Chapter 24

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When they wake in the morning there is a fire in Lexa's eyes that the blonde had only seen once or twice.
"Chit's gon daun?" Clarke asks hesitantly.
Lexa draws Clarke's arm to her mouth and kisses the wound there gently, "once this heals I am going to present you as a full fledged second to the commander. You will enter your training with the army, and then with me."
"Leksa," Clarke whispers. "You are sending me away?"
"No Klark," Lexa whispers adamantly. "I wish for you to stay, but for you to learn, you need to be immersed in our culture. I am doing this so that we can really be together sooner, rather than later Klark. Beja, trust me."
Clarke's eyes soften, "always, niron."
Lexa announces Clarke's promotion and she leaves within the week to join Lexa's army amassed to the North of Polis. Lexa prepares her horse and supplies her with handmade armor that she chose herself for her lover. She brings Clarke into the trees to say her goodbye and hold her close.
"Ai hod yu in, niron. We will meet again, it is only a few months."
Clarke nearly whines at the mention of their time apart and kisses Lexa desperately. Lexa has to force herself to pull away and it takes everything she has to not run after her Clarke. However, Clarke must face this on her own and Lexa must let her if Clarke is to become a leader by her side. She kisses Clarke one last time, softly, in an attempt to convey her purpose and the vast love she has for the girl in her arms. She finally releases her and allows her to return to her steed and follow the messenger to her destination.

5 months into training

Clarke has grown stronger. She can feel it in her limbs as she is forced to run and spar repeatedly. She is consistently defeating warriors twice her size with grace and glory. She is constantly sporting bruises and cuts from her battles and experiences. She is on her morning hunt, already having fell a deer and a bear when she hears the horn. The commander is coming. She quickly fastens the dear and the bear together with rope and then forms a makeshift harness for her to drag her kills into the encampment.
When she reaches the outskirts of camp, Lexa is seated high on her horse in the midst of a crowd of her soldiers. They are all calling out their love and gratitude to their heda while Lexa nods at each of them. Clarke can feel her heart beating out of her chest and all she wants to do is to run to her lover, but she knows that would be inappropriate. Still she has to turn away to restrain herself. She slowly makes her way to the tent she know's houses the butcher, her friend, and presents her kill.
"Ah, what a good kill wanheda," Nikita booms happily.
Clarke smiles in return, "Mochof Nikita."
"You have grown so much since you first came here. Everybody loves you, we will be sad to see you leave."
Clarke's head shot up at that, "What do you mean?"
Nikita only let out his booming laughter at her response, "Heda is here. You will see."
Clarke rolled her eyes at his ambiguity. Lexa had come twice before to visit and see her progress. What was different this time, was Lexa here to take her back?
Nikita finished cleaning her kill and gave Clarke the money it was worth. Clarke nodded at him and took her leave. Shortly after a messenger found her at the commander's wishes.
Clarke stood next to the largest tent in the complex with apprehension, it had been 2 months since Lexa's last visit. The blonde is nervous and she doesn't know why, she loves Lexa and she is indescribably happy to see her. But, she realizes, she is nervous to see the commander. She has been working unbelievably hard to reach the commanders standards and would be devastated if she could not prove herself.
Taking a deep breath, Clarke prepared herself and entered the tent through the back entrance. She was wholly unprepared for the sight that she was met with. Inside the tent Lexa was laid on her furs, her hair splayed out behind her and her eyes half lidded. Clarke's breath caught at the sight of her lover in nothing but a nightgown.
Lexa's eyes opened completely and she nearly leapt out of her bed in her haste to reach her niron. Clarke meets her halfway and they crash together, their lips sealing. They cling to one another desperately and fall to the bed as one.
Their lips part as their tears mix between them. "I missed you, niron." Lexa whispers softly into Clarke's neck. She pulls back to meet Clarke's eyes and can see her feelings reflected within the blue depths. "It is time to come home and to take your rightful place."


*Chit's gon daun?= what's wrong?
*Beja= please
*niron= lover
*Ai hod yu in= I love you
*Mochof= thank you

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