Chapter 21

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Clarke woke to green eyes. She smiled widely and tightened her hold around the girl she held. Lexa smiled in turn, "You must wake niron. My handmaidens will prepare you for the festival and I will return for you in an hours time."
Clarke groaned at her separation from Lexa, but did not stop her.
Lexa smiled widely, "I will see you soon."
At Lexa's exit, three women entered the room and gestured for her to follow them into the bathroom. They had drawn a hot bath for her and when she lowered herself into the tub, they set about washing her skin and hair. They left her to finish and soak as she pleased, retiring to the main room to wait for her.
Clarke only took a few moments longer before she dried herself and wrapped the shawl set out for her around her body. As soon as she stepped out into the room, the attendants set to braiding her hair and dressing her. They bound her breasts in a soft silk and helped her step into a beautiful light blue dress. Her braids were intricate and grounder-eske in every way, they had also painted on her warpaint and Clarke truly felt like the commander's second with it on.
The handmaidens stepped back to admire their handiwork just as a knock resounded throughout the room. One of the girls, Kate- she thinks, smiles widely and moves to answer the door. The opened door reveals a hardened looking commander, her black sleeveless dress hung on all of her curves and her dark commander's mask accentuating her eyes.
When green met blue the commander's persona dropped along with Lexa's jaw. Her eyes widened almost comically and she did a complete double take.
"You look beautiful, niron." Lexa managed to stumble through her words, her voice hoarse. Clarke smiled at her and stalked closer, careful to swing her hips (which she noticed Lexa zeroed in on immediately), coming to a stop directly in front of her lover. Lexa took her lip into her mouth, desperately trying to exercise some self control. That is, until Clarke whispered in her beautiful rasp that she thought Lexa looked beautiful as well. Lexa whimpered and threw herself at Clarke, attacking her lips desperately.
Clarke caught her, her arms wrapping tightly around Lexa's neck and drawing her in. For the first time since Clarke had left, Lexa finally felt at peace and happy. Lexa pulled away reluctantly and she was lost in the sky.
Clarke cleared her throat, grinning. Lexa shook her head to gain her bearings and smiled shyly in return, "It's time to go, Klark."
Clarke only smiled in return and allowed Lexa to lead her by the hand towards the festival. Just before they reached the outskirts of the community gathered, Lexa pulled Clarke into a secluded corner, away from her guards and prying eyes. Clarke eyed Lexa questioningly.
"I wanted to speak to you before we enter and have to become something other than ourselves." Lexa whispered, waiting for Clarke to nod before continuing. "You are seated next to me as I have requested and as you are my second, however out there, I can'not speak to you as I please, hold your hand, or kiss you. It is not that I don't want to or that I am ignoring you, it is simply the way it must be until you become one of our people."
Clarke allows a slow smile to cross her lips as her eyes soften. Lexa is worried Clarke will be angry with her and think that Lexa does not love her as she thinks. "I know, my love. We have discussed this before, it is why I became your second. So that eventually we could be together in public, sha?"
Lexa sighed, "Sha, but I do not like hiding my love for you and I wanted you to know that. I do not do this because I want to, I do this because I must."
Clarke nods in return and they share a chaste kiss before they enter the ring of firelight and emerge into the light. Their hands are not linked but they walk side by side, a united force. All activity hushes at their presence and once the heda is in front of her throne, everyone bows, including Clarke.
"Rise," Lexa speaks and her eyes meet Clarke's as she takes her place next to her. "Today, we come together to recognize skaikru and reaffirm their vows as the thirteenth clans. Although overcome by hate and corruption, the good people of the skaikru fought back and gained their independence. These last few weeks skaikru fought for themselves and they fought for this coalition! For their bravery we allow them back into this coalition as our brethren, our brothers in arms!"
A shout of confirmation rose from both sides of the once enemies. Lexa allowed them to cheer for a moment longer before cutting them off, "Come skaikru and take your brand once again!"
Marcus Kane approached Lexa and her guard near the fire. "Do you accept the terms of the coalition?"
"Sha," he spoke loudly and clearly. Lexa smiled at him as the guard approached, gesturing for him to present his other arm for the new brand. He grimaced in pain at the sizzle but smiled through it, happy for the chance for peace.
Lexa addressed her people, "May the festivities begin!"
A roar of approval rose in the wake of her announcement and everyone dispersed to the many activities and games available in the little town. Dinner would be held in an hour or two leaving ample time for some fun. Lexa turned to Clarke and there was a light in her eyes that Clarke recognized well, "let me win you a prize Klark kom skaikru."
Four games later and four prizes richer, Clarke and Lexa approached a stall selling broaches. The attendant approached Clarke with a large smile and open hands, "," he spoke in broken english. Clarke delicately took the flower shaped pin from his hands as Lexa stiffened beside her.
"Mochof," Clarke whispered in return and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Lexa nearly growled next to her and Clarke pulled back quickly in surprise. The attendant only smiled at Lexa knowingly as Lexa looked away in embarrassment. Behind him a small girl reached out to Clarke holding up another intricately designed pin, "f-for you, plangona" she whispered to Clarke and Clarke smiled in return. She expressed her thanks and followed Lexa away from the stall.
"You were jealous," Clarke murmured, "you almost blew our cover."
Lexa huffed angrily, "I was just worried."
Clarke outright laughed at this, "whatever you say commander."
Lexa stopped short almost causing Clarke to run into her. "Those people like you and so do many, for that I am happy; but others are not so accepting, now come Klark. There is an activity we must participate in as seken and amin."
Clarke nodded and followed her commander to an open clearing filled with spectators and dancers. Off to one side a few people with drums sat against logs near a fire and played an upbeat rhythm. Clarke looked at Lexa, perplexed "we have to dance? But I don't know any of your dances."
"It is an old tradition Klark and it is freestyle, no steps. It is to test how well the seken can follow their amin, sha?"
Clarke nodded dazedly as Lexa stepped closer to her and took her hands. "We will draw a large crowd, do not worry, just look at me and pretend that no one else exists."
Clarke nodded numbly just as a huge outburst of "Heda" and "Wanheda" permeated the large crowd that had gathered and drawing more spectators. The whole "dance floor" cleared for them and the drums began beating a strong rhythm. Lexa drew Clarke in closer, whispering reassurances in her ear as she began to step. Clarke followed her every move, finding herself lost in Lexa's eyes. They flowed gracefully around each other taking leaps and twirls. Lexa lifted her several times and as she grew more comfortable she took some steps and leaps of her own, away from Lexa but complimenting her perfectly. A hush overcame the crowd as they finally slowed to a stop and faced each other, they desperately wanted to kiss, just as Lexa took a step to do so the crowd burst out in cheers and applause, distracting them. Lexa coughed and turned to address her people, "my seken did well, sha?"
"Sha!" came the resounding reply.


Seken= Second
amin= master
Sha= yes
Niron= Loved one
Mochof = thank you
Plangona= warrior girl

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