Chapter 33

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The trip back to Polis was short. Renya Ryder and Horan met them outside the gates with three other ice nation prisoners they had wrangled up. Lexa gave an order for the prisoners to be taken to cells and ordered Renya Ryder and Horan to join them in the council room. Sharek was with heda's group when they arrived, he had found her halfway back to Polis and joined her group in travelling back.
Once they reached the tower of Polis, heda gathered them in the council room. She thanked them all for her service and called for the presence of the council representatives. This would give the members of Clarkes scouting group a few hours before they must reconvene with the council. The members of her group dispersed, giving her congratulations when Lexa caught her eye. The commander gestured for Clarke to join her and promptly turned on her heel to leave. Clarke followed directly behind her without question.
When they reached Lexa's quarters Lexa ushered her in and then shut the door behind herself with a click. Clarke had barely turned to face her before Lexa was pressing herself against her and capturing her lips in her own. Clarke groaned and melted into her touch. "I've missed you," she whispered against Lexa's lips.
"And I have missed you, niron"
Clarke sighed softly, "are you going to tell me why you were gone for nearly three weeks."
Lexa smiled slightly, "sha. I will tell you."
Clarke arched an eyebrow in response and waited for her explanation. Lexa tucked a blonde hair behind Clarke's ear and smiled slightly at her. "I went to visit each of the clans."
Clarkes eyebrow rose even higher, "why?"
"For backing, support I guess you could say."
"Did you get it?"
Lexa smirked devilishly, "I guess you could say that."
"What does that mean?"
Lexa smiled, "I'll tell you later niron. For now we must meet with the council and announce your graduation."
Clarke groaned but followed Lexa out of their room.
Stood in front of the council Lexa held her head high. Clarke admired her strength and her presence in front of people who had once wished her dead.
"Today we celebrate the great wanheda and her scouting team. Together, under the lead of wanheda, this scout team saved their heda." She nodded at each of the members. "Because of their bravery they will be honored. In three days time, a feast will be held in their honor. This feast will also commemorate wanheda's graduation into leadership. Her graduation ceremony will take place in two days time, let it be known to all the clans who will each send attendee's."
Lexa's voice was strong as she finished and observed the council members. Many were shocked, a few smug. She knew these smug representatives must have heard word from their clan after she had visited them. "You are all dismissed."
She nodded at Clarke motioning for her to retire with her to their quarters. Clarke slipped out a little after Lexa did and met her in their bedroom.
Lexa was waiting for her by the balcony, her cloak already discarded. Clarke took her place by the commander's side.
Lexa turned to face Clarke with a smile on her lips and slowly, she dropped down to her knees. Clarke looked at her completely lost and Lexa only smiled wider.
The commanders eyes softened as she took Clarke's hand. "Clarke, you are the love of my life. You have always understood me in ways that no one else has. You understand that I am always heda, but I am also always Lexa. You always have my back when I have to make hard decisions, and you always have advice to make those decisions a little easier. I have sworn fealty to you already and you have my heart, you always will, but I would like to make it a little more official. You have the commanders ring already, but I had something else made for this occasion."
Clarke's eyes had widened into saucers and she was caught in Lexa's gaze. From her pocket Lexa produced a small bracelet similar in style to her father's watch.
"I told you once before that I did not want to hide anymore. It is time I acted on that promise. Klark kom skaikru, I want to be bonded to you in every way. I have heard the skaikru term is, marry me?"
Clarkes eyes were misty, "Leksa, what about the clans?"
Lexa smiled wider, "that is why I was gone niron. I managed to get the support of more than half of the clans. Also, because you have passed your second training you will become part of trikru and skaikru just as we have discussed. Because of this you are as much one of us as you can be. Marry me Klark, I've thought it through. Lead by my side, join with me."
"Sha, of course Leksa. I have always been yours and I always will be. Ai hod yu in."
Lexa rose quickly and kissed her fervently. She stopped only to place the bracelet on Clarkes wrist and then returned to kissing her. Everything about this was finally right. Lexa would not hide anymore, she loved Clarke and she would have her in every way. It had been a long journey but she had gotten what she needed. Now she could take Clarke as her own and she no longer had to worry about Clarke's safety. The coalition would protect her now.
Lexa backed Clarke onto the bed with a growled, "I need you."
Larke was bared of her clothes in moments and Lexa surged forward, taking her nipples into her mouth. Clarke groaned loudly but managed to force Lexa away. She smiled at Lexa's pout and rid her of her clothes as a response. Finally bare to one another, Lexa kissed a trail down Clarkes body. Her lips met Clarke's sex and she licked through her glistening lips. Clarke groaned out a "fuck" and matted her fingers into Lexa's brunette locks. Lexa circled Clarkes clit at a delicious pace, driving her to the edge. Dangling on the precipice,Clarke shoved Lexa's head further into her body. Lexa continued circling her clit and shoved two fingers inside of her lover. Clarke cried out as Lexa reached that spot within her.
Clarke is thrown over the edge, her walls clenching violently around Lexa's fingers as she removed her mouth and allowed Clarke to ride out her high. Clarke pulled Lexa up to her and attached their lips.
"I love you so much," Clarke whispered like a prayer between their lips.
"I love you too. I can't wait to truly be able to call you mine."
Clarke grinned devilishly, "you can call me yours right now."


*niron = lover
*sha = yes

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