Chapter 7

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Later that evening, Lexa brought Clarke her dinner and was surprised to see her sitting up in the bed. She smiled when Lexa entered her tent and gestured for her to place the plates on the table.

"Could you come help me up? I'm gonna try to eat with you at the table."

Lexa was by her side in an instant, a smile lighting up her face. "You're feeling better then?" She asked as she helped Clarke up.

Clarke groaned slightly in pain, "enough to sort of get up." She gave Lexa a gruesome half smile.

"Okay," Lexa chuckled, "Let's get you seated."

They ate dinner in a comfortable silence, just thankful to be together. Lexa had finished and was watching Clarke with love and admiration.

"Heda, Abigail kom skaikru."

"Min op" (enter)

Dr. Griffin entered the tent and rushed to her daughter's side. "Oh Clarke," she said looking her over and checking all of her wounds. "You're up, and healing nicely."

Clarke smiled warmly at her mother, "thanks to you and Lexa."

"How does your shoulder and legs feel, the sprain in your ankle looks pretty swollen still."

"They hurt, but they're not unmanageable."

Abigail finished her perusal and stared at her daughter apprehensively.

"What's wrong mom, and where is Raven?"

Abby sighed, "Raven had to stay behind."

Clarke glanced at Lexa, suddenly fearful and seeking strength. Lexa met her gaze and silently supported her, hoping to provide the strength she knew Clarke was searching for. Clarke straightened her posture and accepted a determined demeanor. "What's going on mom?"

Abigail sighed again, "some of the members of the Ark are determined to reject the grounders. They're trying to convince people that were all going to get them killed. Raven had to stay to help detain them."

Clarke stood abruptly, hiding her wince. "We will go there immediately."

"Clarke, you don't have to do this. We can figure it out."

"Yes I do, are you with me?"

Abigail hesitantly nodded.

Lexa rose to take her place by Clarke's side and offer assistance. Clarke flashed her a grateful look. "Maybe some of your warriors should come, I have an idea."

Lexa looked at her curiously, but accepted her suggestion without question. "How many?"

"Whoever wishes to come, give an announcement?"

Lexa nodded and helped Clarke out of the tent. She stayed close to Clarke's side and let her lean on her, accepting as much of her weight as she could. One they entered the public eye Clarke moved to separate herself from Lexa but Lexa pulled her firmly back into her side.

"Lexa," she hissed, "your people..."

"You are my people Klark. My people will see you as such if I treat you so." Clarke sighed gratefully. "My people," she spoke to her warriors, "we will enter Arkadia with Klark kom skaikru, any who wish to come may. We seek to resolve a few issues between our people."

Clarke and Lexa led the way, a surprising amount of grounders following in their wake. Their pace was slow, Lexa partially carrying Clarke by the halfway mark. They stopped in front of the gate and Abby made her way to the front of the procession, "Open the gates." The guardsmen did as they were told and the chancellor continued forward. The minute they entered the walls of Arkadia a commotion broke out.

"You don't belong here!" One of the arkers shouted. A group of them tried to surge forward and attack but the guards held them in place.

"Enough!" Clarke spoke loudly and clearly. With Lexa's help she breached the space between the grounder's and the arker's. They stood strong together in the center of their people. "If we want to survive we all need to get along," Clarke implored. "We're all the same now. There are no arker's anymore. Were all grounders, we became them the minute we crash landed on this Earth."

"But they're savages!"

"And we aren't? We floated anyone who committed a crime on the Ark, wasn't that vile? Look at what you guys did to me, a member of your society, and you beat and almost killed me. Who really are the savages?"

"You're one of them!" Someone shouted, "Look at you, she's by your side even now! She betrayed us!"

Lexa moved to defend Clarke but Clarke held her back, "I've got this," she whispered. "Trust me."

Lexa nodded and moved back to her side.

"You're right. I am one of them and they are one of us. We're all the same. Lexa did betray us, but I betrayed you guys too and so did Pike and every single one of us. We have all done terrible things to save the people we love. She was doing what she thought was right for people just as every single leader has ever done. Just like you all would do. DO you think you would even hesitate to kill someone if they held a gun to the head of someone you loved? Your wife, children, brother, sister, mother... anyone you ever loved? If you think that makes someone savage, then every single one of us is savage!"

A hush came over the camp, "We need to stop fighting and start accepting each other! We are a member of the coalition, Lexa is our commander, these people are our people. If we started acting that way maybe we would finally find peace. Maybe we'll finally save some lives instead of taking them. Don't you want that? Don't you want an environment where our children can grow up protected by everyone on this ground, instead of fearing for their lives every time we come across someone different than us? We're better than the hate were displaying, we are a species that ca show compassion and love." She turned to Lexa at her words and a small smile played across her lips. "We need to start acting like it."

Lexa raised her voice above the commotion, "What Wanheda says is true! You have entered the coalition and I will treat you as such. You have a say in anything that takes place on this Earth and you have the protection of the armies of the thirteen clans! We can all survive peacefully if you will just agree to get along. You may travel anywhere you please without question." She stepped in front of Clarke to face her, "I have sworn fealty to Klark Kom Skaikru, the 13th clan and I intend to stand by my promise. All of you will be safe and healthy just as all of the other clans." Lexa turned to her people, "all of the clans will abide by one another and this coalition, even the thirteenth clan." She gestured to Clarke, "Klark kom skaikru, the legendary Wanheda and ambassador, will become my second. The first of the arkers to truly blend with our society. In a bond taken in blood, their people are our people. Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op! (attack her and you attack me)"

Clarke turned to Lexa surprised and completely taken off guard. Lexa nodded at her and Clarke seemed to understand, she trusted Lexa. "Let this be our first step to peace, our people as one moving forward into a better tomorrow," Clarke begged.

Little by little people began approaching Clarke and Lexa. Abigail approached and took Clarke's hand and Raven took her's. Octavia and Lincoln, holding hands, took one of Lexa's. Lexa and Clarke allowed their hands to be clasped as more people approached, grounders and Arker's alike holding hands and placing hands on shoulders in an act of peace. Lexa smiled at Clarke, her face beaming with pride for what they had accomplished, together. It wasn't permanent but it was enough for now and hopefully it would be something they made bigger together as well.  

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