Chapter 7 - "Hmmm, i wonder why that is!"

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They walked through the jungle, Atarah was walking in front of Judas, who was staring holes into the back of her head. "Hey, you need a break?" David asked Snow, who was walking ahead of him.

"No, I'm good!" She answered.

"In this heat, you shouldn't overtax yourself!" David told her.

"Oh, so you need a break!" She realised with a small smile on her face.

"No, I'm good!" David lied and Atarah had to admit, he lied awfully. He was absolutely terrible at lying.

"'David Nolan' let himself go?" Snow questioned cheekily, making Atarah want to puke, while she gagged a little in disgust.

"Does it look like he let himself go?" David asked as Atarah rolled her eyes at them both. She couldn't take this, it was horrible and disgusting and nauseating.

"Give me a break!" She muttered loud enough for them to hear. "Give us all a break, I don't want to hear you two, talking with all that passion and love!" She made a disgusted noise and pulled a face as they both looked at her unimpressed.

They were about to reply with something about her and Peters relationship, but Regina sensed this and wasn't having Atarah's little secret be out. So she spoke up. "How much further?" Regina complained as she let a large and wet leaf smack Emma in the face, making Judas scoff a little with a small smile.

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair!" Emma said as she pulled out the map. "Going in a straight-line course..." Atarah knew he would've moved his camp completely away from where they were currently heading. "Son of is it now behind us?"

"How can that be?" Judas asked confused and frustrated.

"You led us astray?" Atarah asked unimpressed. "Can you even read a map that isn't technologically aided?"

"You got us lost?" Regina asked Emma, also unimpressed.

"No, she didn't! It's the camp, Pan's moving it!" Hook told them all, giving Atarah a slight glare, knowing she knew that Peter moved the camp, yet his little sister had the audacity to basically blame Emma for leading them astray.

"He's playing tricks on us!" David sighed in annoyance.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?" Emma questioned hopelessly.

It was then that Atarah noticed just how Peter made them all feel, with his fun and games. He was kind of like the annoying and infuriating little brother of the family. The one that winded everyone up and gets away with it every time.

"So, this whole trek has been for nothing!" Emma declared.

"I told you walking was idiotic!" Regina snapped while Atarah rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that day. "If I could just use some magic we can materialise in the camp and grab Henry!"

"Yes, because using magic helped us so much last time!" Judas snapped frustrated with everything. He was beginning to regret even coming in this trip. There was Snow and Charming who were being sickeningly lovey dovey. His father, who ditched them all as soon as they arrived in the realm. Regina and Emma, who were just obsessed and too determined to get Henry, that they had walked into a trap already. There was Hook, who would always look over to his sister and try to flirt with Emma. Then there was Atarah, who he noted had a weird relationship with this Peter Pan, And was acting unlike herself.

He had had enough of everyone here and Atarah was angering him. She was always defending this Peter Pan, he got that she may have lived here a few times years ago and the boy had probably saved her life once or twice, but did she really have to defend him? What possibly drove her to defend this monster?

"We don't even know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Snow asked her stepmother and enemy.

"Peter will have shields against magic!" Atarah informed them all. "Such an attempt would end in your death, and I don't know about you lot, but I don't fancy cleaning up Evil Queen stew - which would probably taste and look nasty -which is why we're walking!"

"Well, then what's your idea? How are we going to find his camp?" Regina questioned the girl in front of her.

"By using somebody he trusts!" Hook spoke up for his sister, sending her a wink as he did. As if all in sync, they all turned their head and faced her.

She held her hands up and shook her head. "No, I'm not doing it! No, no, no, and did I mention, no!" She refused, she wasn't going to help them into Peter's camp, not after what Felix said and what Felix had her thinking about. "I can't help you into his camp, not after all he has done for me!" She lied and Regina, Emma and Killian knew this, but kept quiet about it.

"Who? Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you, and Atarah isn't doing it!" David asked the pirate.

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island, she'd be an inside source. She knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in!" Her brother realised. Atarah knew she had a little pixie dust on her, but she wouldn't announce that, after all, they didn't ask her if she had any.

"Don't you mean fairy dust?" Emma asked the pirate.

"No, pixie dust! It's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust!" David explained.

"Atomic!" Atarah spoke up, correcting them all with a little smile. They all shot her an unimpressed look making her shrug with a hint of a smirk on her face.

"Wait....a fairy!" Emma said thinking about all the fairies she knew. "Vidia?"

"No, that's me!" Atarah told her with a small shrug and a little sheepish smile. Emma thought again. A second fairy popping into her head.

"Silvermist?" She tried again, thinking about her childhood favourite fairy.

Atarah awkwardly raised her hand a little. "Also me!" She spoke up, making Emma look at her incredulous. She began to think when the main fairies name popped into her head.

"Tinker Bell?" Emma asked reluctantly, making Regina's face fall. Atarah looked over and smirked a little, she knew exactly why her face fell. But she chose not to comment on it, as Regina hadn't mentioned her and Peter's relationship.

"Oh, you know her?" Hook asked the blonde saviour, a little impressed that she knew the fairy.

"Every kid in the world...knows her!" Emma told her brother thinking about the little animated fairy in her head. She looked over to Atarah. "You're a fairy?" She asked.

She scoffed at Emma. "Of course I am!" She said as she let her wings fly out of her back and magenta dust looking substance surrounded her body slightly. She then flew up in the the air and did a twirl in the air, before she flew back to the floor and retracted her wings.

Emma looked at her in both shock and awe. "You actually have wings?" Hook asked his little sister, a little shocked himself.

"Let's just get back to the whole Tinker Bell situation!" She declared.

"It's a bad idea!" Regina spoke before anyone else could. "Mark my words, this Tinker Bell is not going to save us!" She told them all seriously.

"Hmmm, I wonder why that is!" Atarah asked with a small smirk thrown at Regina, who looked extremely unimpressed with Atarah, who shrugged in response.

Then they all got to walking, following her brother as he knew where this Tinker Bell lived. They were walking and had been for some time, when she realised that Emma and Regina had stopped. So she leant against a tree and waited for them to finish talking, it's what everyone would do if it were her who was talking.

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