Chapter 10 - Parents

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I am busy with school cause I need good marks T^T

Btw thank for the 11k reads like I never thought I would actually make it this far lol

I am also planning about the number of chapters for this book cause like I have a book (p.s One Piece fan-fic) that I need it finish and I have plans to start a new book (P.s Obito X Reader)

Also,[M/N] is mothers name and [F/N] is Fathers name.

So without further or do, continuing with the story~~~~~


[Y/N]'s POV

I am already dead because my parents apparently want to visit me. We already had Hajime's brother visiting us and oh boy, Cell 13 caused a lot of ruckuses because they thought he was a girl. Uno on the other and was cool about it. I mean he really didn't go a lovey-dovey in front of him but if he did I would kick him in the balls.

"Are you ready [L/N]-san?" Seitaro asked me while he was holding the visiter's passes for my parents. " Ready I will ever be." I groaned. I honestly didn't want them to. Sure they had helped me in life but they will embarrass me in front of my peers.

"Well I need to catch up with work, so I will leave the rest to you [L/N]-san." "Thanks, Seitaro." He handed me the visitors pass and walked back to the office.

Once the doors had opened, my parents stood there is with 5 bags of gifts. "OH MY GOSH, IT IS [Y/N]!!" My mom dropped two bags and ran to me giving a bone-crushing hug. My dad chuckled. "Now darling, we don't want to embarrass her in front of her peers." Even my dad agrees with me.

My dad had retired lately after working in Prison but he still works there as the director. He has started to help my mom with house chores too because he knows that it is hard for a woman to do it alone.

"Where are Jyugo and Momoko?" My mom asked. "I will take you guys there so don't worry. They are still healthy and living fine." I said while handing a visit pass to my parents. "Right this way." I guided my parents into Nanba Prison. We usually don't do these kinds of visits but parents are always welcome especially officers' parents.

We arrived in front of Cell 13's door and already the inmates are clinging to the bars. "[Y/N]-chan are they your parents?" Nico asked. "You dumbass, do you not see the resemblance of [Y/N] and her parents!? Of course, they look alike!" Uno smacks Nico's head.

My mom chuckled. "Jyugo how are you?" She asked. "I'm fine, nothing new really [M/N]." Jyugo shrugged it off. "I brought you cookies for you while cell to share." She handed Nico one of the bags.

"UWAAA COOKIES!!"Nico cheered. "Hey, Nico share some with us cause 'sharing is caring'". Rock said. "Hey, you should be the one talking because you always hog the food [Y/N] gives us," Uno complains.

"Jyugo your inmates are lively." My dad chuckled. "I have to through this every single day but without them, every day would not be boring." "Okay mom and dad, we have to keep going," I said while looking at my watch. "Okay [Y/N]~" mom sang. I walked while my father is next to me.

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