
321 4 6

Hey guys!!! this is going to be quick because I'm on my phone and its late and I'm lazy ;) Anyways, I have two things to say!

1) This has almost 5k views...you guys are amazing!! I never imagined that; I may have hoped for that but I didn't actually think it'd get there. So thank you!! x18

2) I have like over 350 books in my wattpad library? That's a heck of a lot. So! if you can imagine, I've hit a road block. I have no idea what to read: what author, what genre, how many views, etc. So I need your guys' help :) if you could comment what genre of book you'd like to see next or even a certain book (I'd prefer genre...I think), I'll check to see majority, if any, and then find a book that fits that criteria and get to reading it!

okay I lied...there's 3

3) so I've been debating on starting a story, or at least some ideas for one or two stories, I've got a lot going on up there...any thoughts?

Again, thank you :) and don't forget to comment what you'd like to see next!


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