Chapter 30

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Later that night, after a long and grueling conversation with Kane and Clarke's mother, Lexa finally returned to her bed where Clarke still rested. Clarke's eyes opened as soon as she entered the room, "you brought food," she rasped out.
"Sha, and more water for your throat."
Clarke smiled at her lovingly as she set the food down on the table. Lexa turned to bring Clarke her food, but Clarke was already sitting up ready to rise.
Lexa nearly dropped the food in her haste to put it down and reach Clarke. Her hands stopped Clarke from rising any further than she had. "You should not be up, I just spoke to your nomon. She will be here in a few days time to check on your wounds and make sure you have healed properly. She said not to let you move around too much until then."
Clarke's brow furrowed, "when did you speak to my mother? And moving to the table is not much effort, especially if you help me."
Lexa conceded the battle and helped Clarke rise and reach the table. "I spoke to chancellor Griffin and Kane less than an hour ago, I used the radio we still have to contact Raven who passed the radio on to them. I figured you would want your mother to be aware of what happened to you and that you were okay."
Clarke's eyes softened into a look of pure adoration. "Thank you, niron."
Lexa nodded, a soft smile tracing her lips. "There is something I wish to speak to you about however."
Clarke's brow furrowed and she paused eating, "yes?"
"When your mother arrives, I am going to leave for two to three weeks. Ryder will remain with you and your mother along with much of the commanders garrison to keep you safe. Once your mother decides you are well enough to be on your feet, Indra will assign you to a patrol. You will shadow the leader, and then you will become the leader and you will be given assignments to lead your patrol. Ryder will be assigned to this patrol as well to make sure you are not harmed by any of our people."
"Leksa," Clarke interrupted. "What's going on, why are you leaving, and why are you assigning me to a patrol? I thought we were in a time of peace."
"We are in a time of peace, but there are still some who followed Ontari out there, as well as bandits and thieves as there has always been. I am assigning you to a patrol because you need first hand experience leading our people. You have led the skaikru, but their ways are very different from ours. You know this and you have learned much of our ways but my people will not accept you as their leader unless you have proven it. This is the best way for you to prove this."
Clarke nodded, her face set, "But why are you leaving niron?"
Lexa slid her hand across the table and took Clarke's in her own, "Beja niron, I know I have been asking this of you a lot, but please just trust me. It will all be clear in time, I promise you that. I need to do this on my own right now, but as soon as I return to you, everything will be explained to you. Ai swega em klin. Do you trust me?"
Clarke's gaze softened, "of course, Leksa. Just don't do anything careless. Come back to me in one piece, sha?"
Lexa smiled softly, "Sha niron. I will always return to you."
Three days later Clarke's mother arrived with the rising sun. Clarke was able to greet her at the door along with the commander, as she was nearly healed. Abby gave Clarke a hug, careful to avoid any possible wounds. "I thought I told you not to let her be on her feet too much," Abby directed at the commander.
Lexa inclined her head with a small smile, "sha, but Klark is not one to be commanded."
Abby smiled back at her, knowing the stubbornness of her only child all too well. Clarke looked between them confused at the interaction, but nonetheless stated, "I'm nearly completely healed. You can come do a check up mother."
Lexa's hand closed around Clarke's upper arm, not allowing her to walk away yet. "It is time for me to leave Klark."
Clarke stepped closer to her, "are you sure about this Leksa?"
Lexa nodded gravely and squeezed Clarke's arm tighter. "Be safe niron. Raider will look after you and you will do well in training. That I am sure of."
Clarke smiled sadly, "I will miss you."
Lexa's hand slid down Clarke's arm and into her hand. She gave it a small squeeze, "I will miss you too. I will return to you Klark, I promise. Go find Indra once you have been cleared."
Clarke nodded and brought her hand up for a small inconspicuous kiss, "see you in a few weeks."
Lexa nodded and turned away from her, allowing Clarke to lead her mother into the city of Polis and Lexa to gather her entourage and leave the city.
Abby walked side by side with her daughter into the city that she now called home. Ryder followed behind them at the command of Lexa, "Where is the commander going?"
Clarke sighed softly, "I don't know. She will be gone for nearly three weeks though."
Abby gave her daughter a strange look, that Clarke would have questioned if they hadn't just arrived at the commanders tower. Clarke led her mother to her and the commander's room, seating herself on their bed and removing her shirt so that her mother could see the wound. Ryder remained outside allowing Abby to walk into the room after her daughter alone. She looked around the room in awe and then zeroed in on her daughter so at ease on the bed, "this is the commander's room, no?"
Clarke blushed slightly and nodded, "my room also."
Abby nodded, moving closer to Clarke to exam her wound. "You got this battling the strongest warrior in all of Polis?"
Clarke grimaced slightly, "yes."
Abby groaned, "why are you so hard headed."
"I had to mom. I don't do things for no reason, you know I had to in order to achieve everything we've been working for," Clarke explained quietly.
Abby's eyes hardened momentarily, "to be with Lexa. You had to go through this to be with Lexa."
Clarke looked away for a brief moment before meeting her mother's eyes with a hard gaze, "yes. But not only that. I did it for our people as well. What we have planned, it will bring both our people together mom. It will bring peace, it won't be easy we know that. Nor will it be accepted right away, but once it is, mom; we'll finally have peace." Clarke sighed, imagining the way things would be when peace finally and truly spread across their lands.
Abby shook her head as she gently prodded the wound on Clarke's stomach, "we already have peace."
Clarke interrupted her, shaking her head. "It's temporary and you know it. If a pin drops war might break out, our people still don't trust one another. Our plan, it will make the grounders respect us. One we have their respect, they'll accept us. It will also put skaikru in a position where they won't have to worry about being betrayed ever again."
Abby nodded, examining the rest of her body for wounds. "I hope you two are right." Her daughters fists clenched and she nodded. "Looks like you've healed well enough to be up and about. Who healed you?"
Clarke's face brightened at that, "Niko. He's come a long way, I've showed him much and he's learned from you as well."
Abby smiled at that, "I'm glad to hear it. The grounders will benefit greatly from his new abilities and knowledge of medicine."
Clarke smiled as well and stood up, donning her shirt. "I have to go find Indra and get my assignment, I will see you at dinner later though, we'll catch up then."
Abby accepter her daughter's hug and watched worriedly as she strapped her swords to her back and exited the room.
Clarke found Indra in the training fields and approached cautiously. She found a seat on a stump while she waited for Indra to finish her drills Ryder trailing behind her and standing slightly behind her. While she sat, she studied Indra's grace as she fought. She was a little stiffer than Lexa, more prone to holding her ground rather than flowing instantly and beautifully as Lexa did, but an extraordinary fighter in her own right.
Finally, Indra noticed Clarke waiting for her and beckoned her over. "You've been cleared?" Indra questioned briskly.
Clarke nodded, her head held high. Indra nodded in return and turned abruptly sweeping off in the other direction. Clarke took this as a cue to follow and took off after her, Ryder following behind. They walked in silence until they reached the outskirts of Polis. Here Indra stopped and turned to Clarke, "I've assigned you to scout 25. They should be returning from their mission momentarily and you will get to meet them. The patrol leaders name is Gaifu, you would do well to pay very close attention to him. He is the best patrol leader in Polis, very wise, and heda trusts him implicitly."
Clarke nodded, her back stiff as she stood at attention waiting for the patrols arrival. Nearly twenty minutes later, grounders seemed to melt out of the tree's as they appeared one by one.
The five of them stopped before Indra, a large bearded man stepping out from the ranks to face her. "Indra, what brings you out here."
"This is Wanheda," Indra spoke, gesturing towards Clarke. "She will join your patrol as I discussed with you previously."
The man, who Clarke assumed to be Gaifu looked her over carefully. He seemed to be assessing everything about her, the assets and the drawbacks. Whatever he saw, he seemed satisfied enough as he said, "very well. Your first mission will be at dawn tomorrow morning. For now, come with us to the training field. I would like to see how you fight."
Indra nodded stiffly at them and watched as the group marched off in the direction they had just came from.
"Very good Clarke!" Gaifu shouted out over the clang of sword on sword.
Clarke was currently fighting one of the members of the patrol, a man named Sharek. This was the third member of patrol that she had fought today. Each of her fellow members wishing to get a chance to fight her and to see what she had. The other three members: Shanal, Renya and Horan stood off to the side cheering them on. All of the members of scout 25 had been very welcoming to Clarke s far. Renya, the only girl and the youngest of the group seemed the most reserved, but she was still polite and answered any questions that Clarke asked of her. Shanal and Horan seemed to be close to Clarke's own age and were rather rambunctious and amusing. They liked to make jokes at others expenses as they fought and stumbled.
As for Sharek, her current opponent, she couldn't quite get a read on him. He was reserved certainly, although not as quiet as Renya, but he had a quiet poise about him that even though he only seemed to be mid thirties, told Clarke that he has had much experience in this world. Of her opponents, he was also the most difficult to keep up with. Horan and Shanal she had beaten in the end, after a hard battle. But this fight she was not sure if she could win. They had been fighting for quite some time now and Clarke was at the point where she was merely evading, not going on the attack. They battled well into dusk by the time Gaifu finally called the fight.
"Enough, enough. I don't think this fight will ever end." A deep laugh boomed out from his chest, a smile gracing his bearded face. Sharek offered his arm to Clarke in peace, Clarke took it and nodded at him. Sharek nodded in return, "very good Wanheda. I am honored to have been able to fight you, you're legend precedes you and I am happy to say it is not all gossip."
"Thank you Sharek, you're words are appreciated, you are clearly a very accomplished warrior."
He smiled slightly at her and released her arm to meet his groupmates.
Gaifu approached her with a wide smile, "Wanheda. What an impressive show."
Clarke smiled in return, "thank you sir. I've worked very hard."
Gaifu's smile softened, "I can see that. There are still some things I can teach you if you are open to this."
Clarke nodded eagerly, "Of course sir. I would be honored."
Gaifu grimaced, "no need to call me sir Clarke, just Gaifu is fine. Now go get some dinner, meet me tomorrow here at dawn. We have much to discuss, I am glad to have you as a member, you are clearly a warrior and a leader. I look forward to teaching you what I have learned as a leader. I look forward to working with you as well Raider, it has been a long time."
Clarke smiled at him and shook his arm and Ryder nodded in acknowledgement. They parted finally and Clarke began to make her way to the tower with Ryder to finally see her mother.


*Beja niron = please love
*Ai swega em klin = I swear it
*Nomon = mother
*Sha = yes

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