Chapter 27

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Clarke faces her battle while Lexa must face hers. Sorry for the long wait guys. College has been kicking my ass, I apologize for making you wait if you were :(

The stadium was eerily silent as the two competitors faced each other in a stand off. The only sound was the growl that Lexa let escape at the words of the warrior across from them. Clarke stepped in front of Lexa to stop the commander from interfering. This was her battle and she could not afford to be seen as weak, no matter how loving Lexa's intentions were. The commander took the hint and ascended to her throne placed at the forefront of the fighting rink, upon a dias. Turid's eyes followed her greedily.
Clarke rose to her full height under the sinister stare of her opponent. "I would not be so quick to determine the outcome of this fight, seeing as you don't know the first rule." Clarke bared her teeth at Turid's growl. "Expect the unexpected, sha? Never assume the outcome of a battle or even the weakest novitiate will have you flat upon your back."
The stadium roared with confirmation and Turids snarl grew. "You can only hope your bite is as big as your bark."
"Empleni!" Lexa roared from her throne. "Take your positions."
Clarke met Lexa's stare, Lexa's eyes filled with desperation and plea's. Clarke's gaze softened and she nodded her head, promising Lexa that she would return to her. Lexa gave a speech that Clarke hardly heard, her breathing had quickened and her heart rate increased. What was she thinking. She was no first class warrior, she was going to die out here. No. She would not die, Lexa needed her, "Begin." Clarke's gaze snapped to Lexa's but was quickly averted to Turid who was rushing her.
Clarke unsheathed her blades in one fluid motion and blocked Turid's overhand slash with a grunt, her two blades coming to meet in a cross catching Turids blade between them. The crowd roared in approval, as Turid pivoted quickly in a smooth move to backslash at Clarke who dove out of the way. Clarke lifted Seraph in an overhead slash containing all her force, Turid blocked it easily but did not see the small jab with Famor. Turid barely avoided the burying of Famor in her stomach, receiving only a glancing slice that drew very little blood. The crowd roared their approval nonetheless. The blow only seemed to anger Turid further and she savagely thrusted and slashed in quick succession. Clarke's blocks were slowing down while Turid's strikes only increased in power and speed. Clarke's eyes widened and she had to fight the urge to look towards Lexa. She launched herself into a one handed flip, barely managing to hold onto her blade. The crowd wowed and cheered but Clarke was only desperately trying to distance herself from Turid.
She only succeeded for a moment before Turid was bearing down on her once again. Famor was knocked from her hand and the next thing she knew Turid slice her blade into Clarke's forehead just above her eye and then her forearm. She yelled out in pain but continued to parry and thrust with Seraph. Clarke was turning desperate now and she knew that was a mistake. Blood was dripping into her eyes and she could barely see. A particularly strong blow knocked Seraph from her hand and the next thing Clarke knew Turid thrusted her blade into Clarke's abdomen. Blood spurted from her mouth as she stood in shock. Her eyes met Lexa's terrified gaze as she fell to her knees, Lexa's mouth still open from a silent scream. Clarke's heart broke at the look in her eyes, at the realization that she had let her lover down and that she would be so hurt by this.
Turid only laughed. "This is who you took as a second heda? Pathetic." And suddenly her blade was bearing down. Lexa was desperately trying to reach her lover. To stop the onslaught that would kill the love of her life, but Indra held her in place. "Heda, beja, you cannot interfere."
Lexa growled in pure desperation and ripped herself from Indra's hold. She launched herself from her platform and rushed the fighting arena. Her eyes met Clarke's and she increased her pace but she wouldn't reach them in time. A heartbroken sob tore through her chest at the realization. But suddenly Clarke's eyes hardened and as the blade was about to thrust into her chest, her fist closed around her blade and she deflected the blow rising quickly and thrusting it into Turid's heart. Turid spluttered blood and dropped to the ground at Clarke's feet. A silence hushed over the crowd in shock, and then the cheering began. Clarke's eyes met Lexa's once more, who had stopped dead in her tracks at Clarke's actions. Clarke mouthed to her "I told you I would not lose niron" and then she was collapsing into the dust beside her defeated foe. Lexa yelled out and rushed towards her. "Niko!" She screamed out. "Beja, save her!" Niko rushed towards them calling out commands and throwing himself next to her body. He put his hands over her wound to staunch the flow of blood. Suddenly, they were lifting her body and Lexa was left to desperately follow after them yelling at them to save her over and over. Once inside the medical tent they laid her down and immediately began to tend to her wounds. Lexa collapsed next to her and rambled incoherently. Niko eyed Indra, "get her out of here, Indra. See that she is taken care of."
Indra attempted to help Lexa up, but Lexa only growled angrily at her. "No! You would have let her die. I will not leave with you. I will not leave her side at all. Now leave us!" Indra slunk back and did as she was told, leaving Lexa to worry anxiously over her lover. Niko sighed at her stubbornness but allowed her to stay. She would not leave her lover's side and he knew that.



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