Chapter 11

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Lexa paced across the medial wing. Dr. Griffin, irritated by her hovering had sent her away. Lexa had argued and argued but eventually conceded to Abby's wishes, she needed to be focused on Clarke; Lexa did not wish to distract. However, now Lexa was in the dark and she worried about Clarke with every breath. The only thing she could do to release her nervous energy was pace; she had been pacing for the last hour. She kept envisioning Clarke bleeding on the floor and she nearly broke down each time. She wished she was in there, with her Clarke. She just wanted to be able to see her.
Hours later, Abigail Griffin interrupted Lexa's pacing.
"Lexa, dear, stop your pacing."
Lexa whipped around to face her, "Klark?" She whispered, the fear evident in her voice.
Abby stared at her curiously, Lexa had to be more than just diplomatically interested in her daughter. The fear dripping from her voice and eyes, the pacing, these were all acts of a woman in love; not a commander concerned about an ambassador. Abigail's eyes widened at her realization. "She's okay," Abby hastened to reply. "She needs some rest but she dove just in time. If she hadn't she would have been hit through her heart."
Lexa's eyes hardened, "where is the boy?"
"He's been taken to a cell after his hand was fixed up."
"He will be dealt with tomorrow, by me," Lexa snarled.
Abigail nodded, "Yes commander, I implore you to remember that he is just a boy who lost the love of his life though. Maybe give him a little bit of a break."
Lexa's eyes darkened menacingly. "He is a boy who almost took Clarke's life. I do not care for his reasons. He will be punished accordingly."
Abby's eyes widened at her conviction, "Yes heda."
"May I see Clarke," her demeanor immediately softened at the mention of Clarke and Abby smiled slightly at the change in the young girl.
"Of course, follow me."
Lexa hastened to Clarke's side. She stared down at the face of her lover and swore to avenge her pain. To attack Clarke was to attack Lexa and any pain of Clarke's was her own pain. The scrawny boy would pay for his crimes, Lexa would make sure of it. She brushed a stray hair of Clarke's behind her ear and smiled lazily down at her. Seeing her breathing and alive was a relief to Lexa, she could finally rest a little easier.
Clarke groaned groggily. It felt like she'd been shot. She only noticed the irony of that thought when she opened her eyes. Memory flooded back to her and she sighed, Jasper had really done a number on her. She reached out and was pleased to find that Lexa was indeed near her. She smiled at the sight of her disheveled form snoring slightly. Lexa was hunched over in a chair next to Clarke's bed, her head resting just against Clarke's own thigh. Her hair was strewn about and her mouth was open slightly. Clarke couldn't bring herself to wake her sleeping lover. Lexa probably hadn't slept much and she looked so peaceful now.
Clarke simply stared happily at the girl while she slept, waiting for her to wake up.
"Clarke you're awake!" Her mother brightened at the sight of her daughter.
"Shh," Clarke hastened to quiet her mother in the hopes of allowing Lexa to sleep longer.
Dr. Griffin smiled knowingly at her daughter but chose to let it go, "how are you feeling?"
Clarke grinned ruefully, "like i've been shot. Otherwise pretty great."
"Well, I know being shot generally is a pretty good feeling," she laughed. "Especially with all the drugs you get."
"I do feel exceptionally free going and a little light headed," Clarke chortled.
Abby moved around Clarke checking her stitches and her vitals. "So, dear." Abby gestured at Lexa, "You and the commander have gotten awfully close."
Clarke straightened slightly, "Yes, we've become good friends."
"Yes," Abby noted. "Very good friends."
Clarke cleared her throat, "we value each other's opinions in political matters. It is a purely beneficial relationship for our people and we get along rather well."
"Rather well indeed," Clarke's mother grinned, "And I'm sure your relationship is beneficial for someone alright."
"Mom!" Clarke blushed bright red.
"Oh come on dear, did you really think you could hide it from me?"
"Yes, no." Clarke scoffed. "We didn't think that anyone would really notice. Lexa is very anti love and we hoped that would be enough to deter any thoughts."
Abby scoffed, "it's not like you guys even try to hide it. Anyone could tell with the way that girl looks at you."
Clarke covered her face and blushed. "Mommmmm."
"Alright, alright. I'm leaving." Abby's features softened. "I'll come back to check on you later, try to be more discreet," she smiled and left the room chuckling.
Clarke groaned and glanced down at Lexa. Her eyes were open and staring at Clarke.
"You've been awake?"
"Yes?" Lexa smiled ruefully.
"Why didn't you help me?" Clarke shouted in distress.
"There was no way I was getting involved in that."
Clarke groaned.
"How are you feeling?" Lexa asked seriously.
"Not terrible considering. What happened to Jasper?"
Lexa growled at the mention of the boy, "he was taken to a cell and will be dealt with today, by me." Her eyes were dark and there was a bite to her tone.
"Lex, look at me." Clarke pulled Lexa's chin towards her until Lexa was forced to meet her eyes. "It's me, Lexa." Lexa's eyes immediately lightened.
"Do not ask me to show mercy, Clarke. I cannot do that for you."
"Beja Leksa. What if you had lost me. Would you not have wanted revenge? I killed the girl Jasper loved. It's not his fault."
"You had to, to save your people. His people."
"I know, Lex. But that doesn't change the fact that I killed the love of his life. Just imagine how you would feel."
"I would rather not, Klark. I already almost lost you, I could not survive such a horrific thing. I would die right along with you,"
"Lex," she whispered kissing the tear from her cheek. "I'm right here ai hodness."
Lexa nodded against Clarke's neck. "I will show him mercy, my skai prisa, for you. But he will still be punished."
Clarke nodded in return, "Thank you." She tugged on Lexa's arm until Lexa had climbed into the bed next to her. They wrapped their arms around each other, comforted by the fact that they were together. One could not exist without the other; just as earth could not exist without the sky. They smiled at the thought, secure in their love.


*Beja= please
*Ai hodness= my love
*Skai prisa= sky princess

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