Chapter 20

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Some love making towards the end :)

Lexa paced back and forth across her throne room. She knew that Clarke was meant to arrive today and had even sent out an envoy to meet up with the members of skaikru. Many of her people had already arrived in Polis for the festival and she knew that many more would arrive later that night. But none of their arrivals were nearly as important as her's.
"Heda," a guard spoke, "they are here."
Lexa hastened to her throne and pulled Clarke's coat closer around her. "Send them in."
She sat with her back pin straight and her hands folded in her lap. The skaikru filed in and she welcomed them in with a straight face, until Clarke entered the room. Her hair was tied back in grounder braids and the sun shining through the windows was lighting her golden locks and blue eyes. She looked ethereal and the commander could barely stop herself from running to her lover.
Their eyes met and a silent agreement passed between the two, Lexa tore her eyes away reluctantly and set about speaking.
"Welcome skaikru, thank you for coming. We welcome you with open arms into our coalition and welcome an era of peace. You will be led to your rooms by the handmaids and guards", she gestured to the few men and women lined against the walls. Her eyes passed briefly over Clarke once again but she forced herself to move look past her. "The festival will begin at sundown, for now, make yourselves at home and dress. You will find an array of clothes in your closet and baths to wash up if you please."
A murmur of "mohof heda" swept across the skaikru assembled and heda nodded her head in return, a dismissal. As the skaikru filed out of the room, Lexa met Clarke's eyes one again and Clarke lingered behind like she knew Lexa wanted her to.Her mother lingered as well and Clarke nodded to her, "go ahead mom. I'll catch up."
Abby narrowed her eyes, but left the room all the same. Once the door had shut behind her mother and the only people left in the room were Clarke and Lexa, Clarke took wide strides to close the distance between her and the girl she loved. Lexa stood as well and met her halfway in a large hug, burying her head in the crook of Clarke's shoulder.
Lexa inhaled Clarke's scent and smiled widely, "I missed you, niron."
Clarke raised her hand to draw Lexa's lips to hers in a sweet kiss, "I missed you as well."
Lexa pulled away with a small smile and took Clarke's hand in hers and tugged lightly. Clarke followed Lexa willingly, she would follow her anywhere. Lexa led her eagerly up to the top of the tower, Clarke smiling widely behind her. They stopped in the middle of the hallway in front of her old room from her last stay.
"You're old room has been prepared for you," Lexa whispered. Yet, Lexa did not release her hand. "However," she mumbled anxiously. "I was hoping that you would stay with me."
Clarke's smile widened, "I wouldn't want to stay anywhere else."
A shy smile crossed Lexa's features and she tugged on Clarke's hand once again. She pulled her to the end of the same hallway to a set of familiar giant oak double doors, and into her room. As soon as the doors shut behind them, Clarke pulled Lexa into a searing kiss and backed her against the, now closed, doors. Clarke's tongue met Lexa's and she sighed contently.
Lexa pushed away from the doors and backed Clarke into the bed. When Clarke's legs hit the edge, she tumbled down onto the furs and looked up expectantly at her lover. Lexa nearly groaned at the expression on Clarke's face and quickly tugged her shirt over her head. She ripped Clarke's shirt off her body and buried her face in her neck. She sucked and kissed along the expanse of Clarke's wide shoulders. Her head dropped between Clarke's supple breasts and she loved every piece of Clarke's skin.
Her hands made their way behind Clarke's back and slipped Clarke's breasts free of their restraints. She kissed every piece of Clarke's skin, determined to show Clarke just how much he worshiped her.
When she finally met Clarke's jeans, she was nearly wiggling with anticipation and begging Lexa to touch her. Lexa slowly removed Clarke's pants and underwear together and continued her path down her legs and placed a kiss on the inside of each of her thighs. After a loud whine, Lexa finally met Clarke's lips with her own. She liked up her slit and sucked her hardened clit into her mouth. Clarke's hips jerked, forcing Lexa to pin them down with her arm. Lexa teased Clarke's clit until Clarke was nearly screaming her name before she inserted two fingers into her already slick core. It didn't take long for Clarke to reach her peak and scream out Lexa's name as she orgasmed.
Lexa lapped at her juices slowly and raised herself to Clarke's lips, allowing her to taste herself. Clarke groaned blissfully and buried her face in her lover's neck, "I love you."
Lexa kissed the top of her head, "I love you too."
The heat between Lexa's legs was nearly unbearable but she forced it to the background in favor of holding the love of her life. After a few moments Clarke stirred, she kissed Lexa's cheek and helped her out of her pants and undergarments. When Lexa was settled against her, completely naked, Clarke took a firm grasp on her ass and pulled Lexa's core against her own. She smiled against Lexa's lips and whispered, "make love to me Leksa."
Lexa groaned loudly and began to cant her hips into Clarke's. They moved together in a beautiful dance, reaching their high at the same moment. They clung to each other for support and slowly rode it out whispering sweet nothings to one another.
They fell back into the bed, holding one another close.
"Reshop Klark. My maids will prepare you for the festival when we wake."
Clarke placed a soft kiss to her lips, "Sha, ai hod yu in." She was asleep before she even heard the reply.


*heda= commander
*Mochof= thank you
*niron= lover
*Reshop= rest/good night
*Ai hod yu in= I love you

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