Chapter 34

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Ahh I'm so sorry for the wait but here it is

Clarke was presented to the people as a member of the Trikru people. She had earned that right and the respect of the people. Very few could survive the rigors of training under the commander and the tests of ascension. Clarke was finally accepted and respected by the majority of the grounder population.
With the announcement of Clarke's graduation came the announcement of her wedding to the commander. Lexa made it clear that Clarke would rule by her side, wanheda and heda ruling together once again. This was received with a little more contestation than the sky person's assimilation into grounder culture. To be married to the commander was the highest honor and was an extreme rarity. Clarke being a new member of their society made her unworthy to some and angered many of these people.
Lexa was resolute in her decision and with the backing of the majority of the clans the grounders were forced to accept Clarke. They set the date for a couple weeks from the present where they lay in bed facing one another.
"We're getting married," Lexa whispered while stroking up and down her lovers arm. Clarke smiled widely in response.
"I can't believe you got my mother's blessing."
Lexa smiled shyly, "I heard that was proper in your home culture. I wanted to do this right."
Clarke leaned in to kiss her deeply. "I love you."
"I love you too, meizen"
Preparations for the wedding began in earnest the next day. Every one of Lexa's people were invited. As it was their commander who was getting married Lexa felt that it was only right to do so. They also decided to have a wedding party as was traditional to Clarke's ancestry. In return they would do the ceremony in grounder fashion. A short ceremony that would consist of the trading of one another's most valuable possessions and quite literally a tying of a knot as well as ceremonial face painting. The finest seamstress in all of Polis would be making their dresses which were to be red and black for heda and wanheda. In Clarke's wedding party would be Raven and Octavia in Lexa's, Lincoln and Aden. The rest of the nightblood's would walk down the aisle before Clarke as the "flower children."
Abby insisted on being a huge part of all the preparations and Clarke didn't mind. Abby was the only remaining parent she had and Lexa didn't have any left either. It was nice to have some influence from a parental figure.
Three days before their wedding Clarke led Lexa into the woods with only a notebook in hand. She had been secretive all morning and when Lexa was finally free of her morning meetings Clarke whisked her off with barely a word.
"Clarke, what's going on?"
"You will see shortly," she spoke and then was silent again.
They came into a huge clearing that was filled with flowers which had just come to bloom. Clarke smiled as she led Lexa into the center of the field. "I came across this field two days ago and I thought it was the perfect place to show you."
"To show me what?" Lexa asked as she stared in awe at the beautiful flowers surrounding her.
"Sit," Clarke spoke as she gently guided Lexa into a sitting position. She opened the notebook to the first page and spread it out in front of her, facing the commander.
Lexa's gaze fell to the soft lines of a beautiful sketch of her own face, a drawing of her in her thrown the first day they had met. She looked up at Clarke confusedly and Clarke just nodded for her to take the notebook. As she flipped through the pages she saw many more pictures of herself often in places and positions she recognized from her interactions with Clarke. Their were pages of studies of certain parts of her body such as her hands or her eyes or her jawline. They were drawn with such care and she noticed as the drawings progressed she went from fierce and scary to beautiful, loving and almost godly. She also came across some drawings of the stars and a man she did not recognize but she noticed looked strikingly similar to Clarke. Her father she realized. She looked up at Clarke with awe in her eyes.
Clarke smiled in return, "my hand's itched to draw you since the day I met you. I just couldn't help myself. At first you were so uncaring and angry and I just thought you were quite the subject to draw. Then you started to open up and I began to see who was inside this fierce commander. A girl who would do anything for her people and who just wanted peace. A beautiful soul who cared too much and was forced to do horrible things to protect those under her command. I fell in love with that girl and I couldn't keep myself from drawing you every second that I could. Even became slightly obsessed with it, but you can probably tell that from the studies." She smiled softly as if in remembrance and when she focused on Lexa again she noticed that tears streaked the commanders flawless face.
Clarke lurched forward to wrap her arms around the crying girls body. "What's the matter, Lex? Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no of course not. I'm just so overwhelmed. I didn't realize that you felt this way from the beginning and God you drew me like I was the only person on the planet. You drew me so beautifully."
Clarke smiled widely, "I've loved you for a long time. Not from the beginning but God I couldn't get you out of my head since the beginning. I knew I liked you when you handed me that torch and I knew you liked me when you put yourself in harms way to stop me from going back into that village after my mother. But I really fell in love with you every single day. Every day you did something for your people, you did something for me and you were so fierce and loyal. Even when you left me, I could see that it was the hardest decision you had ever made, I hated you and yet I still loved you because I knew that you never wanted to do that and to you it was your only choice. I knew that it killed you to leave me and it killed me that I could never truly hate you. I drew you as the person I see because that's who you are. Even in your darkest moments there is a brightness in you that cannot be quenched because of who you are. I love you so much and I can't wait to marry you."
Lexa sobbed into her neck as she made the realization that Clarke truly loved her as much as Lexa loved Clarke. Clarke saw in her things that Lexa never would have and probably never would. She truly loved her and Lexa was overwhelmed and awed that she was marrying the woman she truly and completely loved and who truly and completely loved her.


*heda = commander
*meizen = beautiful
Okay next chapter is the final chapter. Wedding!!

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