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Author Pov.

Jungkook just arrived to his kids school, he fixed his clothes and got the flower crown before locking the car, he could hear the kids laughing and shouting as they played, they were on a break.. he sighed as he walked inside toward the main office.

As he walked inside wearing a black tailored suit that showed his body structure perfectly, a black sunglasses hid his eyes as he walked inside ignoring the attention that was on him, he walked inside the main office room to find few teachers sitting there.

" hello..? " he called gaining their attention away from their food, " hello, how could I help you? " one of the workers said as she examined jungkook from head to toe confused by why he was here, " can you please call Jeon hymei and Jeon jiwoon? " he said as the worker furrowed her eyebrows.

" and you are? " she asked as jungkook fixed his body posture, " Jeon Jungkook, their father? " he said as he raised an eyebrow after taking his sunglasses off, " oh, be right back Mr.jeon " she said as the younger just hummed, he was examining the place in the mean time, he didn't notice that he made the other two workers feel uncomfortable.

The teacher walked back inside the office, " they will come in few, Mr.park went to call them " the worker said as jungkook nodded in understanding, he started scrolling through his schedule as he waited for his kids to come while still holding the crown, the two teachers excused themselves as they were uncomfortable by his presence.

" are you Mr.jeon? " a voice said interrupting jungkook from fixing his schedule, he locked his phone before he placed it inside his pocket, he slowly turned to face the person who talked to him, he furrowed his eyes as he gave the man a elevator look.. from toe to head.

A shorter guy was staring at him as he smiled at him leading his eyes to form into small crescents, " I am park jimin, hymei and jiwoon teacher " the boy said as he extended his hands for the man to take but the taller wasn't even listening to him, jimin froze when the male silently walked closer leading the gap between them to shrink.

" Mr.jeon..? " the shorter called as the man examined his face, a small smile taking over his face as he placed the crown on top of jimin head, " beautiful.. " he whispered as his smile widened showing his bunny teeth in the process.

Jimin was taken aback as he stayed still while staring at the taller who seemed to forgot what personal space was, " appa!! " hymei called happily as she ran to the man who finally realized what he was doing and took a step.. or two back.

" appa why did you give it to jiminie oppa " the girl pouted as jungkook gulped feeling embarrassed by what he did, " oh.. it was supposed to be for your teacher right?, we can make a new one for her " he said while his eyes still on the shorter who lowered his head feeling embarrassed, " no it's for jiminie! But I was supposed to put it on him.. " she pouted as jungkook hummed.

" sorry.. he just looked so.. " he felt his heartbeat increase as the shorter looked up waiting for him to continue, " captivating.. " he blurted out unconsciously when his eyes met with the shorter, the male found himself smiling as he lowered his head again trying to hide his cheeks by pressing the back of his right hand on his left cheek.

" ca..capvi- ca appa don't use hard words " the girl pouted leading jimin to giggle, jungkook attention was now fully on the male in front of him, " jiminie hyung do you like it? " jiwoon asked as he pulled jimin sleeve, the shorter brought his attention away from jungkook bringing an end to their staring contest.

He carefully took the flower crown off his head, " me, jiwoon and appa made it for you " hymei said as jimin eyes widened slightly before he looked at jungkook, the taller blushed and lowered his gaze while biting his lips feeling slightly embarrassed.

" it's really beautiful, I like it " jimin smiled as he placed the flower crown back on his head before leaning close to hymei, he placed a small peck on her cheek before he pulled away not forgetting to glance at jungkook with a smirk on his face as he locked eyes with the taller who was staring at him.

A fake cough made them look back at the teacher who was still sitting behind them as she saw everything, a shy smile took over jimin face as jungkook coughed before placing hymei back on the floor, " I need to go back to work, you two behave.. " he said as he stole a glance at the other male.

Jimin bit his lips trying to stop his smile as he held the two kids hands, jungkook waved goodbye as the two waved back, the taller rushed out of the office and got inside his car and locked the door, " stupid jungkook.. stupid " he groaned as he remembered what he just did, " but he was so.. " he faked a cry as he hit his head on the steering wheel.

A loud horn made the male jump as he felt his heart stop, " fucking stupid " he whined to himself before starting driving back to the company hoping that his work will take his attention off what just happened in the kids school.

I will try my best to update daily

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