Chapter 5

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Lexa groaned silently, impatient. "Chancellor, we will discuss this tomorrow or the day after. Now that everyone is settled and no longer at eachother's throats we will need Clarke's input to carry on any further."

Abigail huffed beside Kane, "Why can we not reach a decision, Kane and I are here. Clarke will not be able to come to a meeting for another week."

"Then we shall wait a week," Lexa deadpanned. "Clarke is the ambassador, and our people trust and respect her the most of the skaikru. We will wait for Clarke. Now, if you'll excuse me I must go see her, if you could point me in that direction."

Chancellor Griffin gestured for one of her men to lead the commander to the infirmary. "Let's go (Hod ep?)," Lexa commanded her guard and they were gone.

Abigail groaned loudly, "why is she so stubborn. We don't need Clarke for this."

Kane hushed her, "Abigail, you know that Clarke is the only skaikru that Lexa trusts."

"But why?" Abigail huffed. "I think she cares for Clarke, Kane"

Kane laughed loudly, "Can't be. That girl has sworn off feelings."

"I'm telling you, Kane, you didn't see her while I was fixing up Clarke. I had to convince her to leave. She was going to stay there." Abby paused thoughtful. She resolved to remaining observant to get her answer.


"Ste hir," Lexa commanded her guard before she stepped inside the infirmary. Joseph nodded at her and Lexa left him behind. She saw a chair near Clarke's bed and pulled it nearer to her, taking a seat. "Ste yuj(be strong), ai skai prisa," Lexa whispered and took Clarke's hand in her own.

The chancellor stepped inside the infirmary late that night. It had been a long day and she was just finally getting time to go visit her daughter. When she approached her daughter's bed, she saw something that she didn't expect. Lexa's head was resting on the bed beside her daughter, her back bent uncomfortably in the chair she sat in. Her hand gripped tightly to Clarke's as though she were her life-line. Footsteps sounded behind her and Abigail turned around to their source. Raven stood slightly behind her looking amused.

"I see Lexa is still in the same spot," Raven chuckled.

"How long has she been like this?" Abby asked.

"A while, the first time I came in here she was awake. She whipped her hand out of Clarke's like she'd been burned. It was actually really cute. Thought she got away with it too," Raven chuckled at the memory. "Anyway I've been periodically coming back in to see if Clarke had woken up. Every time she's been like this."

Abby nodded, "well, I guess we'll all have to just share her."

Raven nodded and stood beside the chancellor.


Lexa woke the next morning to Clarke staring down at her, groggily. "Clarke!" Lexa shot up from her position.

Clarke chuckled lightly, "You look cute when you're sleeping."

Lexa blushed, and sat back down. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," Clarke grinned. "You been here all night?" She shifted uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" Lexa questioned, concerned.

"I'm in pain," she shifted some more, "and I really hate hospitals, they scare me" she whispered.

Lexa nodded gravely and stood up to leave. "Wait, Lex, where are you going?" Clarke asked, confused at what she'd done.

"I will be back in a moment do not worry." Lexa's gaze softened, "trust me."

Clarke stared into her eyes and found only sincerity, she nodded.
Lexa searched the Ark randomly, her guard in tow. When she finally found the Chancellor, she stood before her.

"I wish for Clarke to be taken to my camp."

"What? Clarke is staying here. We can take care of her better."

"Just like you did before?" Lexa growled. Abby stepped back shocked. "The camp is a few minute's ride away, if Clarke needs medical assistance I will bring her back here. In the meantime, she will stay in our camp."

Lexa turned on her heel and stalked away, leaving the chancellor to stumble after her. When she reached the infirmary again, Clarke was hardly awake. "Lexa," was all that she managed to say.

"We are going to my camp, Clarke. Rest easy." Clarke sighed in relief.

"She's awake," Abby squeaked, "You didn't tell me she was awake."

"Mom," Clarke sighed.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Clarke smiled at her, "You're not really going to go with her, are you?"

Clarke managed to nod, "Yes I am, I'm not going far. She's doing this for me, please let her."

Abigail managed a terse nod. "Okay honey," She turned her attention to Lexa, "Will I be allowed to visit her?"

Lexa nodded and scooped Clarke up into her arms, she groaned in pain. "Ste yuj meizen (stay strong beautiful)," Lexa told her softly. Clarke nodded once more to her mother and then buried her face into Lexa's neck as she walked.

There was a series of shouts as Lexa returned to camp. Lexa ignored them and approached her tent. "Do not let anyone in," she told the guards posted outside. She gently laid Clarke down onto her plush furs. Clarke had fallen asleep somewhere along the walk but she stirred now.

"Mochof, Leksa."

"Relax now, Clarke. You need to rest." Lexa stood to leave but Clarke grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Stay, please."

Lexa nodded and sat beside her own bed. Clarke shook her head, "come lay with me Lexa, this is your bed."

Lexa shook her head in return. "I will hurt you."

"Beja, Leksa, beja"

Lexa nodded, weak to this side of Clarke, any side of Clarke. She lowered herself beside Clarke and hesitantly wrapped her arms around her. When she didn't protest Lexa relaxed and Clarke turned towards her, burying her face in her neck. Clarke's breath evened out moments later, and Lexa whispered to her "Ai laik kwel gon yu, Klark"

She assumed Clarke was asleep until she heard a quiet, "I am weak for you too, Lexa." Lexa smiled to herself and let herself drift off to sleep.  

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