Chapter 26

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The day of the battle was close approaching. Clarke only had three days to prepare and then the battle would be fought between Clarke kom skaikru and Turid kom sankru. Lexa was working Clarke like a dog; hardly allowing breaks and rushing those that existed. On the third and final day Clarke insisted on a half day of rest to recover and be prepared for the battle the next day. Lexa conceded Clarke's logic and submitted to harsh training till only noon.
When they broke for their half day of peace Clarke pulled Lexa to the side and cornered her into speaking. "What's wrong, Lex? I've never seen you like this, you're nearly hysterical."
Lexa's eyes were wild, "that's because I am hysterical. I cannot lose you Klark, if you die, I die as well."
Clarke could see that Lexa was breaking and dragged her to their room where she immediately began pacing.
"Turid is the mightiest of our warriors, second only to me. You are strong Clarke and I believe in you but you still have not the years of experience that a seasoned warrior holds. I thought my people had finally accepted you, Wanheda the mighty they called you. They praised you and yet they still do not trust or accept you. I am ashamed to call them my people!"
Clarke surged forward and kissed Lexa to silence her. Her fingers tangled in the commander's hair and pulled her closer. She broke the kiss and her other hand came up to caress Lexa's sharp jawline lovingly.
"I love you," she whispered softly. Lexa's eyes closed softly and she audibly gulped. "I won't leave you. I know that my chances aren't phenomenal, but I have you to fight for. That's something she'll never have."
Lexa's eyes remained closed, her hands trembling where they held Clarke's waist.
"Niron, look at me, beja."
Lexa's beautiful green eyes peeked open and their watery depths held Clarke's.
"Our love is strength, Leksa. I cannot lose when it is you I am fighting for, you I am fighting with, always."
Lexa sighed heavily, "I know, Niron. But I worry for you. You are my heart. Without you I am nothing. I have nothing to live for, sha? You give me purpose and you give me something to believe in. With you by my side, peace is attainable."
Clarke rested her head against her lover's, "I will always be with you. Just trust in me.
"Sha, I trust you Klark. Always."
Clarke slowly retreated, her hand finding Lexa's, "then come to bed with me, commander."

The war horns sounded abruptly, breaking Clarke and Lexa from their peaceful reverie. Lexa's eyes shot wide open with panic. The blonde only kissed her to ease her pain and rose from the bed to prepare for battle.
Lexa rose with her and pulled her close, "hodop."
She nudged Clarke back to the bed and sat behind her. She arranged her hair in intricate braids, effortlessly pulling them into a beautiful arrangement. Next, she rose from the bed and rummaged through her own closet. She procured a beautiful set of light, but highly protective leather armor and helped her lover dress in them. She touched her reverently like Clarke was an angel sent from the heavens to grace the earth with her beauty and benevolence. Finally, Lexa set about painting in Clarke's war paint and marking her with the mark of the commander.
She rose with Clarke in tow, her lips brushing the blondes in a silent prayer. A cry to the heavens from where she came and a promise. A promise to love one another and to fight for one another always.
Finally, Lexa released her and they marched to the battle grounds. The roaring crowd silenced at their approach, parting the seas for their passing. The citizens of Lexa's 12 clans stared on in awe at the commander and her chosen. At the end of the path Turid stood tall and gleaming with blood lust. Her eyes sparkling with the promise of glory. At the sight of her commander, she straightened even further. Then she turned her eyes to her seken, "Klark kom skaikru, you have finally come for your death."


*Niron= lover
*Beja= please
*Hodop= wait

Next chapter is the battle :)

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