Chapter 10

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Clarke woke to movement next to her. She smiled when Lexa bent to kiss her forehead. She shifted so that Lexa was in her line of sight, "good morning."
Lexa smiled slightly and left another lingering kiss on Clarke's cheek. "How are you feeling today, my love?"
"Like I've been run over by a horse," Clarke chuckled.
Lexa held her tighter, her eyes shining with worry. "Maybe we should cancel the rest of this meeting today and make sure you get some more rest."
Clarke shifted to give Lexa a small kiss, "no we have to finish this. I will survive," she smiled. "I can get extra rest tonight into tomorrow." Clarke kissed Lexa's pout, "we should be getting up soon, we can grab some breakfast in the meal hall. Then we should get my mom and finish this meeting early."
"As you wish," Lexa rose and Clarke finally noticed how very unclothed Lexa was. She was wearing only a wrap around her breasts and boy short underwear. Clarke became fixated on Lexa as she moved about the room finding her clothes.
"Clarke, Clarke? You okay?"
Clarke blushed bright red, caught in the act. Lexa couldn't help the huge grin that came across her face, she was enjoying this. Clarke finally gathered her thoughts and began stripping. Two could play at this game. Lexa's jaw dropped as Clarke pulled her shirt over her head and her pants down her legs. Unable to tear her eyes away from Clarke's beautiful curves she tripped trying to put her pants on as Clarke stood from the bed. Lexa blushed at her own stupidity and put her head down. When she looked back up he gaze locked on Clarke bent over a drawer, ruffling through the contents. Lexa was moving before she even thought about it. Her arms slid across Clarke's middle and she pulled her into her chest. She began placing light kisses on Clarke's neck, earning a sigh. Clarke spun in Lexa's arms and brought their lips together, everywhere their skin touched was burning. Clarke pushed Lexa backwards, when her legs hit the bed she fell onto it, staring expectantly up at Clarke.
Clarke smiled down at her, enchanted by the beauty below her. Lexa pulled at Clarke's arm and she finally lowered herself until their skin brushed together. Lexa's hands began to roam along Clarke's bare skin taking in each bump, bruise, and scar since she hit the ground; the story of Clarke's journey written across her body. Her fingers hit the band of her bra and she slid her fingers around to her back, skillfully unclasping it. Clarke put her hand over Lexa's and stopped her from removing her bra.
"We should stop. We have stuff to do, and if we do this now we'll be stuck in here all day."
Lexa grumbled her defeat and re-clasped Clarke's bra. "Don't worry," Clarke smiled. "We'll pick this up where we left off soon."
"We better," Lexa sighed readjusting her own wrappings.
They stared at each other a moment more. "Clarke," Lexa whispered.
"If you don't get off of me it's going to be very difficult for me to restrain myself."
"Oh," Clarke blushed and immediately stood up to finish putting on her clothes.
One they were both fully clothed, Clarke led the way to the dining hall. They grabbed some food from the buffet line and found a table to sit at alone. They ate in relative silence, choosing to just stare at each other in silence rather than ruin the moment with pointless small talk. With Lexa, Clarke had begun to learn the value of silence, how they could have an entire conversation without uttering a word. Somehow that made it more valuable, more meaningful and Clarke loved it.
They had nearly finished their meals when Octavia and Raven joined their table. Lexa seemed surprised when Raven sat directly next to her rather than opting to sit near Clarke. She looked up at Clarke seemingly confused but Clarke only smiled at her, encouragingly.
"What's up guys?"
"We missed you," Octavia said. "When we saw you here we decided to join you, catch up."
They did catch up, each of them recalling their lives in the past few weeks. They tried to include Lexa as much as possible but she was mostly quiet. Finally Raven had, had enough. "Listen, commander heart eyes, I know you're supposed to be stoic and all but loosen up a little. Clarke is here, we know how loose you are around her." She burst out in laughter, Octavia joining her.
Clarke only blushed and Lexa looked confused, "would someone please tell me what commander heart eyes means?" She nearly pouted and Raven bent double choking on her laughter. Tears were flowing out of both hers and Octavia's eyes and Clarke couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped her lips. Lexa huffed, which only made them all laugh harder. Clarke stood up containing her laughter, "that's all up to you guys, I'm gonna go get us some water Lex." Lexa nodded and continued to stare at Raven expectantly.
Clarke made her way to the water stand, cups in hand. She was nearly halfway there when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the dining hall.
"Jasper, woah slow down."
When he faced her she couldn't contain the shock she felt. His face was hallowed and grey and he was swaying slightly on his feet. His eyes were dead, reflecting none of the light they used to hold. He was not the Jasper that she used to know.
"Sorry," he grumbled, his voice hollow. "Am I going to fast for you? I thought you lived in the fast life, you certainly decided to wipe out a whole population fast enough."
"Jasper," she choked. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I did it for them, for our people. It was the only way."
"It wasn't the only way! You didn't even try something else."
"We didn't have time."
"You killed her!" He spat, hot tears falling from his eyes and pain written all over his face. "I loved her and you killed her."
Clarke reached out to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry Jasper. I really am."
He pulled away from her touch and spat at her. "You're disgusting, you're a monster and I don't want your apologies."
"Then what do you want from me, Jasper. Why did you bring me here? What do you want?" Clarke had tears in her eyes.
"This," he grimaced and pulled out a gun.
"Woah!" Clarke cried. "Pleas Jasper, you're my friend. Don't do this."
"You deserve this! Blood for blood right!" His eyes were dead and his posture determined. He was going to do it.
"Lex-!" Clarke began to shout just as Jasper pulled the trigger.
Lexa was still trying to convince Raven or Octavia to tell her what commander heart eyes meant. They only laughed anew each time she asked.
Finally, Raven was able to get out, "Don't worry about the specifics. We're just referring to how you look at Clarke."
"How I look at Clarke?"
Raven snorted. "Don't play dumb with us Commander. You love her."
Lexa looked between Raven and Octavia who were both firm. She opened her mouth to respond when they heard a loud gunshot. Lexa searched for Clarke frantically among the masses. She didn't see a single streak of familiar blonde hair.
"Where is Klark!" Lexa asked, she was panicking. She leapt up from the table and ran in the direction of the gunshot. She barely registered that Raven and Octavia had followed her. When she broke through the crowd into the hallway she followed the sounds of a commotion until she came upon the source.
A boy from the ark held a gun and was threatening the soldiers who attempted to restrain him. On the floor behind him she saw a flash of blonde hair. "No!" She shouted and leapt forward. Before the boy could even react she had drawn her sword and sliced through the hand that held the gun. He promptly dropped the weapon and Lexa bashed him in the face with the hilt of her sword. She completely disregarded him as he crashed to the ground and quickly made her way to the figure on the ground.
"Clarke!" She fell to the ground next to the girl. Her hands carefully roamed the girl's body. She was covered in blood and she couldn't find the source of it. "Beja Klark, you are okay. Open your eyes. Beja ai hodness."
Clarke shifted slightly under Lexa's touch, coughing up blood. "Lex,"
"Clarke! You are okay, do not worry ai gud yu. Tell me where you are wounded."
Clarke gestured to the bullet wound in her shoulder, "I tried to dive out of the way. Still got shot," she choked out a wheezy laugh and Lexa silenced her with a hand.
"Hush Clarke save your energy." She ripped her shirt and wrapped the wound. She slipped her arms around her and quickly carried her to the medical wing.


*Beja= please
*Ai hodness= My love
*Ai gud yu= I've got you

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