Chapter 19

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Sorry for the wait guys, I have been so unbelievably busy with school work and the softball season just started. I don't even have time for sleep :(

Heda, heda!" came the shout from outside the commander's tent. Lexa was busy braiding Clarke's hair when Indra burst through the tent flaps.
"Sha, what is it Indra?" Lexa questioned.
"You and Wanheda are needed at a council immediately. Trouble brews in Polis, the generals are restless and Titus grows impatient with your absence."
Lexa nearly growls at the mention of Titus but stands swiftly. "Come Klark, we have business to attend to."
Once convened around the war table, Indra presented the problems facing them immediately. The generals able to attend were restless and demanded Lexa's return to Polis immediately. Lexa raised her hand and silence immediately fell upon the council.
"I will return to Polis this evening," she dared not glance at Clarke. She knew she would be displeased and one look into those sky blue eyes would have her kneeling before her and promising to stay with her forever. Alas, she had duties to attend to and her people could not see her as weak. She would not allow Clarke to be seen as a weakness in any way. "Klark kom skaikru will finish negotiations with the sky people and direct a small party of them to Polis in a week's time as her first act as my second. Upon their arrival they will take an oath to renew their bond to the coalition. We will host a festival in their honor, let it be known amongst all the clans, all are invited to commemorate the true annexation of the skaikru as the thirteenth clan!"
A murmur swept through the room filled with apprehension and excitement at the prospect of a true grounder festival. "You are dismissed," Lexa spoke with finality.
As the generals slowly exited, Clarke lingered behind until she and Lexa were the only ones left in the room. Lexa frowned and spoke softly, "I am sorry that I have to leave Clarke."
Clarke smiled sadly, "It's okay, you belong to your people. You wouldn't be you if you didn't, right?"
Lexa sighed at the memories that brought back, "as my second, all of my army here will be under your orders. Lead them with pride and honor Klark, they will listen to you without question."
Clarke's eyes widened, "Heda?"
"Sha," Lexa whispered and leaned in to kiss her. "I love you meizen."
Clarke smiled against her lips, "we better get you all packed for your trip."
Lexa nodded her head against Clarke's.

Lexa stood stoically, ready to mount her horse. Clarke knew that she wanted to kiss her good bye, but couldn't in such a public situation. They had said their good bye's within their tent and that would have to be enough. Lexa mounted her horse and looked down at Clarke, her eyes filled with regret. Clarke shuffled close to Lexa's horse and handed her a jacket, which Lexa took from her gratefully.
"I made that in my time of solitude," Clarke whispered. "I want you to have it to protect you from the cold and to have me close to you in some way, a reminder that I will always be with you."
Lexa closed her eyes briefly, holding in the smile that threatened to break out. She settled for her small half smile, meant only for Clarke and shrugged the jacket onto her shoulders.
"I will miss you," Lexa whispered so quietly that Clarke barely caught it.
"Me too," Clarke whispered before she turned on her heel and walked swiftly towards the skaikru council.
Lexa stared after her longingly but was interrupted by a loud cough. Indra stood off to her right side, a smug smirk stretched across her features. "Hodnes laik kwelness, sha heda?" Indra teased.
Lexa huffed lightly, "Shof op Indra."
Indra laughed lightly as Lexa abruptly kicked her horse into a canter, "Taim na bants!"

Clarke slumped in her seat, dark circles permeated her face and her voice was gruff from overuse. The skaikru council, now that they had voted a real one into place, was being a true pain in the ass. She nearly groaned in frustration at another complaint. She missed Lexa and worried over her. She had no idea if she was okay or how things were going in Polis.
"Enough!" Clarke demanded. The room fell silent as Clarke stood wearily. "The terms remain, there will be no more negotiations and that is final. These terms are generous at worst and you should do well to remember that. The commander is being quite generous with our people."
"Not generous enough, their ways are barbaric."
Indra, who stood at Clarke's side, immediately stepped forward in outrage. "You speak out of turn! How dare you interrupt the commanders second, a member of your own people."
"Empleni Indra, mochof." Clarke directed to Indra. She had become somewhat of a mentor to her and an adamant supporter, surprisingly. In Lexa's absence, Clarke was the stand in leader and Indra was loyal id nothing else.
"These are the final terms, we have negotiated enough and that is final. We will take the oath tomorrow and I want to hear nothing else of it. These terms are beyond generous, we have finally achieved peace, no more arguments and no more fighting. You all owe these 'barbarians' for that as you would have gone on fighting. You should be endlessly grateful," Clarke spat out into a stunned room.
Clarke swept out of the room in a blur, Indra at her heels. "Well done, wanheda," Indra.
"Mochof Indra, I will meet you at camp. I must remain behind to finalize the plans for the trip to Polis."
Indra nodded firmly and left Clarke to lean against the wall. She smiled dreamily to herself, she was going to see Lexa again tomorrow.


*Heda= commander
*Wanheda= commander of death
*Meizen= beautiful
*Sha= yes
*Hodnes laik kwelness, sha heda?= love is weakness, right commander?
*Shof op= shut up
*Taim na bants= let's go
*Empleni= Enough
*Mochof= thank you

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