when you tell them your going on a diet (preference)

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David- He's amused, not like an asshole amused but more or so like it's funny you think you need a diet. You were beautiful the way your were and you didn't need to go on one.

"Yes I do." You say in securely, crossing your arms as you were on the couch.

"Honey, one of the greatest challenges in life is to be yourself in a world that's trying to make, you who is all too beautiful, to be everyone else." He say's looking in your eyes with a understanding and love you adore.

"And I don't want everyone else, I want Y/N. That beautiful flawless girl that I'm going to spend forever and ever with." He kissed your tear filled cheeks. 

Dwayne- Of course he was upset that you thought that of yourself. He thought you were down right gorgeous and resilient. He loved you, inside and out, he hated when you talked bad about yourself.

"Cause I want to." You explain for the hundredth time to a very upset Dwayne. 

"Why though, there has to be a reason you think you need to change yourself." He blurted out. There was a reason, you thought you weren't as pretty as the girls that walked the boardwalk, that Dwayne used to have before he found you. It pained you.

"I'm just not happy with myself." You quietly say. This made him sigh and sit there for a moment, staring at a random object while thinking.

"Don't be so quick to judge yourself, you only see what you make yourself believe." He said, taking your hand in his and kissing it. 

Paul- He was sorta like David, amused but then again kinda like David. He simply and calmly asked why you wanted to, so you explained that you just wanted to feel more healthy Is all.

The answer was first enough to him, trusting you fully that that's the reason why. He told you even though you were amazingly gorgeous as you were he'd help you out, knowing it wasn't an insecurity thing just a health thing.

"I'll help you!" Paul said excitedly, wanting to support you and help keep you on track. Smiling gleefully at him you kiss his cheek.

"That would be fun actually." You say happily as you both talk about the food and drinks you were going to get.

Marko- Sorta sad cause he thought you were beautiful, of course your always going to be beautiful to him. But he didn't want you thinking badly of yourself.

Yet you reassured him that it wasn't, you just hated always feeling tired cause your diet consisted of sugar which gave you a small ruched and then a big crash. Of course though all the good food you bought yourself...... He eventually ate it all. 

"Marko! Unless your on a diet too I suggest you keep your bloody hands off." You say sternly to him, he batted his eyes at you as he popped the last blueberry in his mouth.

"How do you know I'm not on a diet right now." He winked, making you Huff but then laugh a bit. 

Michael- He felt weird about it, not really knowing what to say cause he didn't want to say the wrong thing and or make anything worse. 

But he did keep telling you how much he loved you no matter what and how you are always gem to him. The apple of his eye is what he always said. 

"You know I love you." He said chewing on his thumb. He didn't want you thinking he didn't love you anymore so he kept saying it. 

"I know Michael, I love you too." You say, smiling softly and the worried boy. 

Sam- He was majorly hyper of it. Asking a bunch of questions, wondering why the hell you want to do that for. He didn't like thinking that you had insecurities that were taking you over.

"Sam for the one hundredth time, stop." You say to him as he kept repeatedly asking you the same things. 

"But why??" He asked once again, making you roll your eyes and walk away.

I'm sorry guys for the late publishing, I've been having to help babysit a lot and I have had another snowstorm so the power was out for a little bit during the days but yay it's on!! I have a request to write next(↑ω↑)

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