Chapter 26 - "You talk too much!"

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Atarah was going on her normal night run. Dr Whale said that maybe it wasn't the best idea to go running as last time she did, it ended up badly. Like her being shot and hit by a car, but she protested and decided to go anyway. She was happy she had no bad feelings, but something bad always happened when she went running at night.

While running she thought about Greg. She had been secretly following him. She knew he knew Tamara, who happened to be Neals new girlfriend. She just didn't know how they knew each other or what they were doing. Her thoughts then wondered to if they were possibly working for someone. If they were, she had no idea who it was.

She paused her running when she heard a branch break. She knew someone was out there, but decided to pretend she didn't and carried on. She'd get them when they least expect it, after all, she wasn't completely oblivious to when someone goes to attack, she just notices what when it's too late.

She kept hearing noises and she wished she took some weapons out with her. She silently groaned and stopped when she saw a woman in her line of sight. She stopped a few yards in front of the woman, who she recognised as Tamara. She furrowed her brows, confused.

She then noticed a gun in her hands and it was pointed at her. She really didn't want to get shot again, that'd just be cruel to her body. Which was getting beaten of late.

"Atarah Jones!" The woman spat venomously.

"Right, that's me! And you're the whore that Neal is currently seeing, right?" She asked with a bitter sweet smile and a raised brow.

The woman looked at her. "I'd be careful with what you say! After all, I am holding a gun at you!" Tamara told her, she was kind of like a psychopath, but not.

"Oh, darling! I'm not blind, I can see the gun very clearly!" She told her. "So, where's your little partner? Greg, is it? You know, the guy who knocked me over with a car! The blind bastard! The one who couldn't save his daddy!" She pouted childishly. Tamara walked towards her.

"You think you're so great, huh?" Tamara asked her with a snarl.

"No, honey. I know I'm great!" She flashed her a small smile, making Tamara roll her eyes. "Darling, while I'm at it, may I add, that whatever you're doing for your little leader, you're going to fail. You may succeed to an extent, but have you seen the amount of heroes in this town? You're nothing but minions, lackeys! You get nothing out of whatever you're trying to do!"

Tamara pointed the gun at her heart. Suddenly, Atarah got hit across the head and she fell to the floor unconscious. "Now, we have both The Evil Queen and The Demigoddess!" Greg said from behind Atarah, holding up a log, which had a little blood of Atarah's on. He threw the log to the floor and they picked Atarah up, dragging her to where they were holding the Evil Queen.


Atarah opened her eyes slowly to see she was strapped to some kind of medical table. "Of course!" She muttered when she heard Regina speak.

"Whatever they're offering you!" She told someone. "It's not worth it!" She turned and the sight made her blood boil, there her brother was standing above Regina.

"Well, considering they're offering to have me kill Rumplestiltskin, I'd say it is!" Her brother said, not noticing his sister looking over at the two, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"And you actually trust him?" Regina questioned her brother. Her brother was silently "You don't even know who they're working for!"

Atarah chose to speak up now. "Well, Regina! That's just my brother, isn't it? He doesn't care, as long as it benefits him, he doesn't give a shit!" She spat, Regina and Killian all looked over at her.

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