Say something

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I cant sleep that night. My eyes swells with tears, I had been crying for hours. I felt very weak. I never felt so alone, amidst the fame and riches I have I still feel the emptiness. I picked up my phone and dialed Lilly's number.

"Please tell director that I cant come to work tomorrow, im not feeling well" i said.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?" She asked

"No, Ill be fine...just have to take a rest." I replied.

"Ok, get well ji hyun ssi."

"Thank you" and i put down the phone.

I feel so betrayed, its like the joke was on me.

everything seems to be so perfect, but now its ruined in a glimpse. I lay in my bed trying to comfort myself, the winter weather makes it even harder, i felt the cold inside out. I sulked my face in my pillow trying to stop the tears but they're flowing drastically.


The clock says its now 11:08 in the morning. Im not sure what was the actual time when i fell asleep. My eyes are still hurting and I feel very very cold. I tried to lift myself away from my bed but I felt so weak. Im wearing thick sweaters but I still feel the chilling weather. My head is in pain, my whole body aches. I tried to feel my skin by placing my palm on my forehead to confirm what Im feeling. Indeed, i guess its fever. My phone is ringing but i feel so dizzy to reach for it. My doorbell was now ringing, my phone still ringing. I have to try, i thought to myself. I began pressing my hands on the bed lifting my body away from it. I failed countless of times. Feeling desperate, I tried again and succeded. I paced struggling to see whos on the door. When I opened it, I nearly fainted because I felt so weak...

"Soo hyun ssi..." I said in a hoarse voice.

"Ji hyun ssi, are you okay? Tell me whats going on? Are you okay" he asked in a trembling tone. He lifted me and carried me to my bed.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" He asked, his hands on my forehead.

"No please." I said with my eyes nearly closed.

4 in the afternoon..

I slowly opened my eyes, there is still heaviness in my head. I checked my forehead, i felt a damp cloth on it.

Kim soo hyun, is he still here? I smiled at the thought.

"Oh you're awake now?" He said entering my room carrying a tray.

"Oh you're still here, arent you busy" I asked with my weak voice

"Is that how you say thank you?" He smirked. Put down the tray on the bedside table and helped me lift my back from the bed.

"Thank you soo hyun ssi"

"Youre welcome pretty" he said smiling. "I ordered beef stew for you, you must eat now so would feel better" I guess i dont have the appetite to eat, after three scoop i felt satisfied.

He then gave me fever medicines and water. I cant imagine myself in this situation without soo hyun. His genuine concern makes me cringe. Im lucky to have him by my side.

"Whats the matter, do you have a problem" he asked. "You look very lonely, something happened?"

Tears started falling from my eyes. I silently stare back at him, fighting the urge to say anything. I cried so hard.

"Ji hyun ssi, tell me whats wrong" he asked staring at me trying to comfort me.

"Are you hurt?"

"Tell me"

I cried out so loud. I had no plans of telling him anything. Im miserable, he doesnt need to know anything about it.

"Please stop crying,tell me what's wrong"

Instead of paying attention on his questions,i continued crying, louder and louder. Trying to release all the pain and miseries in me.

I can see confusion in his eyes.He then grabbed me in to his arms and hugged me so tight. I cried even more.

"Everything is going to be ok, ok?" He said patting my back.

I nodded feeling a lot better. His warm body relaxes my soul, I continue sobbing.

But I must admit his embrace was too comforting...

To be continued..

(Feel free to comment your thoughts :) thanks for reading)

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