Chapter 3

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Lexa rode hard for two days straight. She avoided her own blockade to avoid raising suspicion and remained in the shadows near the border of Arkadia. Her radio crackled to life with Raven's abrasive voice "Are you here commander?"

"Yes, Raven of the Sky people."

Raven laughed humorlessly and explained to Lexa exactly where she should wait. "Clarke should be out a few moments after you get there. Just stand tight."

Raven approached Clarke's cell, keys in hand. With Octavias help they would be able to keep the guards away from Clarke's cell just long enough to give her ten minutes with Lexa and be back in time. Raven swung the gate open expecting Clarke to be up and about. Instead, the girl was slumped in the corner with her head down.

"Clarke, we have to get going." Clarke glanced up with great effort and Raven gasped. "Oh Clarke," all of her exposed skin was covered with angry welts and bruises. Her clothes were ripped, her left eye was swollen shut and she was bleeding in multiple places. She didn't argue when Raven pulled her into a standing position and wrapped Clarke's arm around her neck to support her. Raven half carried Clarke to the ducts that Octavia had showed her when she had escaped a week ago. "Looks like I'm going to have to go with you, Clarkey" Clarke didn't even have the energy to ask where they were going.

She ducked inside the ducts, her arms wrapped around Clarke and began dragging her through the tunnels. "We're almost there, hold on." Just then a cool breeze assaulted their faces and Raven helped Clarke out of the opening to the tunnel.

Lexa stepped out from behind a tree, "Clarke? Is that you?"

Clarke's head shot up, "Lexa" her voice was gravelly with misuse.

Lexa's face contorted into that of anger at the appearance of her skai prisa. She focused her anger onto Raven, "Hakom yu don blaik daun? You traitor!" (What did you do to her?)

"Woah, I didn't do anything, I'm not a traitor. I didn't find out that they've been torturing her until just now."

"Shof op!" (shut up)

"Em pleni Lexa!" (enough) Clarke reached out to her but stumbled. Lexa rushed forward and caught her before she could fall, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "Mochof heda," (Thank you commander) Clarke winced as Lexa brushed multiple wounds.

"I am so sorry my skai prisa, this is my fault. I will get you out of here even if I have to kill every single one of them."

"No, Lexa. We need peace, and to do that I need to be here to get rid of Pike." Lexa's eyes remained cold. Clarke raised her hand to Lexa's face and placed it gently on her cheek, "Listen to me, Lexa. You have to let this go, I will survive and then I will get my revenge and we will get peace."

Lexa nodded slightly, her eyes softening at Clarke's touch. She placed her lips to Clarke's forehead, "Come back to me, ai hodness."

"Clarke, we have to go."

Clarke looked up into Lexa's eyes. She was sincere when she said, "I will." She turned slightly and when she saw that Raven's back was turned she leaned in for a light kiss. "I'll see you soon, Lex."

Lexa stood silently watching as Clarke's figure disappeared into the tunnel and then turned back to her own camp.

Raven trudged ahead but said softly, "ai hodness means my love, right."

Clarke was silent for a moment. "Yes it does," she finally whispered and then fell silent once again. Raven didn't press her any further.

They stood in front of Clarke's cell once again. "Are you going to be okay Clarke? I wasn't lying when I said I had no idea they were treating you this way. I'll try to find some way to help you, and get a kickstart on this assassination plan."

Clarke nodded, "get out of here before they catch you."

Ravens form had just disappeared when Pike and his guards rounded the corner. "Where were you?" Pike growled. "I know you've been out of your cell, you just decided to come back? Why not leave for good?"

Clarke grit her teeth but remained silent.

"You really don't like to talk, do you?" Pike spat. "Get the electric rod Bellamy, lets see what a little zap does to loosen your jaw, shall we?"

Clarke spat at him, he bared his teeth at her in return. "Give her ten volts Bellamy." Bellamy opened the cell and quickly tied her up. He looked away from her and jolted her slightly. "More than that Bellamy!"
Bellamy followed his orders and Clarke grunted in pain. "Where did you go?" Clarke shook her head. "Again, longer this time, and higher voltage." Bellamy did as he was told.

Clarke's mouth opened in a silent scream but she wouldn't give him any answers. "Give her the highest voltage possible," Pike spat out through his teeth.

Bellamy turned to him, horrified, "that could kill her."

"I don't care do it!"

Bellamy approached Clarke, "Bell" she whispered, "please".

He jumped away from her, "I can't do it."

Pike growled and ripped the rod out of Bellamy's hands. He plunged the rod into her shoulder and she screamed out as her body contorted from the shock. "Tell me where you were!"

All Clarke could do was crumple to the floor and spit up blood. Pike stepped towards her again but Bellamy stopped him. "Pike! If you kill her, she won't be able to tell you anything! Give her a break."

Pike narrowed his eyes but nodded and ushered his guards out. He turned to Bellamy, "what was that, you couldn't do it? You getting soft on me Bellamy? She's a grounder just as much as the rest of them."

"No sir. She was my friend, I just needed a minute. I know that she's wrong. She deserved it." Bellamy managed.

Pike nodded, his hand on Bellamy's shoulder and then he sauntered off.

Bellamy turned back to Clarke's cell, "I'm so sorry Clarke, forgive me. He's gone too far." He nearly ran to Raven's workshop.

"Raven!" he yelled, "You in here? You gotta help me." He burst into a circle of people sitting around Raven's desk. He saw Octavia, Lincoln, Abby, Harper, Monty and several others. "Whats gong on?"

"Nothing" Octavia grumbled at him.

"Come on, O. I'm here to help for whatever it is. Pike was insane today, he nearly killed Clarke."

Abby stood up abruptly, "what did that monster do to my daughter?"

"How do we know you're not lying and spying on us for Pike"

"Please guys, I promise that I'm being sincere. I've gotta stop Pike, I need your help."Raven glanced him up and down. "Funny you should say that, we were just coming up with a plan ourselves. And I think we're going to need your help." Octavia glared at her, "We'll keep a close eye on him, O, but we need him. He's the closest to Pike. Come take a seat pretty boy."  

Clexa- Ai laik kwel gon yuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora