Dear Departed

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I stared at the ground while I sat on the table in one of the rooms the nurse brought me too. I hate hospitals, it smells like old people and cleaning supplies.

"Ma'am" the nurse said. "I am going to insert an IV now"

I nodded still looking at the ground.

Bradley kept his hand on my shoulder squeezing it tight. I would try run but Bradley still has a gun and I don't want him to kill me. Besides I'm way out of energy.

"Have you been drinking water?"

I thought back to twenty minutes ago when Bradley trying to force water down my throat in the car.

"Yes" I lied.

"Hmm" She hummed and pulled a light out of her pocket. "Follow my finger" she pointed the light in my eyes.

"I can't see" I squinted.

"Okay" she put the light back in her pocket. "I'll go get the doctor"

"Hurry please we have somewhere to be"

"Sure" she smiled. "Ms. I need you to change into these clothes" she opened a cupboard in the room and handed me one of those hospital gowns.

"She doesn't need this, why does she need this?" Bradley snatched it from me. "We need to be on our way"

"Sir its best if we get her more comfortable, she's malnourished"

He scoffed and tossed the clothes back at her. "I'll make sure she drinks some water" he grabbed my arm and pulled me off the table.

It was so fast that I couldn't even put my feet on the ground. I fell forward hitting my head on the floor.

"Sir!" The woman yelled.

I rolled over and held my head. "Ahh" I groaned in pain.

"She's fine, get up you're fine"

I began to push myself off the floor when Bradley picked me up by my waist and placed me on my feet.

"Keep this up and see what happens" he whispered sharply in my ear.

He held onto my waist as he led me out.

I looked around for the woman but I couldn't see her. I couldn't see anything, my vision was blurry.

"Bradley wait!" I cried. "Wait" I pushed him off of me. "I can't see" I held my head.

"I'll help you in the car"

I stood there for a second and my vision started to come back. I blinked a couple of times and I looked at Bradley's face.

"Okay" I sighed. "I just needed a moment"

"Good girl" he smiled at me. We walked to toward the elevator. I looked around for some place to go, anywhere to run and hide from him. I saw I sign that said exit and had a picture of a staircase.

This is my time. It's now or never. Either I run and get away from him or he takes me with him to God knows where.

I inched away from Bradley just a bit as he was distracted by pressing the elevator button.

My legs moved before the rest of my body did and I ran for the staircase.

"Fuck" I heard him whisper as I opened the door.

My heart was pumping and I seemed to move in slow motion. I wasn't even tired anymore, I felt like I had more energy than I've ever had in my entire life and I needed to get rid of it.

I flew down the staircase jumping down each flight until I got to the bottom. Opening the exit door it introduced me to an alleyway. I began to run toward the cars on the street when I felt a strong hand pull me back.


I groaned as I hit the ground hard on my back, again, knocking the air out of me.

"You thought you could do it huh? You thought your little legs would carry you far and by the grace of God you would get away from me, huh?" He laughed manically. "Well no, He's on my side! I'm not letting you go!"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Try something funny again and you'll never walk" he poked something into my back.

My lip started quiver and I cried loudly.

"Stop crying!" He yelled isn't my ear. But that only made me cry louder and harder.

A few moments later a blue car pulled up and Bradley opened the trunk of it. "Since I obviously can't trust you anymore, you have to get in here"

"No!" I wailed.

"In!" He pointed the gun at me.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my sleeves and slowly crawled in. "It won't be long" Bradley said looking down at me.

I cried even harder when he closed the trunk.

Joshua's not going to find me. How could he? I don't even know where I am and the police probably aren't even aware of where I could be.

I'm going to die here.


We pulled up at an old, beat up house surrounded by trees.

"Lets go in" I said to Nate.

I opened the door and pulled the gun out from the back of my pants.

Nate kicked the front door in and we ambushed the inside. My other two bodyguards where checking the outside of the house.

"Nothing" Nate yelled from the other room.

I walked toward the living room and looked around. There was beige coach and a few desk chairs. "Nothing" I said hopelessly.

"We'll find her" Nate said.

"What if he knew we were coming and fled with her?" I asked.

"He couldn't have, don't lose hope"

"It's hard not too when we keep getting dead ends. What now?" I asked.

"Sir!" I heard someone outside. I walked out and Thomas and Marco were messing with something.

"We got something"

I looked at it and it was Valentina's ring. Broken.

"He fucking knows" I said put my hands on my head.

"Calm down" Marco said.

"No I won't calm down, I can't fucking calm down he has my wife"

"What's that noise?" Nate asked.

I shut up and listened. My phone was ringing. I ran over to the car and answered it quickly. "Hello?"

"It's me" a raspy voice said.

"Valentina! Oh my God where are you!"

"We're parked at a gas station in Henning County" she cried. "I'm in the trunk of a blue car. The license place it VVRHS237"

"Okay babe"

"Please help me Joshua!" She cried louder into the phone. "He's going to kill me"

"I'm coming babe" I said hopping in the car. "I'm on my way now, don't worry"

"I can't breathe" she groaned.

"Breathe slow, take deep breaths"

She started breathing shakily then started to cry again. "Don't cry, I'm coming, Henning county is 30 minutes away from me, I'm coming right now"

"Hurry Joshua" she whispered. "I have to go, he's coming"

"I love you" I said quickly.

"I love you too"

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