A twist in my story

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I cant remember the exact day when Soo Hyun and i met, maybe it was one of those numerous gala or entertainment event or award shows perhaps.

And fate then just step in, I knew that day was far different from the others.

"Omo omo omo, what the heck is happening outside?" I asked my PA, lilly.

"Some fan girls hoping to see soo hyun oppa" she replied.

"Soo hyun?"

"Yeah, kim soo hyun. He would be part of this movie. He was chosen to play zampano and hes your love interest."

"Oh, really. He should be very handsome so that we'll look good together" i said.
Lilly was now giggling as if im being funny.

"Why? you think im kidding?" I asked feeling a bit annoyed.

"Eounni just see for yourself" she said in a very intriguing way. There was glimmer in her eyes.

"Ok then please finish my hair, we only got half an hour to prepare" I said trying to shake the anticipation and curiosity.

Today is our movie conference for the film "the thieves", after director Park sent me the manuscript a month ago, I carefully read it and scrutenized the character he wants me to portray. Its not the usual thing i actually do for a movie, in here,Im not the center of the story. It involves a lot of character which is kinda refreshing because the success or the failure of this film does not solely depend on me. I also liked the idea that it involves action scenes, its time for me to explore the things that would hone my skills to be an emerging actress.

As i entered the room, everybody awkwardly fell in to silence. In the back of my mind i was thinking, am i overdressed? Or maybe underdressed? But then, i felt nothing is wrong with the way i look. I chosed to look very simple today, im wearing an acid washed pair of skinny jeans and a white beeded shirt. I let my hair down and had very light make up on. I constantly flip my hair out of nothing, maybe to ease the tension im actually feeling right now.

"Lets all welcome our "yenicall".. Jun ji hyun ssi" one of the pd announced.

I bowed at everyone at the room, smiling gracefully, greeting them and waving my hand to my future co workers. I see familiar faces, that i worked on a past project with. Some senior actors that i look up to are also in the room.

"Ji hyun ssi, you may now take your sit" the pd said and raised his hand towards the seat that seem to be reserved just for me.

Beside that empty chair is a man, not so young and not so old. A very familiar face, i think i saw him a thousand times before but im sure that i dont really know until today.

"Annyeonghaseyo (hello) ms. Jun ji hyun" he greeted me, looking away. I can tell that he feels uneasy. By the way he said those words i feel like he could faint any time soon.
His eyes are very angelic, he looks so innocent even in his pouty lips. His pointed noise matched his near perfect stature. His hair was beautifully styled and he has the skin that is perfect for any tvc skincare product.

"Oh hi..so you must be..."

"Kim Soo Hyun" he added to my unfinished sentence and gave me a perfect grin.

So that explains all the noise and the chaos outside the conference room. That smile would actually really make the fan girls go crazy.

I shook my head trying to spill the the thoughts and be back to my senses.

"Nice meeting you Kim soo hyun ssi., Im Jun Ji hyun." i replied trying to be formal.

"Im your fan" he said mysteriously.

I smiled back with so much questions in my head. What does he mean by that.

And that was it, the day i never thought that would be a significant beautiful memory of how i met him.

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