Chapter 6

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Clarke slept fitfully for days. She hardly ever woke, except to eat. Lexa spent nearly all her time with Clarke. She woke her up to eat three times a day and would eat with her. She laid with her when she woke in immense pain, and she slept with her every night. The rest of her time was spent upholding the temporary alliance.

Lexa had just laid down with Clarke in her arms, holding her tight to ease the memory of her nightmare when Indra entered her tent unannounced.

"Heda, der ste a gonplei.." She cut off quickly at the sight before her. "Heda!" she hissed, "this is how you have been spending all your time? You are being childish"

"Indra," Lexa snapped "hod yu rein daun. (know your place)"

Indra silenced herself, "as I said, there has been a fight. Your presence is required."

Lexa nodded and stood, whispering soothing words to Clarke. She brushed passed Indra and out of the tent. She didn't have to go far to see the commotion at their border.

She saw the girl named Raven shouting and swinging at the guards who attempted to restrain her. "Nou jomp em op!(do not attack) Let her go." The guards immediately dropped their hold on the feisty young girl. "Let her pass."

Once she realized she would no longer be apprehended, Raven walked swiftly towards her. "Where is Clarke, you just took her and none of us know if she is even alive."

"I assure you that she is alive. She is resting in my tent."

"I want to see her.." a loud scream interrupted them. Both their eyes widened, "What are you doing to her?" Raven shouted disgusted.

Lexa ignored her, sprinting towards her own tent, towards a scream that she knew too well. "Clarke!" she shoved the tent flap aside and rushed into her quarters. She searched frantically for danger but only saw Clarke thrashing on her fur's. The girl must be having a nightmare, she thought. She rushed to her side, sliding into the furs next to her and wrapping her arms around her. "Klark," she whispered "wake up, yu laik klir (you are safe)"

Raven had followed Lexa's mad dash and was also searching for danger. "What's going on?"

"Shof op," Lexa silenced her and for once, Raven listened to her.

Clarke had woken at Lexa's soft insistence and warmth. She looked panicked, her eyes searching for something. "Hush, Klark, you are safe skai prisa."

Clarke focused on Lexa, her eyes holding the beautiful green orbs. "He was stabbing me, and when you came in, Bellamy shot you instead of Pike. Leksa, Ai drop of yu (lost you)"

"Chil yu au (relax) Clarke, I am here. Ai gada yu in (I got you)"

Clarke relaxed into her hold, finally. Raven coughed awkwardly.

"Raven," Clarke said surprised, "what are you doing here?"

Raven raised an eyebrow at Clarke and the commander but just said, "I was worried. The commander here just swept you away, none of us even got to say goodbye. We didn't even know if you were alive."

Clarke glanced at the commander who had the tact to look a little sheepish. "I'm sorry, Raven. I'm okay though. Just recovering, slowly."

Raven nodded, "your mother wants to come see you, do a check-up. Ya know, the works"

Clarke nodded and looked to Lexa for confirmation. Lexa nodded in return and spoke up, "she is welcome any time that she wishes to come see Clarke just as I told her, you are too, and anyone else who wants to."

Raven arched a brow, "even Bell?"

Lexa positively growled at the mention of his name, "absolutely not."

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