Four Months Later

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"Wow" I said into the phone. "I can't believe it, thank you for calling Gregory"

"No problem"

I hung up the phone and sat there for a while. How am I going to tell her? How will she react? She can't have too much stress on her right now the doctor said her blood pressure is getting high.

I stood up from my desk and left my office closing the door behind me.

Walking into the bedroom she was laying on the bed watching tv. "Hey" she looked up at me and smiled. "Are you done working? I'm bored"

I sat on the bed. "Valentina I've got some bad news"

She sat up and payed close attention to me. "What?"

"You're mother died"

She held her mouth open wanting to say something but no words came from her mouth. Her eyebrows curled into a look of concern.

"It finally got her huh?"

I nodded after realizing what she was talking about. "Took her long enough" she laughed but they turned into sobs. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she cried.

"It's okay" i said as I rubbed her back.

She wiped her face and let me go. "I have to go see him"

"See who?"

She stood up and went into the closet. "Vincent"

"Oh" I said remembering about her half brother. "That's not weird to you?"

She sniffed and struggled to pull on a pair of jeans. "A little but he did nothing to me"

I watched her as she tried to button her pants. "This isn't working, I'm getting too fat"

I chuckled as she changed into a dress.

I've never seen a woman grow into a mother. I've never been subjected to such an honor of being a father to a child from the start. This time I'm going to make everything count from the start.

"I'll take you" I said standing. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my keys off the counter. "Kenny" I called.

He walked toward me playing a game on my phone.

"Go get your coat and shoes on" I told him. He handed my phone and ran off.

Valentina walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water.

I walked behind her and rubbed her arms. "Are you okay?" I kissed her neck as she nodded. She smells so sweet.

"I'm okay, I'm just thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

She shrugged and turned around, facing me.

"What's Vincent going to go now with a mother?"

I shrugged not knowing what answer to give her. "He can have you"

She rubbed my face and looked into my eyes. "No more stinky boys"

I laughed and looked down as Kenny grabbed my leg.

"I'm ready, daddy"

I smiled and picked him up.

We walked out the house and got in the car, heading to Gregory's house.


I looked out the window up at the sky. It was rainy and grey clouds spread throughout the sky putting a sad tone of everything.

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