Before the worst

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Back to reality..

"I want to consider the series by director park" I said.

"What? Are you serious.?" My manager on the line seems to be absolutely shocked of what i just said.

"Dont worry about me, i had enough vacation." I said.

"Ok then, I will schedule an appointment with their team asap." He assured me.

"Can i ask what suddenly changed your mind? He asked annoyingly.

"Im hanging up now, bye" feeling pissed i ended up our conversation. I know, i know i was always rude.

It was almost a year when our movie "the thieves" went out. I didnt disappointed anyone. It was considered to be the highest grossing korean film of all time. It outshined the records set by the movie "the host". Everyone was so happy about it, every hardwork was worth it. Kim soo hyun had gain a lot of attention. And the kiss scene we made became controversial that critics said it added anticipation to the audience so it has made a big impact on the promotion of the film.

Soo hyun and I became friends and somehow learned to be comfortble with each other. He always makes me smile and made the long months of shooting bearable for me. He became my family. He was always there when i needed him. Hes so adorable when he smiles.He became my constant companion. We explored Macau together during mid week breaks and go to retaurants every single chance we had. He taught me a little on how to speak mandarin. Hes kinda mutilingual person. He loves reading and studying different cultures around the world. As a payback, I was a great help for him on his blooming acting carreer, i shared the things I learned about acting from the past years ive been in the industry.
I had known him so well, from his childhood, his dreams and his family. It was a short span of time but in those few months, I felt i have known him forever.

He had always been so vocal about what he feels. How I escaped the moments when i know hes gonna blurt out mushy things. When I tried to make fun of him when hes acting coy. I literally tried to avoid every confessions he spills about his feelings for me. He was always way too honest. Showing me that he likes me and how hes happy when we were together. Its not that I dont like him, its just that i dont deserve him, he deserves someone better than me. Someone who can return all the love he gives. If only things werent too complicated.He is so dear to me, a guy who was much more than a brother or much more than a friend to me.

But his honesty made me scared because after all his genuineness I didnt mastered the courage to be true to him. I wanted to make him feel how he means to me, and say all the things he wanted me to say. But its all way too late now. I feel so guilty.
I wonder how he felt when he heard from someone or somewhere that im about to get married. I felt so disheartened when he even attented the ceremony, im still asking myself why was i too coward to tell him the truth of me commited to have a fixed marriage with someonelse. I was too unfair to him. I was insensitive. I deserve to be hated.

"I missed him" i sighed. Kim soo hyun ssi, what are you doing to me. 'Think im going crazy

Everyone expects me to take a long break from show business after I got married. Theres no need, i thought. I recently married someone, but that doesnt mean Ill be needing time to focus on being a wife. It just dont make sense. I never felt more alone than these days.

Lee jun sung and I had some sort of agreement-- the reality of fixed marriages. We will be living our nomal individual lives and just act as friends. Its much easier than I actually thought. Hes employed in the world bank so he needs to live in the US and i have to stay here in Korea. After some time we need to apply the verdict, its either we fall in love or just fall apart which literally means divorce.

** feel free to comment po for your suggestions, so it could help me improve pa :)

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