy bitch, and you think you're perfect!' Carter shouted at me.

I felt horrible after that. Why would he say that? That's so harsh. He's such an asshole. I'm done with him. I'm done with everyone.

I stormed out of the cafeteria, and out of the hospital doors. I sure as hell wasn't going back home. I wanted to go back to my real home. My home in Texas.

I ran out into the dark street. It was 1 in the morning and the only lights were from the tall street lamps running along the pavement.

I sprinted in some random direction, completely unsure of where I was going. California looked so different at night, I couldn't even tell where I was. Either way, I was not going back to Carter.

Jack J's POV

I shouldn't have invited Carter here. It wasn't my job to. I didn't need to. I looked over at Carter. He looked extremely upset and angry at the same time. His face was buried in his hands and his hair was a mess from him running his fingers through it.

I can't believe Lucy left though. You would think she would have more self-control. She is one of the strongest people I know, why would she run off like that? I don't even know. I didn't know Carter got to her that badly. What did he even do to her? I thought they both liked eachother. I guess I thought wrong.

We all thought it was a good idea to let Lucy go. She can take her of herself and she obviously needed some alone time. I sighed and leaned back into the hard cafeteria chairs. This is all my fault. I should have just left Carter out of the picture. None of us needed this pressure added on. We're all pretty messed up with the Taylor and Ava thing anyway.

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