Chapter 1 - "You've pissed off the Devils Mistress!"

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The soft beep of the machine echoed throughout the cold and dark room. No one was around in the room to see the events that were to happen to the young girl currently in the hospital bed. A bright white glow radiated off of her and the light got brighter and brighter, almost as if she was emitting nuclear light, only for when it reached its maximum light, it rushed from out of her body and spread throughout the room.

The ground lightly shook as the girls eyes fluttered open and she sat up with a gasp. The machine began to beep rapidly, signalling the increase of her heartbeat, as her eyes widened and scanned the room she was in. All the while, her heart beat would worryingly increase.

She closed her eyes and screwed them shut tightly. She evened her breathing out. In, out, in, out. After a while it seemed that it had worked and she was relatively calmer. She slowly opened her eyes and took in the appearance of the room much more clearer now. White walls, white ceilings, a window which showed the dark nights sky, see through walls to her room.

She pulled everything attached to her out and off of her body. She slowly stood up, but fell to the floor. Her legs hadn't been moved in years as it seemed, but how could that be. She was only 16, that would mean she'd have to be in a coma for her whole life. Though, she could barely remember things. She remembered her age. She was 16, but, everything else was fuzzy. It was unclear and it confused her deeply.

She pulled herself up and got the feeling of her legs before she began to walk. She slipped out of her room, leaving the glass door wide open. She found her way out, none of the people around her questioned her.

As soon as she stepped out of the main doors chilling air hit her like a brick wall. Goosebumps immediately made their way all over her exposed arms and legs. The wind blew her hair back softly as she shivered due to the bitterly cold wind.

Suddenly a man appeared in front of her. He furrowed his brows at her and she took in his appearance. He was sporting dark blonde hair and he was rather tall. He looked like he was extremely confused and absolutely shocked. "Are you my patient?" He asked her as he thought about the Jane Doe patient, that looked exactly like her. But it couldn't be, it was highly unlikely that she would wake up from her coma, they didn't even know what caused the coma either.

She looked at him. "Well, I'm not gonna be some citizen roaming around the streets in, this hospital robe!" She sassed at the man, confused as to where this sass had come from.

"How about we get you back into the hospital? Huh?" The man asked her. "Then we'll call your emergency contact. Maybe you'll talk to her!" The man said as he placed a hand on her back and lead her into the hospital again and helped her into her bed, the warmth of it suddenly engulfing her, making her smile softly.


A woman rushed in and the Doctor gave the two some time and privacy. "I'm Regina Mills, Who are you?" The woman spoke up.

The teen eyed the woman warily. She remembered nothing, all she remembered was her age. Nothing else. She narrowed her eyes at the woman, and the woman widened her own.

"Why should I tell you?" She snarled as she looked the woman up and down, the way she widened her eyes suggested she had done something to her.

"Well, I did save your life!" Regina reasoned as she tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "I brought you here when I found you on the river in the woods in this town!"

"Thank you then!" She shrugged. The woman just looked at her. Pleading eyes, a glint of fear was twinkling in her eyes.

"I, well! I-" she began to say but a boy rushed to the door.

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