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"They're at it again huh?" I said to myself as I was walking through the hallway of our school.

Why do they have to be so afraid? I'm not a bad person! Why'd they have to judge me by my stares?? I've never attacked someone before! I don't have a bad record on me!

Yet they're still giving me the looks like i'm somewhat dangerous...

Why do I have their stares anyways?

I make my way to out classroom and took my seat.

"I hope this'll be a quick day..." I said to myself.




Meanwhile, In a studio ...

"Aya, have you finished the lyrics for the new song?" asked Chisato.

Aya looked at Chisato with a peculiar face. Chisato can clearly tell that Aya hasn't done it yet.

"Well I hope they'll be ready soon, we wouldn't have much time for practice" Chisato mentioned.

"Sorry Chisato-san! I'll be sure to get them ready by the next meeting!" Aya replied.

Chisato gave her a smile of relief as a confirmation, while Aya runs off singing.

"That Aya... She's something huh?" Chisato said.

Everyone was busy practicing their own parts for the new song, Aya constantly practices her vocals on a not so crowded place. But if she's with her band mates, she's not afraid to sing her heart out~

You can also find her taking selfies from time to time.




My life is an okay life. I have friends, I have good grades, and I have a loving family. The only thing that bothers me eyes. I was born with mean looking eyes. Well, they weren't like this from birth, people started noticing them around middle school. "Why must you look at us like that?" and "He's looking at us.." and "He's scary" and the latter are what made me look at myself in the mirror. As soon as I found out about them, I knew I had to do something about them.

I tried wearing make up for the eyes but my parent's did not allow me. I tried wearing an eye patch on my left but soon figured that it would be hard for me. I tried a lot of ways to try and not make my mean looking eyes stand out from the rest of my body. I have a standard figure, and all that. But the first thing that they see on me are always my eyes.

"Oii... Wake up.." A classmate called out to me.

As I raised my head, I saw the history teacher standing in front of my desk, looking at me with ferocious eyes.

"Mr. Anon, what might you be doing?" The teacher asked.

How can I escape this rattling situation? Exactly, I can't.

"Sorry Mr. Nakamura, I suddenly fell asleep without realizing!" I humbly apologize.

The teacher stood in awe, I guess he was shocked to see a scary looking guy like me to say sorry like that.

"W-Well... at any case, don't do it again" The teacher said.

"He may look like it sensei but he's actually got a good heart!" A classmate of mine said.

That classmate, was my friend Hibiki. He smiled upon me.

"Anyways, let's continue class" The teacher said.

The Way You Look At Me - (A Male Reader X Aya Maruyama Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now