Chapter 29

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Clarke woke to arms wrapped securely around her waist, a more than safe distance away from her wound. She turned her head to the side to see Lexa, her eyes closed. Her breathing was long and labored as if she was worried even in her sleep. Clarke didn't doubt that this was the case, in fact she wouldn't be surprised if this was the first the commander had let herself sleep in days. Clarke allowed her head to fall back into her pillow and her eyes were just closing when a cough racked her body. Lexa jerked awake in a second her eyes wide and afraid, "Clarke! Are you okay?"
Clarke nodded through her cough, waiting for it to subside. "Just a dry throat, niron. Is there water?"
Lexa nodded her eyes still fearful, she stood up and grabbed the glass on the table near her bedside handing it carefully to Clarke. Lexa helped her sit up as she took several gulps of the clear liquid. She coughed out some of the water as a sharp pain pierced her stomach. Lexa immediately took the glass from her and helped her to lay back down. She looked anguished as if she had been the one to drive the blade into Clarke's stomach. Clarke reached for Lexa's hand and pulled her down into the bed.
"What is the matter, Leksa. I am alive, this was not your doing."
"Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op. Yu laik ain en ai laik yun. It was I who convinced you to become my second and it was I who could not protect you, the thing I love most in this world."
"No Leksa, it was my decision. I can take care of myself and you as well. We take care of each other. This is not your fault, I chose to become a warrior of your people, you did not force me. This was the challenge your people chose and my choice to accept their challenge, not a decision you made."
"But it was a challenge that you could not deny if you wanted, to be with me. It is because of my wish to have you and your wish to be with me that you were put in this situation, that you were put in harm's way. This is unacceptable, my people will destroy you if we go on like this. I will not allow it." Lexa's chin was high and her jaw set, something flashed in her eyes that put Clarke on edge.
"What are you planning, Leksa?"
Lexa raised her chin impossibly higher, "I have informed my people that you are now a member of both trikru and skaikru society. I have also informed them that you will be a respected warrior amongst them and that you will lead beside me. Soon you will begin your training to become a leader of my people. After this I will do what I should have done long ago."
Clarke's brow furrowed, "what's that?"
Lexa shook her head, "you will know soon enough. For now, I would like to keep that to myself."
Clarke's eyes closed briefly, "please don't do anything to put yourself in harms way, Leksa."
Lexa shook her head, her jaw tightening, but Clarke cut her off once again, "Leksa, niron. Beja, don't do this to me. I can't lose you, Leksa." Tears speckled in her vision, blurring her view of the commander. "No matter how safe you make it for me, if you're not their it won't be worth it. I won't be happy, I never will be. Not if you're not their right beside me. I'll fight for the rest of my life if I have to, because I have you, that's all I need. Our love is strength, not weakness, never forget that."
Lexa's eyes softened, her hand moving to gently cup her lover's cheek. "Sha, I could never forget that. I just want you to be safe, niron. Everything is for you, always you."
Clarke's eyes watered even further, "I know, Leksa. Don't you know it's the same for me? But I know that I won't be me without you here, just as you would not be you if I was not here. We have to work together to keep each other safe, sha?"
"Sha Klark, I always work with you. I will try to take into account my own well being as well a little better though. I would still like to keep this to myself though, it is something as much for me as it is for you, okay?"
Clarke's eyes softened and she nodded, "sha Leksa, I trust you."
Lexa nodded and leaned down to give Clarke a soft kiss. "I must attend to my duties now, niron. Rest and I will be back later, sha?"
Clarke nodded and Lexa disappeared with a gust of wind.
Lexa approached Indra, her jaw set and her eyes hard. She was the embodiment of the commander in this moment, no trace of Lexa. "General, once Clarke is well enough you will assign her to a patrol to shadow the patrol head. She will be taught and she will learn to lead a patrol first. Then she will shadow a general, not you," the commander growled.
"Heda," Indra began but was cut off.
"No, I expect it to be done as soon as Klark is well enough to stand, then bring me the radio that communicates with the sky people," and then she was gone, Indra left behind in her wake.
Lexa swept through the streets of Polis with purpose, her destination set in her mind. Her people nodded at her as she passed and she only nodded stiffly at them in return, still too angry with the majority of them to be generous. Once she approached her favorite blacksmith, on the outskirts of town, she slowed her pace and sauntered into the tent.
"Hildred," she greeted with a nod and received one in return. Hildred was a man of few words, a feature that made him appealing to the commander. "I need you to make something for me."


*Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op = attack you and they attack me
*Yu laik ain en ai laik yun = you are mine and I am yours
*niron = lover

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