Chapter 14 - Here Comes A Thought

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Uno's POV

Maybe I was late... is the first thing that came to my mind. "M-Mitsuru, I have to think about it." [Y/N] stutters. "I'll give you 2 days to think about it. Think about our relationship for the past months." Mitsuru said and gives her a kiss on the head.

"See ya." He leaves and [Y/N] is all alone now. I took the courage to step out of where I was hiding and called out her name. "[Y/N]." She turns her head and tears start to form at the corners of her eyes.

"You played with my heart didn't you? Is that why you tried to weaken me so I can help you escape?" The words hit my heart. "That's not what I want..." I said and she didn't believe it.

"Then who is Catherine? Why were you so happy when you were reading her letter? Do you want to go back to her, go out of Nanba Prison and date her again?!" She yells at me. Before I was about to say something she cut me off.

"You know what, I am done with you. We are over Uno." She turns and walked back into the office. There I stood with a broken heart feeling empty inside. "Uno..." I turn around to see Jyugo, Nico and Rock standing there.

"" Jyugo mumbling. "We saw the whole thing!" Nico exclaims. "I know it wasn't your fault but try to cheer up." Rock pats on my shoulders. This breakup seems so real compared to my ex's...

"I really want to clear it up with her but how do I fix it? God dammit it was all my fault! If I just didn't smile then this wouldn't happen. Who am I kidding? She won't listen to me..." I said.

"We will help you Uno, don't worry about it," Jyugo said and I smiled. "Thank you guys..."

Mitsuru's POV

I walk back to the security room and looked at the cameras again. That sight of [Y/N] crying tore my heart... I remembered the day I first met her...


It was the first day of [Y/N]'s job and I was called down to Momoko's office for something. When I opened the door I saw someone hugging Momoko very tightly. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt..." I close the door. "Don't leave Mitsuru!" Momoko yelled.

I walk in and closed the door behind me. "Who is she?" I ask. "This is [Y/N] [L/N] and she will start working today. Can I ask you to show her around? I am already busy with my work so I can't show her around." Momoko asks.

"Sure, I'm not busy at the moment," I said. "Great, [Y/N], you will get a tour from him." She rubs her head. "Okay," she releases herself from Momoko and walks towards me.

She was already wearing the Nanba Prison uniform and I can already tell she will be working for Building 13. "Shall we go?" I ask and she nods. The moment we walk out of the office she has a different aura and I shivered.

We walk out of the security and walked out to Building 13. She was quiet and seemed annoyed. "Um, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mitsuru Hitokoe and I am the broadcaster for Nanba Prison!" I pose.

She didn't look at me and continued to walk. "I see we have someone giving me the cold shoulder." I catch up to her. I tried later on with getting her to talk to me but it wasn't working. We continued to walk until she stopped in front of Cell 13. "Jyugo?" She questions.

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