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Author Pov.
Few days later.

Jungkook and his kids were in the car, he was driving them to school, they were almost late because jungkook fell asleep while working on the last project, he didn't even have time to eat as he had to go and take a fast shower before changing his clothes.

To his luck, his kids were already changed and finished eating their breakfast, he parked in front of the school gate and helped his kids with their bags as he rushed them to the door, to his luck that day they weren't late but they used to come earlier than today.

Jimin was helping a kid tie her shoes when he felt two small arms wrap around his neck, " jiminie oppa " the girl smiled as she hugged him tighter, " hymei " he smiled as he finished helping the girl, " you can now go inside jisoo " he said as he caressed the girl hair.

" thank you jiminie oppa " she said as she smiled at the male, " hymei stop " jungkook said once he saw his daughter glaring at the girl, gaining jimin attention as his daughter pouted, " appa but she- " jungkook shook his head, " shush, she did nothing " he said as the girl crossed her arms not happy that she got scolded when it was jisoo fault for being close to jimin.

" stop being jealous " jiwoon whispered to her, she didn't say anything and glared at the floor as she tried stopping her tears, " hymei, stop " her father warned her but her eyes got teary, " what happened? " jimin asked confused, " she is jealous, because she likes you " he said as the male giggled.

His small hand sweetly fixing the older hair before tip-toeing to whisper in his ear " but, I like you " he smiled as the older blushed, " I swear- " before he could continue his phone ringed, " ugh- I have to go " he frowned, " you will eat, right? " jimin asked, worry contouring his face.

" what do you think? " he asked, a small smile on his lips, " you won't.. see you didn't even sleep well, you have dark circles under your eyes, your hair is messy and your clothes.. they are good but like you rushed and stuff " he said as he gently caressed under the male eyes feeling slightly embarrassed of what he said, " I am sorry " jungkook said with a smile.

" but I wi- " a yawn interrupted his words, " sorry " he said as he rubbed his forehead, " please eat? And rest if you could " jimin instructed as the older nodded to his words, " I will, I am sorry " he said as he ruffled jimin hair, " see you later? " he asked as the male nodded, " take care kookie " he said as he waved his hand, " you too, kids behave " he warned before rushing out.

Jimin was worried, he didn't want him to leave like this to work, but he knew he couldn't force him to take care of himself all the time, he is stubborn which makes it hard to always convince him, despite the bad feeling he got when he left, he had to take the two kids to class as classes will start soon.

Jungkook was feeling light headed as he walked toward the car, the stress and exhaustion from doing all those projects without enough sleep or food was making him weak, with heavy footsteps he made it to the car, taking a water bottle he took when he left home, he took a big gulp before starting the car.

Jungkook was wondering how he will drive to his workplace.. well at least safely, he started driving as loud music played, trying his best not to fall asleep, even though he dozed off few times but he made it near the office, he started singing with the music track playing in order to occupy himself with something to keep him awake.

After what seemed like ages as he waited for the light to change to green, he finally arrived to his father company, he had a meeting soon, not forgetting that he have to take the final projects to his father before preparing for that meeting, and maybe drink coffee to keep him sane for few more hours until he get back home and rest.

I am happy I could write and update again, I will try to write everything as soon as I can, my cousin was kind enough to give me her old phone to use for now so my updates will return to normal :(

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