Chapter 15 - Innocent Wind

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[Y/N]'s POV

One day left until I give my answer to Mitsuru...

Everyone is busy preparing for the New Year's Tournament. I didn't talk to Uno and avoided him whenever he was near me. From what Momoko said, I know I should give him another chance but I can't. It is just hard for me...

"[L/N]-san, do you have something in mind?" Seitaro asks me. "No, I don't," I said  snapping out of my thoughts and he sweatdrops. "O-okay. I've noticed that you haven't checked on cell 13 since yesterday. Is there something wrong?" I shook my head.

A lot of thoughts have been wondering in my mind and I can't stop it. I have been not myself too. I don't do my job properly and everyone is worried about me. I know that avoiding my problems is not the solution but I need time.

"Anyways, it's getting late so let's call it a night. Yamato you know that you are on duty tonight right?" Hajime asks. "HAHAHAHA! I got you Hajime-san!" He grins. "Okay, good night Haijime-san, Yamato-san and [L/N]-san." Seitaro waves and he walks out of the office.

"[L/N]-san?" "Yes, Hajime-san?" "I don't know what is up with your mind today but don't let it bother you. I have known you for a year now and I know you are not like this. Don't let it be your issue because it will become worse later on." Hajime said. Wow, this is actually the first time he talked like this.

"Thank you Hajime-san for the advice. Well, Good-night and see you tomorrow." I take a little bow and walk out of the office. Instead of going to my apartment I decided to go see Momoko so I walked to her office.

Once arriving there, I walk inside and see Kiji already there talking about his issue. "Well, I will be taking my leave ma'am." He salutes and walks out of the door. "[Y/N], it is rare for you to come to my office without notice but I have something to talk to you about." She stands up and walks toward me.

"Hajime gave a piece of advice to me..." I said being astonished. "MY MAN?!?! WHAT DID HE SAY? DID YOU RECORD IT?!" Momoko squeals as she shake me by my shoulders. "I did of course but it is the first time he did. I thought he would not care about me since I am actually doing my job but he just did..."

"DID YOU SEND IT TO ME?!!" "IS THAT WHAT YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT?!" "Wow so much for being a friend." I huff. "I'm sorry." Momoko whines. "But what is the thing you want to talk about?" I ask. "Oh," She clears her throat. "about the games tomorrow, instead of going with your building staff, come with me on the front." She said.

"Wait, what? Why?" I ask. "Your Building has four staff so I will be putting you in charge with being another commentator with Mitsuru. Anyways, have a good night [Y/N]. You better send me the recording." She pesters and I chuckle. "I will. Good night Momoko." I give her a hug before leaving her office.

This time I walk to my apartment and got ready for bed. I lay in bed wide awake with thoughts that linger around my head. Mainly the bits of advice I was given by Hajime and Momoko.

Remember that you have to give people chances. Listen to what they have to say and then you can decide after that

Don't let it be your issue because it will become worse later on.

A smile is brought upon my face and I slowly close my eyes. I know what to do now...

Timeskip brought to you by Momoko listening to her files of Hajime talking while she sleeps~~

I wake up and get ready for the day. Soon an announcement is made by of course Mitsuru. "Happy new year everyone! This will be the very first announcement of the year. Let's make this a very good year where everyone is in good spirits and good health.

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