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Author Pov.

Jimin had a long day in school, he was asked to take care of two classes at the same time, he had to combine both classes to keep an eye on the both of them but at the same time take care of jungkook's kids, hymei was a bit emotional for not being able to see her father and she kept ranting to the male until school ended.

He was on his way to the hospital when he got a call from jungkook, " hey baby, is something wrong? " he asked a bit worried, " nothing babe, just wondering where you are? " he asked tone a bit whiney from being left all alone in the hospital, " I am on my way, I will be there in- ten to fifteen minute " he said happily as the older hummed, " please hurry, I miss you? ".

" ok you needy bunny, I will be there soon " he chuckled before ending the call, he released a deep breath when he glanced at his clothes, " I didn't even have time to shower " he mumbled sadly to himself as he took a sniff of his clothes, " I smell awful " he whined to himself as he slumped down his shoulders.

He arrived to the hospital in order to take his boyfriend back to his home and take care of him, jimin was worried that he may not do well or the older may get bored of him while doing so, but all he cared about at that moment is the older health, and he was sure that he will force him to eat and rest the whole time he is with him.

Jimin walked in the room to see jungkook changing his clothes, wearing his suit since no one bothered to bring him any new clothes, they said they were worried but no one really cared that he would have to wear clothes from the day before, jungkook was buttoning his shirt when he felt a presence behind him, knowing already that it was his boyfriend he stayed quiet.

The younger walked closer and wrapped his arms around the taller waist before resting his head on jungkook back, " finally, you are late baby " he mumbled as he tried to loosen jimin grip on him to turn around, not wanting jimin to pull away so he held his arm while turning.

" sorry, was I " jimin giggled, this time he rested his chin on the taller chest, his head tilted to the side in order to get better view of his boyfriend face, " not really but I missed you " jungkook said as he leaned closer to the boy face, his boyfriend just hummed happily before kissing the tip of jungkook nose, not that it was easy to do thanks to their height differences.

" what about my lips? " he asked playfully, the arms that once rested on jimin waist, suddenly dropped to his ass, " I would have if you didn't keep foundling my ass " he giggled again, burying his head on jungkook neck right after, " you can't judge me, they feel so soft " he added while laughing, enjoying having such a moment with the younger.

A cough gained their attention, " excuse me, I- mm you- " the nurse was a bit nervous that she was hardly able to speak her mind, " what is it? " jungkook asked as he dropped his arms down, jimin shyly stepped aside, " I was supposed to check on you for one last time, but you seem busy- I am sorry " she bowed leading the couple to blush.

Jimin was embarrassed for being caught for the third time in less than two days, " I will wait for you outside? Call me if you needed help " the younger said shyly, " ok baby, see.. I told you, you are a distraction " he chuckled before pecking jimin cheek, " stop- " the younger elbowed his boyfriend stomach before rushing out of the room for ignoring the presence of the nurse.

" sorry, you can start the examination thing now I guess " he said mindlessly as the nurse nodded, she quietly walked toward the taller and started checking his vital signs, " the doctor instructed that you rest as much as you can, you also have to eat, your body lacks many essential that your body needs " she said leading the man to frown.

" no medication is needed because your exhaustion was the reason you were rushed in, you just need to rest, hope you start feeling better soon " she smiled as the taller nodded, " thank you " he said before he took his jacket, " is there anything else? " he added as he turned to look at her, " that's all " she smiled, " if you excuse me now " she bowed slightly before leaving.

Jungkook was really tired, resting in the hospital made him feel better, he been there for the past 24 hours, maybe more.. but all he cares about that he will be discharged, he really wanted to be with his kids but like his mother said, " stupid and tired people should take care of themselves before they are able to take care of their own kids ".

He knew that his mother was a bit angry at both of him and his father, but that was also her way of telling him to take care of himself and rest, he knew he been too hard on himself and for some reason he can't find it in him to put the whole blame on his father, it's not like he was any better.

The older wore his jacket before heading to the door, he got out and saw jimin leaning on the wall with a pout on his lips as he fiddled with his fingers, he was too lost in his own world that he didn't notice the older coming out of the room, jungkook held jimin hand and pulled him behind him, ignoring the surprised look the younger had on his face.

In the end.. he was going to be left alone with the younger, his mother told him that she will take care of his kids while his boyfriend takes care of him, he wasn't sure what will happen between them but he was happy to know he will be with the younger for the next hours, spending time with his boyfriend, park jimin.. is all he wanted, for now.

I am working on a new idea that will be published once The beauty underneath reach near the end

TBH will be updated soon
I just want to focus on this more for now
Hope you guys liked this chapter

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