Chapter 13 - Be Thankful

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[A/N: Hey y'all~~~ I was listening to some music from Uta No Prince-Sama (as you can tell, Uta no Prince-Sama is my favourite anime by my username LOL) and one song's lyrics matches with Uno's love for [Y/N] 

It's called "RED HOT X LOVE MINDS" By Ren Jinguji (one of my favourites💕
 💕 💕) check it out if ya want but to find the full audio, you have to find it on Soundcloud (Just saying)


2 months later

[Y/N]'s POV

"[Y/N]~~~" Mitsuru sang while skipping towards me. "What is it Mitsuru?" I ask. "Momoko-chan called for you." "Do you know what's it about?" I ask and he shook his head. "I'll go right now." I start walking to Momoko's office.

I arrive at the waiting room and see Building 7's Supervisor eating away with his doughnuts. I hear he has a sweet tooth. "Good afternoon sir." I saluted and he smiled. "Are you waiting for the warrant to call you in?" He asks and I nod.

"Have a doughnut" He offers me one and I hesitated a bit but I accepted it. "Thank you Nanairo-san." I took my seat next to him and eat it peacefully. "I noticed you changed a lot [L/N]-chan." He said out of the blue.

"I did?" I ask and he nods. "At first, you were cold towards everyone, but now you're becoming nice and I like it. I wonder who help you to change. But whoever it is, I think that person is special." Nanairo-san comments. I never noticed.

The door opens and I see Samon-san and Hajime-san walking out. "What's wrong? Are you stubborn because you didn't get anything right." Hajime-san mocks. "Shut up you gorilla, I'll get you one day," Samon-san exclaims and walks out of the room.

"Have a good afternoon Nanairo-san." I took a quick bow and he waved at me. I walk into the office and see Momoko laughing hard. "What's wrong Momoko?" I ask. She took her time to catch her breath.

"The inmates in 13 cells have some history of breaking out prisons. Especially Nico and Rock." She wiped her tears. "Okay?" I question. I think I came across their history papers one day. "But listen to this. Uno broke out of prison because of his dates with a lot of girls." Momoko said. 

"Are you sure he is not cheating?" She asks me. She got a point, Uno is a player and had quite a dating history. I don't know if I should really trust him even if we have been dating for 6 months.

"Yeah, I still trust him. He should have his boundaries as I do with mine. If he doesn't want to talk about it then it is his choice." I said. "Okay [Y/N]. But remember that Uno is a player." It feels like she is warning me. 

"I will. But why did you call me here?" I ask. "Oh because of this," She opens her drawer and pulls an envelope. "This is addressed to Uno so I was making sure you really trust him." I take the envelope and read who it was from. Catherine... "I will take this to him," I said and she nodded. I turn around and made my way back to Building 13. 

I stop in front of Cell 13 and they already recognized that it was me. "Hey, guys it's [Y/N]!" Nico smiles. "Hi [Y/N], what do you want?" Rock asks. "I have a letter for Uno," I said and Uno walks to the cell door. 

"A letter for you? That's unusual." Rock said. "I have no idea who it could be from, but let's check," Uno said. He turns the letter over around to see who it was and is surprised. "CATHERINE?!" He exclaims.

"Who's Catherine?" Nico asks. "It's my ex-girlfriend." Uno opens the envelope. "GIRLFRIEND?!" Why do I feel hurt?  "You okay?" I turn to see Jyugo with a concerned face. "Y-yeah I am fine..." I said and walk away. 

I feel tears trying to come out and I quickly rub the tears out of my eyes. Get yourself together [Y/N] [L/N]! You are stronger than this. You can't have emotions control you again [Y/N]. I made my way to Building 13's office and noticed that none of the Building 13 staff was not there. 

I find some paperwork on my desk and decided to get those done first. This can distract me from Uno. I sit down and plug in my earbuds into my ears and hit shuffle on my playlist. The first song that came out turns out to be First Love by ASTRO.

Time to work. A tear slipped out of my eye.

Jyugo's POV

What is wrong with [Y/N]? I look at Uno and he looks shocked. "Something happened to Catherine?" I sneer and Uno coughs. "Wait there is more." He continues to read and looks happy again. He puts a photo in front of the letter and he is shocked once again. 

"WHO THE HELL?!" Uno threw the photo on the floor. "That guy doesn't look like me! What was she even thinking about!" He sounds pissed. "Where's [Y/N]-chan? I didn't notice her leaving." Nico asked.

"She left after seeing you happy about Catherine's letter," I said. "Oh no, could she be thinking that I want to be back with Catherine?" Uno asks and I nod. "So much for being a dumbass." I sighed. I picked up a picture and see that this Catherine girl is getting married to someone. 

"She got married?" I ask. "Yeah she did. She said that she married someone who looks like me and obviously, that doesn't look like me." He flips his braid. "Well, no shit Sherlock." I retorted. "If you want to make it up to her, apologize. She really needs an explanation of what you were happy about. Remember that you are [Y/N]'s first boyfriend too." 

I unlock the cell door for him. "Hurry up before she changes her mind." I smiled. "Thanks, Jyugo." Uno runs out the cell and I locked it again. "Shouldn't we check up on them?" Rock asks "On second thought, we should." I unlock the cell door and we all spied on Uno.

Third POV

A sudden knock on the door came to Building 13's office. [Y/N] stands up wondering who could be knocking on the door. She opens the door to see Mitsuru at the entrance. "Hey Mitsuru, if you're looking for Hajime, he isn't-" 

[Y/N] was suddenly pulled into a hug by Mitsuru cutting her off. "It's okay. You can let it out." He said and tears started to escape from her eyes. Mitsuru pats her back to calm her down while [Y/N] continues to cry in his arms.

Meanwhile behind a wall, there stood the jealous boyfriend. Wishing if he had come earlier, it would be [Y/N] in his arms. However, Uno felt like it was too late. If only...

Mitsuru pulls [Y/N] away from him by her shoulders. "I have something to say [Y/N]," Mitsuru confesses and [Y/N] was confused. "I have been in love with you for the longest time so please, break up with Uno and go out with me. He doesn't deserve you and I will treat you better then he can."

Everyone was shocked by Mitsuru's words.

To be continued...

the female guard [uno x reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora