Chapter 14

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Some smut towards the end if you want to skip it. Hope you enjoy =)

Octavia, Lincoln and Clarke approached the encampment of tents set up in the woods. Their guide gestured them forward after removing their weapons. Clarke counted seven tents in total in the camp. She wondered who Ontari had brought along and why she had brought them. The messenger led them to the tent at the center of the camp and held the flap open for them.
"Guards stay outside."
"They can't come in?"
Clarke glanced at Octavia who looked ready to argue. "It's fine O, stay here I'll call if something is wrong."
Octavia nodded, and stood stoically outside of the tent. Clarke entered the tent apprehensively. She was prepared for the worst even if the worst didn't occur. She knew she only needed to shout and Lincoln and Octavia would be at her side in seconds.
Ontari was seated, passively, in an arm chair near her furs. She was drinking from a goblet that she held loosely in her right hand. She raised it when Clarke entered in salute and offering, "Would you like some, Wanheda?"
"No, mochof."
Ontari raised an eyebrow, "You do not trust me."
Clarke raised a brow in return, "Am I supposed to?"
Ontari laughed heartily, "I suppose not."
"Let's cut to the chase here," Clarke spoke icily. "What do you want? Why am I here?"
Ontari took another draught from her cup. "You are close with the heda." It was a statement not a question so Clarke waited patiently for her to go on. "I think that you might know that I have no love for the heda, she killed my Kwin."
"Sha," Clarke stated. Ontari was just playing with her. She had to wait patiently for the true intent of this meeting to emerge.
"I also know that she betrayed you and your people. What makes you think that she won't do so again?"
"I don't," Clarke said, attempting to remain neutral.
"She probably will betray you again. Heda is a liar and she holds no love for you or your people, and yet you still trust her?"
"It is not so much trust as a mutual need," Clarke stated.
Ontari smiled gruesomely, "and what if I could provide you the necessities that you require the heda for."
Clarke remained passive, Ontari's true intent was coming to fruition. "Then I would no longer require the heda's assistance."
Ontari's smile widened, "I want to kill the heda and I want to take her place. I have followers, I need only your alliance. I will provide you with whatever your people need, if you will help me end Lexa kom trikru."
Clarke kept her face impassive, "I would need to speak to my people."
Ontari nodded, "I will give you time. Is two days sufficient?"
"Sha," Clarke stepped forward and shook Ontari's arm, inconspicuously placing the tracker on her sleeve. She began to turn but Ontari called out to her.
"I would advise you not to betray me wanheda. Your people will suffer if you do and I will kill everyone you love" Ontari threatened.
Clarke nodded firmly and left the tent.
"Taim na bants," Clarke commanded Lincoln and Octavia. They followed closely behind her and once they were out of earshot of the camp Octavia questioned her.
"What was that about?"
"I'll tell you guys when we get back to Arkadia. I need to speak with Lexa first."
Octavia nodded and silenced herself. They neared Arkadia and Clarke was the first to see Lexa. She stood in the tree's where Clarke, Octavia and Lincoln had left her. She was pacing restlessly and Clarke's heart warmed at the sight of her lover waiting for her. She had felt Lexa's panic as if it were her own throughout the meeting, she was impatient to reach her. As if sensing Clarke's thoughts Lexa turned her way and noticed her, her eyes widening. Clarke's pace increased as she rushed to reach Lexa. She wanted to run to her, but knew that she could not. It was not safe to act so rashly where they could be seen.
When she reached Lexa, Clarke shook her head. "We need to talk inside."
Clarke turned to Octavia, "tell my mother that we have returned and that we will meet her in half an hour."
Lexa stood staring at her and didn't move until Clarke gently pushed her forward. They barely made it to her room before Lexa's hands were on her. Lexa shoved her against the wall tears flowing from her eyes.
"I feared the worst, Klark. She could have killed you. I could not have lost you ai hodness."
"I know Lex, but I'm here." She took Lexa's hand and held it to her heart. "Do you feel that?" Lexa nodded slightly. "I'm alive, Lex. My heart is beating for you."
Lexa pressed Clarke further into the wall and smashed their lips together. "I need you," Lexa managed to groan out.
Her tongue slipped into Clarke's mouth and they met in a deadly dance. They were passionate and aggressive, Lexa's hands taking what the needed. "Take me," Clarke whispered against Lexa's neck, "make me feel alive."
Lexa growled and lifted Clarke easily. Clarke's legs came to wrap around Lexa's waist just before she was thrown on the bed. Lexa straddled Clarke ripping the shirt of her lover, desperate to see the milky skin beneath. She latched her teeth onto Clarke's pulse point and bit down, claiming what was hers. Her tongue immediately followed to sooth the pain.
"Leksa," Clarke moaned. "Beja,"
Lexa's fingers moved beneath Clarke's waistband to her mound. She circled her clit several times before she dipped her fingers into Clarke's opening. It was quick and desperate and everything that Lexa needed right now. Clarke held onto Lexa tightly as she thrusted into Clarke over and over again, their bodies moving in perfect sync. Lexa ground her hips down into Clarke's thigh but this wasn't about her pleasure. She wanted to please Clarke, she needed to please her. She needed the confirmation that her love was here and breathing. When Clarke's walls clenched around her fingers and she screamed her name in her ecstasy, Lexa knew. The love of her life was alive, so alive. When Clarke finished, she pulled Lexa up into a searing kiss and held her close. Lexa rested her head on Clarke's chest and listened to the sound of her thumping heart. She closed her eyes and sighed, Clarke was here and she was safe.
Clarke tightened her grip around Lexa and kissed the top of her head. "I am here meizen. I will never leave you."
Clarke shifted slightly underneath Lexa. "We need to leave to meet my mother, my love."
Lexa groaned earning herself a chuckle from Clarke. She couldn't help but smile in return, "You owe me a shirt," Clarke said.
Lexa let out a strangled laugh. "You do not need any shirt in my presence."
"Oh yeah?" Clarke asked. "Good then we'll go meet my mother like this."
Lexa growled ferociously and jumped to retrieve a shirt for her. "No one will see you like this except for me."
Clarke smile, "Deal. We really must leave."
Lexa groaned again but stood to lead Clarke out of the room. Clarke held her back, "just a minute."
Lexa raised an eyebrow and waited for Clarke to continue. "Ontari wants to have you killed, and she wants an alliance with my people. I told her that I had to discuss it with my people."
"What?" Lexa stated, clearly shocked.
"Obviously I'm not even considering it, but I don't want her to know that. I want her to think that I am her ally so that I can stay informed and we can take her out."
"I do not like the idea of you being a spy, Klark. Ontari is dangerous and she may realize if you are not careful."
"I will always have Octavia and Lincoln with me. Please let me do this heda. I need to learn to be your co leader, to do so I must take risks as well else I will never learn. I know that I can do this and I will do this, for you."
Lexa hesitated, apprehensive. She only just got Clarke back, now she wanted to risk her life further? But, she knew that Clarke was right and that she could take care of herself and so she nodded. "Just be safe, Klark."
Clarke nodded. "Let's go tell my mom."
Dr. Griffin did not take the news well. She had no faith in her daughter's abilities, which Lexa did not hesitate to point out. She was just as fearful as the stand in chancellor for Clarke's life. Yet, she knew that CLarke was strong and that she could look after herself and Abigail Griffin needed to realize that as well.
When Abigail was finally convinced, they moved onto more appropriate matters, like a plan. Clarke would remain in touch with Ontari and stay updated on Ontari's plans. Raven would track Ontari through the tracking device that Clarke had placed on her and once they discovered Ontari's full plans they would take the fight to her. Lexa only had two day's with Clarke before she left to meet with Ontari again and Lexa was determined to take full advantage of that time.


*wanheda: commander of death
*Mochof: thank you
*Sha: yes
*Heda: Commander
*Taim na bants,: Lets go
*Ai hodness: my love
*Beja: please

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