Chapter 34

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Song-The 1975-Chocolate

Taylor's POV

'So, are you going to take it or not, dipshit?' One of the guys asked me, shoving the cocaine in my face.

I couldn't say anything. I was so scared. So I ran. I ran back inside, ran away from them, from the cocaine. Running away from my problems.

'Ava!' I called, running around the club in an attempt to find her.

I called her name again and eventually found them by the bar, taking shots.

'C'mon, were going!' I panted, grabbing her hands.

'Why?! I wanna stay here, this place is fuuunn' Ava slurred.

'Guys, c'mon, all of you. Let's go!' I shouted desperately, trying to usher all of my friends out. Wait, where are Nash and Isabelle?

'Where are Nash and Izzie?' I asked, frantically.

'They went to the bathroom' Abi said, pointing to the bathroom. I nodded and , taking Ava with me, ran in the direction of the bathroom.

'Nash?! Isabelle?!' I yelled, looking around the grubby bathroom.

I heard a sound from one of the cubicles and both of them appeared. Nash ran his fingers through his hair.

'We're all leaving' I said, taking them back to the dance floor. We gathered everyone else and left.

Hazel's POV

I took off my shoes and threw them on the floor, jumping on to my bed. I was so tired. That dinner was torture. I swear I thought I was going to scream.

I rested my head on my pillow and lay there. That's the last thing I remember before falling alseep.


I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, which the California sunshine was seeping in through. I stretched out my arms and realised I had slept in my clothes. Shit.

I took a hot shower and was out in around 10 minutes.

I changed into a tank top and sweatpants. I walked downstairs.

Aaron was in the kitchen, eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Micheal and my mom were still asleep.

'Hey' I mumbled, getting the milk out of the fridge. I put some Lucky Charms into a bowl and poured in the milk, waiting for a reply.

'Hey Hazel' Aaron said, smiling. I sat on one of the island stools and began to eat my breakfast.

'Wanna do something today?' I asked Aaron. He looked up from his cereal.

'Sure. What did you have in mind?' he answered.

I shrugged, not entirely certain.

'We could go to the beach? Do you surf?' I asked.

'Yeah, beach sounds good. Nah, I never learned' he said.

'We have a spare surfboard. I'll teach you' I replied enthusiastically. He boyishly grinned at me and put his bowl in the sink. I did the same and we both travelled upstairs to get ready.

Aaron came out in his blue trunks and I wore my pink, white and navy bikini, wearing white shorts and a navy crop top over it.

I ran downstairs to the basement and got took surfboards, mine and a spare for Aaron.

When I came back with the surfboards, Aaron's eyes lit up.

'Excited?' I asked, giggling. He nodded and grabbed the spare board off me.

We strolled down to the beach and when we got there, I explained the basics of how to surf. Once I thought he understood, we ran into the sea.

For a beginner, Aaron was pretty good at surfing. He must of thought so aswell, because he kept trying to show off, but failed and fell into the cold water.

Once we finished surfing, we got dried off and changed into our clothes. We went back to the house to put back our surfboards and decided to go walk around Cali for a bit.

I took Aaron to this small grocery store and bought some Arizona tea, Cheetos, Pringles, microwave popcorn and pizza. We also got Pepsi, Sprite and Orange soda.

I explained to Aaron that I was thinking of inviting some people over to introduce to him, so we needed some snacks.

We exited the store, three bags full of food in my hands.

'Let me take those' Aaron said, grabbing for all three bags.

'No Aaron, I'm okay, thanks' I said, refusing his offer.

'No, let me take them' he said, taking the heavy bags from me.

'At least let me take-' I began, but he interrupted.

'Stop, I'm carrying them' he said, smirking at me. I smiled back. Aaron was really sweet. Maybe if he became my brother, it wouldn't be that bad. Wait, no! He can't be my brother, don't think that Hazel. Don't do what mom did, and that's forgetting about dad so easily. I wonder where my dad is anyway. Probably back in New York.

We walked the whole way back to my house, stopping for ice cream on the way.

I unlocked the front door and entered, Aaron following close behind with the bags. He set them down in the kitchen while I texted everyone to come over to mine at 8. I made sure to tell them it wasn't a party, it was just to hang out.

Aaron helped me set up all the food and clean up the place for later. We convinced our parents to leave to house for the night, and believe me, it wasn't that hard to convince them.

We set all the food, including the pizza, and the drinks on the coffee table in the living room and I plugged my iPod into the speakers, letting the music play loudly.

I changed into high-waisted skinny jeans, a black and grey top and a long cardigan. Aaron and I sat on the sofa and waited patiently for everyone to arrive.

'The bitches have arrived!' Cierra yelled, sassily walking into the living room. I laughed and watched her, Isabelle, Nash, Ava, Taylor, Hannah, Abi, Carter, Lucy, Kian, Zoe and Jack J enter.

Everyone sat down and began talking or going on their phones.

'Hey guys!' I shouted. Everyone looked at me.

'This is Aaron, my step-... my moms boyfriends son' I said, pointing to Aaron. He smiled shyly and waved to everyone. All of my friends walked over to him, greeting him, welcoming him and just casually talking to him. He seemed to be pretty popular with the girls. Especially Zoe. I think that pissed Jack off a little bit. I mean, they've only been broken up for 4 days.

The night went pretty well, and Aaron seemed to settle in great.

'Hey brotch' Izzie said, popping up in front of me, distracting me from my thoughts.

'Brotch?' I asked, slightly laughing.

'You see, saying bitch is too mainstream. It's brotch now' Isabelle said, matter-of-factly.

'Well okay then, you do you' I said, laughing.

'Aaron's getting on pretty well' Izzie said, facing his direction. Cierra and Zoe were talking to him, twirling their hair.

'Yeah, he is' I said, looking at them.

'Ermagawd Hazel, stahp staringggg' Izzie said in her weirdest voice. We laughed hysterically and talked for ages.


After the party, Aaron and I went around the room, picking up garbage and throwing it into black garbage bags.

'Thanks for introducing me to everyone' Aaron said, sheepishly.

'No problem. Everyone seems to like you' I smiled. He smiled back and continued cleaning.


Really short chapter sorry. It's just a filler. I'm updating as much as I can, but I'm back at school, so I don't get that much time to write. Thanks for reading anyway 😘😊

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