Chapter 17

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Don't hate me for this haha. It's fine I swear.

Clarke made her way to engineering, Octavia by her side. Raven was waiting for them, a huge grin plastered across her face, "Everything's ready."
Raven followed with Octavia as Clarke led the way to the grounder encampment, Lincoln joined them outside the gates of Arkadia. Lexa was waiting for them at the perimeter, her back rigid and worry plastered across her face. When Clarke was in sight she saw Lexa take a quick step forward and then waiver. Clarke knew that Lexa wanted to run to her, but she couldn't risk it. Clarke fought to keep her own pace even as she approached with her entourage.
"Leksa," Clarke whispered when she was close enough for her to hear.
Clarke came to a stop, a foot away from Lexa who only stared at her longingly.
"May we speak in private?"
Lexa nodded and immediately led Clarke to their tent. "Stay outside," Clarke commanded the others as she entered the tent behind Lexa.
Lexa spun to face Clarke, her eyes conflicted. "What happened, Klark?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Sha," Lexa replied immediately.
"I need you to have a group of your men hide in the tree's just out of range of Ontari's camp. Raven will give them a radio."
"How many men?"
"Ten to fifteen should be enough."
Lexa nodded and departed to handpick the warriors and send them off with orders. When she returned Clarke was waiting outside of their tent.
"We need to go now, bring your weapons."
Lexa nodded and gathered her weapons quickly. Clarke moved to set off but Lexa held her back, "what is going on Clarke?"
"Just trust me, please." Clarke pleaded, her hand on Lexa's forearm.
Lexa nodded, her trust for this girl overriding her confusion. Clarke led them to the outskirts of camp where Octavia, Lincoln and Raven were waiting for them. They joined ranks and CLarke led the way to camp. The walk was quiet except for the sounds of their feet crunching in the leaves. They were nearly to Ontari's camp when Clarke halted the group. She turned to Lexa and gestured for her to come closer. "Give your weapons to Raven, beja."
Lexa did as she was told, confusion written across her face. The messenger from the other day was walking towards them.
"What's going on Klark?" Lexa could no longer hide her worry.
Clarke nodded to Raven and she approached Lexa from behind, drawing Lexa's wrists together and cuffing her. Lexa's eyes widened in fear and betrayal, just as the messenger met up with them.
"You've done it then?" Clarke nodded in response to Joseph.
Lexa growled angrily and began to struggle against Raven. Clarke immediately stepped forward and whispered into her ear, Lexa stopped struggling and looked down at the ground in defeat.
"Bring us to Ontari," Clarke demanded.
Joseph nodded deeply, "The kwin will be pleased."
Clarke and her entourage followed behind Joseph until they reached the tent. Clarke barreled in, Lexa being dragged behind by Raven.
Ontari's eyes widened at the sight before her before a wide grin broke out across her face.
"We've done as you asked, she is yours to kill." Clarke spoke out into the silence.
"Well done, you will be handsomely rewarded." Octavia threw Lexa to the ground at Ontari's feet. Lexa kept her gaze straight, staring at Ontari disgusted. Ontari approached her a wicked smile gracing her features, "How does it feel to be betrayed by the one you love?" Ontari laughed savagely, "And to think you thought she loved you back. How pathetic," Ontari struck Lexa across the face.
Clarke grit her teeth, "I do love her." Ontari glanced up quickly, surprised. "Now, Lexa."
Lexa closed her eyes, Clarke's whispered words coming back to her. "Trust me Lex. The cuffs are breakable just wait for me to say now."
Lexa stood and broke her bonds, which fell to the floor uselessly. She struck out punching Ontari directly in the face and knocking her to the ground. Raven pulled out the radio she kept concealed in her jacket and began shouting, "we are a go. We are a go," while stripping herself of Lexa's weapons. Lexa grabbed them and secured them to her body, drawing her sword. She nodded to Clarke and they both leaped into the fray watching each other's backs as they fought against Ontari's warriors.
Lexa's warriors joined the fight enthusiastically, crushing anyone in their way. For every warrior they dispatched however, another took his place. Ontari emerged from her tent and called out for reinforcements, Ontari had kept many of her warriors a secret. There were more than Clarke had realized and they were badly outnumbered.
Lexa growled and approached Ontari who drew her sword in response. Lexa engaged her in a wicked battle which they were matched evenly in. Ontari suddenly knelt, grabbing a fistful of dirt and throwing it into Lexa's eyes. Unable to see for a moment, she was thrown onto her back, Ontari's foot pressing against her neck.
"The mighty heda, at my feet. I guess love really is weakness," she spat as she brought her sword down.
Lexa closed her eyes waiting for the strike that would end her life, she only prayed that CLarke would be safe. But the blade never came only the sound of clashing blades. She opened her eyes to the sight of Clarke's blade met with Ontari's.
"Our love is strength," Clarke growled as she counterattacked. She dropped her sword and stepped to the side as Ontari's blade met no resistance and arced to the ground. She stepped around a surprised Ontari and slid her blade into her heart quickly pulling it back out. Ontari's eyes widened when black blood began to flow from the wound. She fell to the ground next to Lexa, her eyes stilling. Lexa looked up wide eyed at Clarke. "I love you," she whispered and Clarke grinned in return offering her hand to help Lexa up.
"We have to get going, we need the help of the rest of your army. There are too many of them for us to take out."
Lexa nodded, "fall back, fall back." They retreated into the tree's until they met the rest of Lexa's army. As soon as she saw them Lexa screamed out, "Jomp op!"
Her army rushed forward, completely outnumbering the remainder of Ontari's army. Lexa turned to Clarke, worry in her eyes, "We cannot let them all die."
Clarke smiled at her, "Offer them the chance to surrender."
"Sha," Lexa smiled back at her.
Lexa stepped forward, "Hod up!"
Her army turned to her and Lexa stood tall under the scrutiny. "This is your chance to surrender, if you do not you will be killed!" Lexa told Ontari's army, her voice carrying across the masses.
Ontari's army only moved to attack, "Clarke?" Lexa whispered. "I cannot stop my men from killing them now."
Clarke nodded sadly, "they made their choice Lexa. You showed them mercy, they chose this."
Lexa nodded and moved to join the fighting, Clarke at her side.
They stood in the middle of the destruction, the cheers of their warriors ringing out and they knew that love was not weakness. Love was strength and they had protected their people because of it. The shouts of "heda and wanheda" rang clearly into the night. They had given these men a choice and they knew that their deaths were not their fault because they had showed mercy. They knew that they had done the right thing. That was all either of them wanted, peace; and today the death's of these few men was bringing peace. This was what it meant to be a leader, they had to make hard choices to protect their people. They were true leaders today and they were doing it together.


*Sha= yes
*Beja= please
*Kwin= queen
*Jomp op= attack
*Hod op= wait
*Heda= commander
*Wanheda= commader of death

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