Chapter 15

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Warrior badass Clarke, yay!

The next two days Clarke and Lexa spent all of their time together. They returned to their camp outside of Arkadia and Lexa tended to Clarke's shoulder as it healed. Lexa also insisted that Clarke continue wrapping her ankle even though it was mostly healed. Clarke huffed about it, but she knew that Lexa only cared. Lexa had also started Clarke's training; she wanted Clarke to be prepared if she was attacked.
Lexa was pleasantly surprised when she began testing Clarke's strengths, she really had learned a lot in her time alone; she was a warrior. Clarke had immaculate aim with her knife and she was quick and lithe, dancing around Lexa when they sparred with the knife as well. Her shooting needed improvement but she hit the bullseye multiple times. Lexa was pleased with her base and began her work on the bow with Clarke. She fixed her stance, showing Clarke how to fully draw the bow by tightening her shoulder blades. Her aim immediately improved, to Lexa's delight. They spent the rest of the day working on the bow until Clarke had hit the bulls-eye fifty times in a row.
The second day Clarke woke to an already dressed Lexa. She was perched at the end of the bed looking down at Clarke with a faint smile.
Clarke lifted herself slightly from the bed, "You're staring."
Lexa smiled, "I am."
"How long have you been up?"
"Not long, my love. Come get dressed, I have something for you."
Clarke dressed quickly and stood before Lexa, gifting her a chaste kiss. Lexa broke their kiss and gestured for Clarke to follow her. She knelt before a chest at the edge of her tent and opened it. From it, she procured a sword in an ornately decorated sheath. Lexa held the sword out for Clarke to take it and Clarke carefully received it. Once it was in her hands she noticed that it was in fact two blades that fit so perfectly together they looked as if they were one.
"The twin blades Seraph and Famor," Lexa explained. "They belonged to the first commander's love and the legend is that if a heda ever found her soulmate she would gift them to this person. Only two people in all of our existence after the bombs have used these swords."
Clarke's jaw dropped at Lexa's words, "Me?"
"Yes Clarke, I brought these from Polis when I came for you. I have been waiting for the right moment to give them to you, it seems to be now." Lexa grimaced slightly, "I had hoped to make a bigger deal out of this. All of my people will recognize these blades and their meaning."
Clarke surged forward, bringing their lips together. "Thank you," she whispered against Lexa's lips. "This is perfect, I love you."
"Sha," Lexa whispered back. "You must train with these now, come."
Lexa led Clarke to the training grounds and instructed Clarke to draw her blades. She demonstrated how to sharpen a blade, drawing her blade repeatedly across her whetstone. She waited patiently until Clarke had perfected the technique and then helped her up and onto the open grounds.
"Take your stance and use only one of the blades for now. They were meant to be used together as if they were one, but they may be used separately."
Clarke did so, waiting for further instruction. Lexa approached her and gently slid her leg in between Clarke's to widen her stance.
"Strong base provides a strong defense," she explained. She examined Clarke's blade, "This is Seraph, she is the sister of the two and she represents cunning and wisdom." The blade was engraved with two serpents entwined to form an 's' near the guard.
"Use her well, Jomp op!"
Clarke lept forward, her instincts taking over. Lexa blocked her easily and countered, "Hold your blade higher!"
Clarke and Lexa danced around each other, Lexa shouting instructions every once in awhile. Lexa countered with a particularly hard attack and Clarke managed to defend gracefully countering beautifully and catching Lexa off guard, she barely blocked the attack. "Good, Klark!"
Clarke bristled under the praise and stepped her game up, she feigned a stab and twisted around Lexa attempting to get at her from behind. Lexa ducked and wickedly slashed Clarke's blade from her hands and closing in on he held her blade to Clarke's throat. Both their chests were heaving and Lexa's eyes had grown dark. She dropped her blade to the ground and drew Clarke closer, connecting their lips.
"You did very well, Klark."
Clarke shivered at the way Lexa spoke her name, her green eyes a dark storm of lust. A group of rambunctious warriors broke them out of their reverie. Lexa bent to retrieve her own sword as well as Clarke's. She handed it to her hilt first, "Grab Famor."
Clarke retrieved the second blade, holding it loosely in her right hand. "Famor is Seraph's brother. He is strength and ingenuity. Let the blades guide you, they live to work together, treat them as if they are an extension of your arms; they will lead you." Famor was engraved in the same place as Seraph but with an intricate lion roaring, his teeth bared.
Lexa instructed Clarke as she worked with the twin blades. She struggled with Famor which she held in her non-dominant hand. Lexa noticed and gave her exercises to strengthen her blade work with her right hand. Dusk fell and Lexa decided to call it quits, pleased with Clarke's progress and ability to defend herself.
Lexa led Clarke to the their tent amongst the many tents of Lexa's army. Clarke sat on their furs, exhausted from her day of work. Lexa smiled at how beautiful she was, her blonde hair glowing in the firelight. Lexa knelt between Clarke's legs and began to undress her love. She loosened and gently pulled off Clarke's shoes and socks. Clarke smiled down at the tenderness that Lexa was displaying. The heda knelt before her and undressed her like a servant, Lexa was giving Clarke something special and Clarke cherished it. Lexa caressed her face gently and leaned in to place a soft kiss on Clarke's lips. Then she carefully removed the rest of Clarke's clothing and returned to her lips. "Ai hod yu in," she whispered between their lips; a statement and a promise.
Clarke pulled Lexa onto the bed and knelt before her. She began undressing Lexa in turn, eager to show her love and devotion as well. Lexa smiled down at her lovingly as Clarke removed the entirety of her clothes. Lexa took Clarke's hands and led her to the wash basin. She slowly lowered herself into the water and pulled Clarke on top of herself, enclosing her in her arms. Clarke sighed contently, the warm water surrounding her body and soothing her sore muscles.
She buried her face into Lexa's neck and placed a light kiss there. Lexa's arms tightened around her, "promise me you will be careful tomorrow?"
Clarke lifted her head to meet Lexa's sorrowful eyes, "I promise, Lexa. O and Lincoln will be with me again, we will be okay. Ontari needs me, she won't kill me."
"I fear what will occur when she no longer needs you."
"Then I will thrust my blade through her heart."
Lexa brought her hand up to the blonde's cheek, stroking her there. Clarke was fierce and strong, Lexa trusted her. She was not that easy to kill and Lexa knew that.
Lexa reached for a cloth and began washing Clarke, massaging the soap into her skin. Clarke groaned at the sensations, "mochof Leksa."
Lexa only smiled and kissed her cheek. When Lexa finished her washing pursuits, she began to rinse Clarke free of the soap that permeated her skin. Clarke took the washcloth from Lexa and began cleaning her in turn. She brought the cloth up to Lexa's face and hesitated near her lips. Her eyes were focused on the lips that she knew so well, red, plump and ever so soft. She leaned in and brought Lexa's bottom lip between her own, sucking lightly. Lexa's moan was swallowed between them as Clarke sought entrance with her tongue. Lexa's arms tightened around Clarke's waist and she abruptly lifted Clarke up with her. She placed Clarke on the ground and bent slightly to reach a towel, drying them both off. Their lips met in a fiery kiss that led them both to the bed. Their hearts beat as one as they fully explored each others bodies with passionate kisses, licks and bites; they had finally found their soulmate.


*Mochof= thank you
*Sha= yes
*Ai hod yu in= I love you
*Jomp op!= Attack

Clexa- Ai laik kwel gon yuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon