Mindless dreaming

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The last day of the drama shoot was a bit awkward for all of us, its like saying farewell to a family, it feels like what a mother feels when her son is leaving. But we all know weve been a part of something unforgettable, so we have good memories at least. We wrapped up the finale almost 12 hours straight, we were exhausted and tired but we were so happy when it was aired successfully. The feedback were all good and the phenominal success continued. Its been a week now, i had been receiving numerous endorsement offers since "you came from the star" started, its just really overwhelming. I never been busier in my life, though im kinda thankful about it, because i dont have time to think about my problems lately.
" ji hyun ssi, how have you been? We are having a staff party for YWCFTS on saturday night..il just inform your PA lilly for the details,we really hope you could come".. I just receive a message from director park. I wouldnt think twice to come. I wouldnt come because theyre expecting me, i will because I simply want to. I dialed Lillys mobile number.

"Hello" lilly aswered.
"Lilly, tell them im coming." I said.
"To the staff party?" She aked.
"Yes, director park texted me."i explained.
"Ok, eounnie..you need anything?"
"Nothing,just rest and see you tomorrow.bye"
I went back to bed and tried to get good hours of sleep, I have busy days coming up, il be shooting commercials and going to attend some entertainment events.

Im in the middle of my sleep when i heard my phone ringing, i slowly opened my eyes and opened the lamp on my bedside table. The clock says 5:08 am, who the hell will call me in this inconvenient hour. I lazily streched my right hand to reach for my phone. My eyes almost popped out because of shock.
"Kim soo hyun?" I muttered to myself while holding and staring at my ringing phone. What does he need now. I felt a little nervous, wondering what could it be about. I guess I have to answer, this might be an emergency.

"So hyun ssi, do you know what time is it?" Thats all i was able to say and rushed downstair, he said he was on the lobby. I was too worried that i came running to the elevator. I heard him cried over the phone and it melted my heart. He was sobbing, there must be something wrong. And i guess I was that stupid to be rushing over for him. Staring at the number inside the elevator felt like forever. When i finally came to where he is, he hugged me without saying a single word. Hes sad and im sure about it. I tried to push him away.

"Did you wake me up for this?" I said in high tone. Instead of letting me go he kept me closer and embrace me a little tighter.
"Cant we stay like this for a while?" He said almost whispering.
I let myself enjoyed his warmth for a while, what wrong with him. I feel the sadness in his voice and im sure that the moist that fell on my shoulder was from his eyes.
"I missed you" i heard him whispered to my hear, it was very soft that i felt it was just my imagination, i smiled at the thought.

We headed to my favorite coffee shop, we had to walk a little and it felt good. The cold mist of the dawn kinda gives me chills. He stopped walking and put his jacket on me.

"You might catch a cold" he said.
I felt overwhelmed in his simple act of concern. It was warm now, it feels nice. I smiled at him.

"Soo hyun sii, are you okay?" I asked trying to be casual, we are now seated in a cozy coffee shop that regularly open 24hours. "Are you crying a while ago?" I continued. The reason I came rushing to see him. I needed answers.
He nodded.
"My mom, its her death anniversary today. I just felt suddenly so alone." He said with his teary eyes staring at me. Im used to seeing him cry on the set, but these are real tears its melting my heart. "Im really sorry to bother you sunbae, i badly needed someone to talk to" he continued spilling his emotions.
I shook my head.
"It okay soo hyun ssi, i understand" i said trying to comfort him.
"Thank you" he said
"So that 'i miss you' you uttered a while ago was intended for your mom right?" I asked Trying to confirm something. "Ah what am i thinking? of course you said that because you really missed your mom" i continued as if talking to myself. I felt a little embarassed. Why cant I just shut my mouth once in a while.
Instead of saying a word he smiled at me, the sweetest smile i ever seen.
"I guess you feel better now, can you walk me back home now?" I yawned unintentionally and we both laughed.
"Of course, sorry for disturbing you." He said.
I smiled at him and we paced our way home.

"Ji hyun ssi.." he muttered in a low voice. We are now back to my condo's lobby. A few minutes before sunrise. I was startled when i felt his hand grabbed my wrist. I was about to take the elevator when he stopped me. I was disenchanted and felt confused for a moment. I looked at him with heavy stares.

"So hyun ssi, why?" I asked and just he stared back at me. I cant tell what was going on his mind, his eyes are too confusing. I began to tremble, my heartbeat was faster than usual.
"Ji hyun ssi...I never felt this way before, no matter how i convince myself to stay away from you..i just cant, it will only lead me back to you..i dont care what other people might say, all i know is that i like you. I know its unrequited, its complicated..i just have to say it to you..before my heart explode." He said almost stuttering. This kid really got the nerve. He was always this vocal when its about his feeling. I always thought that the times hes saying he likes me were just part of his playful antiques. But this time, i felt the difference. Hes being true to himself.

"So hyun ssi..what are you saying?" I asked in confusion, still a little shocked about what he blurted. I pulled my hand away from him and look at him in the eye, I can hear the unstable beating of my heart but I tried my best to get the courage to say something.

"Are you out of my mind? Do you think this is right? I know you respect me and i feel at ease when im with you but I never thought you will take your childish feelings seriously." I said harshly, i blurted out things that i did not really mean, its just that what I wanted right that moment was to escape from that scenario. I dont detest him, i actually like him very much. I always feel his genuine kindness and he is very comfortable to be with. In the back of my mind, i thought about how it feels to be loved by this man. Hes confessing his feelings for me and it makes me happy but i have to pretend that It cant be mutual. This is more like a wishful thinking. This is not happening. This is not true. Reality check, I am married. Why in the world he didnt consider that, how could he possibly fell for a married woman. The thought makes me sick.
"call this childish all you want" he whispered. He grabbed me and tried to hug me.
"Just tell me you have a little feeling for me, Ill hold on to that. Ill wait for you no matter how long it takes." He continued. I summoned all the force I can get to push him away. I looked at him with my angry expression. There was a sudden changed on his expression, i feel his sincerity through his teary eyes. Did he really fell for me? Is it really love? "Youre really out of your mind" i said and landed my palm on his face. I slapped him. I was trembling. I didnt mean to hurt him. "I never thought you will come this far" i continued. I guess he was shocked that he didnt blurted anything after I slapped him. I immediately took the elevator to escape that scene. Tears were falling from my eyes, I just dont understand why such confession can make me cry. It just added burden to my complicated life. How can he be this stupid? Why this soon, why does it have to be this soon. It just dont make sense.

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Next chapter: worthwhile fight (the staff party)--

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