Chapter 35

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Okay this is the last one. I've also posted the first 4 chapters of my new high school AU work on archiveofourown: Meant to Be 

Chapter Text

The day of their wedding finally arrived and with it a lot of commotion. The grounder community was overwhelmed with excitement for the impending ceremony. It was very rare for a grounder commander to be involved in a binding ceremony and everyone wanted the experience. Lexa and Clarke were running around nonstop trying to finalize preparations. They only saw each other in brief passing and never had the time to stop and take the other one in.
Finally an hour before the ceremony, Clarke and Lexa went to their respective rooms to begin preparations for themselves. Octavia and Raven were helping Clarke get dressed in ceremonial grounder wear as well as binding braids. Indra and Lincoln were helping Lexa.
When the time had finally come, Lexa took her place in front of the huge crowd. Clarke was standing by the door, ready to make her walk down the aisle. Her mother stood by her side, eyes glistening.
"I'm so proud of you, you know that right?"
Clarke smiled, eyes glistening. "Yeah I know that mom. I'm proud of you too."
Her mom shook her head to free her eyes from tears and then held her arm out for Clarke to take. Together they stepped out into the public and began walking down the long aisle. As soon as they stepped out, Clarke saw Lexa standing at the front. She looked beautiful in her traditional dress and Clarke had to restrain herself from running to her as soon as their eyes met. Lexa looked like she was struggling as well, her eyes were watering and she had a big smile on her face. Clarke began to pick up the pace and her mother chuckled while struggling to keep up. Once they reached the dias where Lexa was standing stoically, Abby leaned over and kissed her daughters cheek before she left her to go sit down. Clarke reached out for Lexa and finally she was across from her, waiting to be bound to the love of her life.
Lexa had a wide smile on her face as her eyes locked with her lover. The older woman performing the ceremony began to speak of the history of binding ceremonies. The time honored tradition of literally being bound to your lover as a show of trust and coexistence. It was cemented into history by the first heda, Bekka pramheda. She then turned to the pair and asked them to present their most beloved possessions. Clarke held out her fathers watch and Lexa smiled brightly at her. Clarke had already trusted her with that possession once before and Lexa was happy to do it again. Lexa reached up and pulled her commanders pin from her forehead, she reached out and placed it on Clarke's instead. The crowd gasped at the action and Lexa turned towards them. "Yes," she spoke loudly and clearly, "Clarke kom Trikru and Skaikru will lead beside me. My equal in every way, wanheda and heda together again."
Clarke's eyes were watering when Lexa turned back towards her, Lexa only smiled and motioned for the woman to bind them. She produced a leather strip and asked Clarke to hold out her left and Lexa her right wrist. She carefully wrapped the leather strip around their wrists binding them together. "You are one!" She spoke loud enough for all the people to hear.
Lexa and Clarke turned toward them and cheers broke out for heda and wanheda. They made their way down the aisle together, the crowd slowly closing in behind them to follow. When they reached their table for the feat, they fumbled slightly to be able to sit down, their arms bound between them and Lexa leaned over and kissed her lightly. "Let the feast begin!"
Everyone cheered and found seats, only their closest friends and family sitting at the table with them. Clarke leaned over to kiss Lexa's lips again, smiling against them. "It's really nice to be able to kiss you in public."
"No more hiding, I promised didn't I?"
Clarke smiled widely, "You did indeed."
They spent the rest of the feast joking and eating with their friends. It was one of the best nights they had shared in a while. Finally the time for their dance had come, and after it the end of the ceremony. It was tradition for the bound couple to make it through a traditional dance with their wrists bound, this would determine if they were truly one. Clarke was nervous, if they messed this up, their binding would be rejected. Lexa squeezed her hand steadily as she led her out into the field. "Don't be nervous," she whispered in her ear. "Just like last time."
"Except our wrists are bound this time."
Lexa laughed, "we are always bound Clarke, don't you feel it?"
Clarke smiled lovingly at her, "yes that's true."
Lexa kissed her one last time and then led her into the dance. They moved with flowing grace and beauty. Leaping and jumping around one another as if they were really one. The crowd was in awe as their dance came to a smooth close. Their bodies were melded together and Lexa leaned in to bring their lips together as well. The crowd cheered loudly and the commander turned to address them. "The night is over, we are bound and we will be bound for all eternity."
They waded through the crowd and were stopped frequently by people wishing them well and offering congratulations. They finally reached the tower and the commander took the lead up to their room. They helped each other undress slowly and carefully still in awe that they were bound forever and that the people were accepting of this. They fell into bed together and smiled giddily at one another.
"Tomorrow we will take these bindings off and then we begin the rest of our lives," Lexa spoke.
"The rest of our lives," Clarke sighed. "I can't wait."

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